Chapter 543 Rescue 2
Thinking about it, Mu Nuo should also hope to see the prime minister and the people in the General's Mansion well.

After seeing the General's Mansion and others, and making sure that they were safe and sound, Mu Nuo asked Tian Ye: "Where are the three of them, Yi Feng?"

"Still in the palace, in the palace they used to live in." Tian Ye said to Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo: "!"

Still in the palace, still living in their palace?
How is this going?

Yifeng, Yiqing, and Jun'an used to be Yuchikyung's confidant, Yuchikyung's right-hand man, and the Yinzong people forced Yuchikyung to death, so they still keep these three people?

Doesn't Yinzong know that these three people will never betray Yu Chikyung anyway, and they also feel deep pain and disgust towards Yinzong?
The Yinzong people have a brain twitch?
From the beginning to the end, Mu Nuo never doubted that these three people would retain everything they enjoyed before because they betrayed Yu Chikyung and chose to join the Yinzong.

"You trust them." Tian Ye said to Mu Nuo in an unclear manner.

"I don't trust them, I trust Yu Chikyung." Mu Nuo replied indifferently.

She believed that the confidants trained by Yu Chikyung would not be fooled by Yinzong's coercion and profit.

If they accepted the Yinzong so easily, then they are not worthy, and it is impossible for them to become Yu Chikyung's rare confidantes for so many years.

"Their cultivation bases have been dismantled. Now, they are worse than ordinary people. They are imprisoned in the palace without any freedom." Tian Ye explained to Mu Nuo.

He is satisfied with Mu Nuo's explanation.

Tian Ye's answer was within Mu Nuo's expectation.

"I'll go and rescue them." Mu Nuo decided immediately.

"You have to think clearly, the Yinzong people will definitely expect that if you return to Wei Yuntian, you will definitely go to rescue them, and they must have laid a net in the palace." Tian Ye reminded.

"So what?" Mu Nuo asked indifferently.

Could it be that she will be afraid of the net of heaven and earth?

If Yinzong really deployed a large number of people in the palace, it would be a good time to train her and give the Yinzong people guarding the palace a pot!
Looking at the full confidence on Mu Nuo's face, Tian Ye couldn't help being taken aback.

Then, he took out something from his bosom, held it in front of Mu Nuo, and said to Mu Nuo: "If you really can't handle it, you can throw this thing out, and you don't have to worry about the next thing."

Mu Nuo took the thing that looked like a jade pendant from Tian Ye.

The material of this thing is very strange, it looks like jade, but it is very different from jade, and the spiritual energy flowing inside is even more strange.

"Thank you." Mu Nuo didn't hesitate at all, and directly took the jade pendant over and put it away.

"When are you going?" Tian Ye asked Mu Nuo.

"Is there a closed secret room?" Mu Nuo didn't answer Tian Ye's question directly, but asked about the secret room.

"Yes." Tian Ye replied very simply.

As he expected, Mu Nuo's injuries still haven't healed, and last night it seems that the dark force in his body has been preventing the body from repairing his body. As a result, Mu Nuo's injuries not only did not heal, but became a little worse.

"Give me one day, and don't let anyone disturb me." Mu Nuo said in a slightly cold voice.

None of the people in the National Teacher's Mansion cultivates the power of darkness. If she wants to recover as quickly as possible, then she needs to fully mobilize the power of darkness in her body.

(End of this chapter)

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