Chapter 544 Rescue 3
"Okay." Tian Ye readily agreed.

The sealing effect of the secret room of the National Teacher's Mansion was far better than Mu Nuo thought, but within half a day, Mu Nuo's injuries had healed, and it took Mu Nuo another half a day to control the fire power in his body again. After a while.

Although the power of fire cannot be used as freely as the power of wood or the power of darkness, at any rate, it will not affect the use of the other two.

As night falls, it's really a good time to do it.

The Yinzong people know that Mu Nuo cultivates the power of darkness, but they don't know that as long as Mu Nuo doesn't want to expose the dark power in H's body, the strong wood power can well cover up the power of darkness in Mu Nuo's body. the power of darkness.

Therefore, none of the arrays or instruments prepared by Yinzong for detecting the power of darkness could be used.

The magic weapon specially used to sense the power of darkness can't work, and the rest of the formation, or the people of the hidden sect, can no longer stop Mu Nuo's pace.

Yinzong, after all, underestimated Mu Nuo's strength, or because Yinzong repeatedly defeated many masters, he couldn't come up with a strong enough lineup to guard the palace of Jingshui God Realm.

"Why is this wine so bad today?" As Mu Nuo gradually approached the palace where Yi Feng and others were, the complaints became more and more obvious.

It was Yi Feng who complained.

"It's good enough to have wine, what else do you want?" Yi An's extremely speechless words followed.

"It's unpalatable! It's really unpalatable!" Yi An's relief didn't seem to have any effect, and Yi Feng's complaint was two points heavier, and as the words fell, there was a clear and crisp sound of the wine jug falling to the ground and breaking.

The guards stationed at the gate of the palace heard the sound of the wine jug breaking inside the palace, with nothing but helplessness on their faces. After sighing, they let people in to clean up.

And the palace servants who were about to go in to tidy up, just pushed open the door, and immediately blasted out with a burst of scolding.

The palace man looked at the guards at the gate of the palace with dissatisfaction on his face, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Those three people are so ignorant, they should have been killed early, given their current situation, who can save them? "

He was really fed up with the torture of these three people day and night, but there was an order from above that the three of them could not be killed, and even the wounds could not hurt them even half of them, so they could only serve them well.

"You think we just want to guard here? Even if you don't want to guard the orders from above, you have to obey them." The guard said with a heavy sigh.

"I said, you..." The guard was still thinking about complaining to the palace man, but when he saw the palace man who was still complaining to him just now, his eyes closed, his body softened, and he fell straight down.

"Hey, this..." The guard wanted to ask what was going on, but just as he opened his mouth, he immediately lost consciousness.

A darker aura suddenly appeared at the gate of the palace. From the outside, the guards were still guarding the palace with all their heart. It was nothing the same.

No one could see, a petite figure quietly and quickly appeared at the gate of the palace, the next moment, there was no such petite figure at the gate of the palace.

The palace gate, which had been closed, opened again.

"Hey, let me tell you, do you owe scolding? After being scolded so many times, you still want to come in. Are you masochists, or..." With deep disgust, he spoke halfway, but did not continue .

(End of this chapter)

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