Chapter 576 Strike 3
At this time, the people watching finally came to their senses, and someone said loudly to Mu Nuo: "Please save my son, girl, he is also in the same situation."

"Yes, and my old father..."

For a time, the common people were chattering.

This kind of situation is too common. If we investigate one by one, I am afraid that at least one-fifth of the people in Cangqingdi have already experienced such a situation.

Seeing this, Mu Nuo frowned slightly, raised his hand, and said loudly: "In fact, this is not a disease, and it will not take people's lives."

When Mu Nuo's words fell into the ears of the common people, it was like a boulder falling on the surface of a calm lake, causing huge ripples immediately.

How could this not be a disease?How could it not take human life.

Over the years, it is unknown how many people in various countries have lost their lives due to this disease.

What is even more distressing is that the more outstanding the talent and the more accomplished the children, the sooner they often contract this strange disease and die young at a young age.

This is not only the grief of a family, but also the loss of a country.

Excellent talents, no matter when, no matter where the land is, are in great demand.

But, unfortunately, heaven is jealous of talents.

Over time, each family even hoped that their children would be more dull and not so smart, so that they might not be taken away by the heavens so early.

When the common people were talking about it, Mu Nuo's other words shocked the common people even more.

"In fact, this is not only not a bad thing, on the contrary, it is a great gift from heaven, and you can even regard it as a gift from heaven." Mu Nuo said slowly.

As soon as Mu Nuo finished speaking, the common people froze like chickens.

Whether they had auditory hallucinations, or the girl made a slip of the tongue and died young, how could it be a good thing?How could it be a gift from God.

The disbelief and surprise on the faces of the people were all within Mu Nuo's expectation.

Mu Nuo even believes that if there is no "performance" at the beginning to make the people believe that she is really capable of helping these dying people get back to health, I am afraid that when she speaks the first sentence, He was about to be drowned by the spittle of the common people.

Amidst the doubts, Mu Nuo slowly explained to the people: "This is actually a sign of the awakening of the spiritual sea. As long as the spiritual sea is awakened, you can practice."

After finishing speaking, Mu Nuo didn't pause any longer, nor did he take care of the surprise and doubt on the faces of the people.

"Once you enter cultivation, the situation that you have been fearing all along will disappear, not only will it disappear, but you will even have great power.

I don't know if you have heard of Shuiganjing and Weiyuntian. Maybe even if someone knows about these two places, they will only think that these two places are just barbarian places, and there is nothing worth knowing about them. However, I I want to tell you that Shuiganjing and Weiyuntian are not only not barbaric lands, but their conditions in all aspects are far better than Cangqingdi by several times.

The next thing you see is the situation at Cangqingdi. "

As he said that, Mu Nuo waved his sleeves, and a light curtain appeared in midair, and the image presented on the light curtain was exactly the prosperity of the capital of Beiyun Kingdom.

The common people stared blankly at the pictures presented on the light curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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