Chapter 542 Rescue 1
Some things cannot be rushed.

"I'm tired, let's go back to rest first, we have to hurry tomorrow." Mu Nuo got up and said to Yu Chikyung.

"Okay." Yu Chikyung nodded towards Mu Nuo, and obediently followed Mu Nuo back to the cottage.

Looking at Yu Chikyung's posture, Tian Ye sighed softly.

Yuchi Kyung, who doesn't have all the memories of the past, and doesn't know what's going on, can't help but feel a little panicked, but, especially when he saw the gap in strength between him and Mu Nuo, he could feel that Yuchi There was a sense of impatience and anxiety in Kyung's heart.

Naturally, he wished that Yu Chikyung could recover as soon as possible, but unfortunately, there is no rush for these things, and haste makes waste.

Picking up the wine bottle he brought, he directly took a sip, as if venting something.

"Actually, the lord has never thought of competing with you for anything. The six realms, the lord doesn't look down on you." It was very indifferent words, but there was a lot of pride in the words, but there was no hatred at all. , only Ling Ran and all the arrogance.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, as long as I believe in her!" The words were full of hatred and distressed, very decisive.

Tonight, these two words have been lingering in Tian Ye's ears, and they can't go away for a long time.

It's because their minds are too narrow, and it's because they judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. They never thought that they blindly pursued, regarded it as a treasure, and guarded it desperately. However, in the eyes of others, it was never nothing. , no, it should even be said that these things have never been able to enter her eyes.

But it was their little thought that finally led to the current situation, a situation that no one wanted to see.

If he returns and they return together, will he forgive them?
Can everything be the same as before?

can you?I'm afraid I can't.


With Mu Nuo's company, Yu Chikyung suppressed the uneasiness in his heart silently, and fell asleep peacefully.

And Mu Nuo carefully restrained the aura of dark power on his body.

Although Yu Chikyung's body is quite different from before, the memory of the past made her dare not take any risks.

She was worried that the dark power in her body would hurt Yu Chikyung.

The wound on his body has not healed, and now he has to suppress the dark power on his body. It is destined not to be so easy to heal this wound.

This time, Yu Chikyung slept very peacefully, and Mu Nuo was also gently adjusting the fluctuation of his spiritual power.

In the early morning of the next day, the three of them left directly from Beidi College to Jingshui God Realm.

And before Mu Nuo left, he put in a lot of effort to set up a layer of enchantment for Beidi College to protect Beidi College.

From the bottom of her heart, she still doesn't want Beidi Academy to be destroyed by the Yinzong people. Even in the end, her enchantment still can't resist the Yinzong people's attack, and she is determined to kill the Yinzong people. Pay a heavy price.

Returning to the Jingshui God Realm again, Tian Ye chose the National Teacher's Mansion as his foothold.

Due to various reasons, Yinzong people absolutely dare not trespass into the National Teacher's Mansion, and they do not have the ability to break through the formation he personally set up and enter the National Teacher's Mansion.

Furthermore, whether it was the prime minister or the people from the General's Mansion, they were all placed in the National Teacher's Mansion by Tian Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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