Chapter 575 Strike 2
If it were people from Shuiqianjing and Weiyuntian, they would feel oppressed by the blackness even if they saw the black aura, even if the energy released by the dark force was controlled and would not hurt them, they would still feel oppressed by the blackness. There will be no such excitement as the people of Cangqingdi.

And the people who were haunted by the power of darkness felt a rush of blood gushing from the depths of their hearts.

As the black breath became more and more intense, the sick people could feel the faint vitality emerging from the cocoon.

The sickness on his face gradually disappeared with the force of darkness entering his body, replaced by a rosy and healthy complexion.

The people watching outside couldn't see the changes in the patient's face because of the power of darkness, but the people in the power of darkness could clearly feel the changes in their bodies.

A quarter of an hour later, Mu Nuo pulled away the power of darkness. After the power of darkness was removed, the sick people showed their faces again. When other people saw the healthy look on the faces of the sick people, they were very surprised.

In particular, the family members of the sick people were very happy and excited when they saw that their family members who had no power to recover had recovered their health.

One of the recovered people, feeling the seemingly endless power in his body, couldn't believe it. With a trembling voice, he tried to ask Mu Nuo: "Dare to ask, I... am I recovered?"

Such cautiousness and disbelief are all ecstatic after recovery.

Mu Nuo looked at the people who were interrogating, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and nodded lightly but firmly: "Yes, your illness is already cured, and you don't have to worry about this happening again in the future."

Although I can feel that the physical discomfort has completely disappeared, and although I probably know that my illness is cured, but after hearing Mu Nuo's affirmative words, a big stone in the hearts of the sick people really fell. Quickly knelt down to Mu Nuo, expressing his gratitude with the most sincere etiquette.

Seeing the common people kneeling towards him suddenly, Mu Nuo quickly flashed a look of bewilderment.

In her cognition, these people are not considered to be sick at all, and helping them solve this trouble is an easy task, not to mention, it is also mixed with her selfishness.

She hopes to train the people of Cangqingdi into a powerful army.

In this way, to a certain extent, it was she, Mu Nuo, who plotted against the people in Cangqingdi.

But at this time, Mu Nuo didn't know that the easy things in her eyes, for the people who have been devastated for many years and faced with this situation, they are desperate or hopeless, and now they finally have this kind of pain. The sick people were successfully cured, which showed that they would no longer lose their precious lives because of such a common disease.

However, Mu Nuo was Mu Nuo after all, although he was surprised in his heart, he did not expect the people in Cangqingdi to be so excited, but, in just a few breaths, Mu Nuo had already given up the slightly ups and downs in his heart. re-stabilized.

Raising his hand, Mu Nuo slowly said to the people kneeling on the ground: "Everyone please come up, this is just a little effort, I really can't afford such a big gift like yours."

As he said that, Mu Nuo didn't give the people a chance to choose, but used his spiritual power to secretly support the people.

Feeling the force that helped him get up, the common people were surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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