The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 561 Concentration Not 14

Chapter 561 Concentration varies 4
"This mountain is actually not very high, but the mountain road is not easy to walk. There are many twists and turns, and there are many dark-type spirit beasts. Don't worry, you will always reach the top of the mountain, and you will always see those three plants. "Dongfang Qianling said with a bit of worry and worry.

"I know, please rest assured, Dean." Mu Nuo assured Dongfang Qianling again.

Seeing the confidence on Mu Nuo's face, Dongfang Ganling let go of the worries in his heart, and said to Mu Nuo: "I will contact you again when you reach the top of the mountain. Before you reach the top of the mountain, don't think too much about it." , no matter what you see, it is all illusory, not real, and all your thoughts are on the mountain."

"Okay." Mu Nuo agreed again.

Dongfang Ganling's words are also telling Mu Nuo that there may be a phantom formation in the mountain, and if Dongfang Ganling can say such words with such a serious expression, the phantom formation in the mountain must not be underestimated.

As soon as Mu Nuo finished speaking, the light on the mirror disappeared.

Putting away the mirror, Mu Nuo formally walked to the top of the mountain with a few beasts.

Because of Dongfang Ganling's warning, Mu Nuo did not rush to the top of the mountain, but walked slowly. If people ignore the pitch-black environment where you can't see your fingers, people who don't know it may really regard Mu Nuo as a person who came here. Tourists who visit mountains and rivers.

As Dongfang Qianling said, the distribution of dark power in the mountain is very uneven. Where they first entered the mountain, the concentration of dark power is extremely high. However, as the height of the mountain increases, the concentration of dark power around On the contrary, it is decreasing. Even though the concentration of dark power will increase in some places, overall, it is decreasing, which is somewhat abnormal.

There are also dark spirit beasts all over the mountain, but the aura emanating from the fantasy intentionally or unintentionally, not many dark spirit beasts dare to come to Mu Nuo. Xiaobai Dahong Huanyuan, who had been sharpening his knife for a long time, was beaten to find his mother, and finally ran away in despair.

Although this mountain forest is large, the reproductive ability of the spirit beasts here is very low, and no outsiders have come to disturb them for so many years, especially the closer to the top of the mountain, the ability of the spirit beasts to fight is even lower. Sometimes, It is enough to get rid of the flower of Dahong.

Along the way, apart from constantly adjusting the absorption of the dark power, Mu Nuo was very relieved to hand over the rest to the few spirit beasts around him.

When he got to the mountainside, Mu Nuo could clearly feel the concentration of the dark power around him increased, but not too much. It was the same as the concentration at the foot of the mountain when he just came in, very strong, but still in Mu Nuo, and a few within the acceptable range of a spirit beast.

When going up again, the change in concentration suddenly becomes very different. Perhaps, this is the real sharp change in concentration that Dongfang Qianling said.

Due to the sharp change in the concentration, Mu Nuoben had to slow down his fast pace a lot, and pay more attention to the changes of the surrounding dark forces.

After a while, Mu Nuo's frowning brows couldn't help but wrinkle more and more.

The concentration of dark power here is not just as simple as different environments. Mu Nuo even felt that the dark power here was running around like a group of uncontrolled children.

Even if you stand still, the concentration may be very light for a moment, and the concentration of the power of darkness is so thick that it is almost suffocating for the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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