Chapter 562 Illusion 1
It was like a storm of dark power!

If you want to reach the top of the mountain like this, when will you have to go?

"Master, don't worry." Xuan Huan's slightly cold voice sounded slowly.

Hearing this, Mu Nuo closed his eyes and began to feel the changes in the dark atmosphere around him.

Because he is concentrating on feeling it, the fluctuations produced when the dark breath changes have a greater impact on Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo's face could not help showing a few touches of pain.

However, the greater the pain caused by the storm of dark power to Mu Nuo, the calmer Mu Nuo's heart became.

It is also necessary to calm down. If you don't calm down, then the pain you will suffer will only be greater, and it will be more difficult to find out what is wrong.

Mu Nuo didn't know how long the time had passed, it seemed that many days and nights had passed, and the pain caused by the dark force storm gradually became numb.

Finally, Mu Nuo finally discovered that there is a place where the concentration of dark power is always the strongest no matter how the concentration changes around it.

Almost recklessly, Mu Nuo hurried to that place.

Naturally, with such a rapid advance, the damage of the dark force storm to Mu Nuo will only be greater.

Several times, Mu Nuo almost felt that his spiritual sea was about to explode, and blood poured into his throat many times, but Mu Nuo chose to ignore all of them. If the spiritual sea was not right, he would suppress it forcibly, wanting to vomit blood , then swallow it again.

In short, get rid of all distracting thoughts and go to the place where the concentration of dark power is the strongest.

"Keep moving forward!" Just as Mu Nuo was about to stop at the place where the concentration of dark power was the strongest, Dongfang Qianling's voice suddenly sounded from the mirror.

Without any hesitation, after hearing Dongfang Ganling's words, Mu Nuo continued to aim at the place where the dark power concentration was the strongest, without stopping for a moment.

When he completely entered the place with the highest concentration of dark power, the darkness in front of him was suddenly replaced by dazzling white light.

The strong white light made Mu Nuo close his eyes involuntarily.

At this time, Dongfang Qianling's voice sounded again: "You can't close your eyes, you must not close your eyes!"

The hasty words made Mu Nuo forcefully keep his eyes open and refused to close them no matter how uncomfortable his eyes were.

Before the doubts in his heart had time to emerge, Mu Nuo's doubts had already been resolved.

The staring with the strong white light did not last for a long time, but after a while, the strong white light around him disappeared.

In its place was a hilltop, a hilltop that didn't look like anything out of the ordinary.

There is no dazzling white light, nor endless darkness where you can't see your fingers.

The blue sky and white clouds, green grass, looks so normal.

"See the three grasses beside the cliff?" Dongfang Ganling's voice sounded again.

Listening to Dongfang Qianling's words, Mu Nuo looked towards the cliff.

I saw that there were really three small grasses beside the cliff.

It's just that these three grasses are no different from the surrounding grass. If it wasn't for the space between these three grasses and other grasses, Mu Nuo really wouldn't have noticed those three grasses.

"So that the power of pure darkness and the power of wood are fused, and slowly poured into the three grasses, and then slowly pull up the three grasses through spiritual power, so that the three grasses can come to your body beside.

When the three plants of grass come to you, the container will naturally come out, allowing the three plants of grass to grow in it. "

(End of this chapter)

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