The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 594 Abolishing the Harem 2

Chapter 594 Abolishing the Harem 2
"As for you..." Yu Chikyo glanced at the concubines slowly, and his tone was as cold as ice, "The following offenders, from now on, all of you will be deposed as ordinary people, and you will leave the palace immediately. The palace cannot accommodate you big Buddhas."

When everyone heard it, they obviously didn't believe what they heard.

Did they hear correctly, the emperor wants to drive them all away?

They didn't do anything wrong, at most they just listened to Concubine Zhang's words and came to join in the fun. All the things were created by Concubine Zhang herself.

In such a situation, it is reluctant to be charged with one or more crimes, and it is even more a joke-like decision to drive them all out of the palace under such circumstances.

Concubine Ming, who was usually quite courageous, straightened up suddenly, and said to Yu Chikyung: "Your Majesty, my concubine refuses to accept."

It must be a big mistake for the concubine to be kicked out of the palace.

They didn't even know if it was a mistake or not, and they were about to be kicked out of the palace.

"This is my decision, not discussing it with you." Yu Chikyung snorted coldly, then turned around and left with Mu Nuo, as if he came here just to read out this decision.

This decision not only frightened the concubines, even the queen mother did not expect Yu Chikyung to do this.

After the queen mother was stunned for a moment, she immediately followed the captain's footsteps. She wanted to find out whether Yu Chikyong really planned to dismiss the harem for Mu Nuo.

"Ming... Concubine Ming, I...Are we..." Yugui came to the side of Concubine Ming who was already stunned, and asked cautiously.

Just now when the nobleman approached Concubine Ming, she was pushed away forcefully by Concubine Ming: "Don't approach me!"

After that, Concubine Ming stumbled to her feet, and then stumbled towards her own palace.

She is not reconciled, she has worked so hard for so many years, and finally got this position, and even if she got this position, she is not married to the emperor, so she was asked to leave the palace so easily, how could she willing?

But, even if you are not reconciled, so what?
Could it be that the emperor can take back the imperial decree?

No, no, the emperor must treat them like this because of concubine Shu. Therefore, as long as concubine Shu can intercede for them, then the emperor can take back the will. After all, the harem and the front are always the same. One body, one hair can move the whole body. It is impossible for the emperor to abolish the entire harem just for a little Jing Zhaoyin's daughter. Then, how can the emperor stop Youyou's mouth.

Yes, that's how it is. Maybe the emperor just became angry for a while, as long as the emperor's anger subsides, then everything will not change, she is still the concubine empress of the Ming Dynasty.

She was going to find Concubine Shu, to find Concubine Shu.

Thinking like this, Concubine Ming hurried to Qifeng Palace.

However, since Qifeng Palace was repaired, Mu Nuo has not lived in it for one night. As long as he lives in the palace, he must be nesting in the bedroom of Huanlong Palace. Qifeng Palace is useless.

The Huanlong Palace at this time is also lively.

The Empress Dowager looked at Yu Chikyung and Mu Nuo with a face of confusion and constipation, and looked at the two people who were dealing with their own affairs, but showed an incomparable tacit understanding.

"Queen Mother, if you have anything to do, just tell me. Both Erchen and Mu Mu still have a lot of things to do." Yu Chikyung replied to the Queen Mother in the midst of his busy schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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