The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 595 Abolishing the Harem 3

Chapter 595 Abolishing the Harem 3
As if hesitating for a long time, the queen mother tentatively asked: "Chen'er, you just said that you want to drive all the women out of the harem?"

"Well, not bad." Yu Chikyung quickly responded to the Queen Mother.

"But, will this cause turmoil in the court?" The Queen Mother asked with a frown.

"If they don't like it, I have more people to take their place." Yu Chikyung said casually.

Although it is time to employ people, but it is also a blood change. If such a big thing happens in Cangqingdi, it will naturally touch the interests of some people and be opposed by some conservatives.

For these things, Yu Chikyung had already thought about the countermeasures, and he had already thought about the new candidates for various important official positions.

The queen mother was taken aback when she heard the words, no matter how iron-blooded she was in the harem and how powerful her wrists were, in the final analysis, she was just a woman who used to live in the deep palace, and she didn't know much about court affairs.

"Mother, the son will not only drive the group of women out of the palace just now, but there will not be any concubines in the harem except Mu Mu, and there will be no concubines in the future." Yu Chiyu put down the cinnabar pen in his hand and looked up. Said to the Queen Mother with a serious face, before the Queen Mother could react, Yu Chijing suddenly got up again, came to Mu Nuo's side, took Mu Nuo's hand, and said to the Queen Mother: "Besides, if the Queen Mother is idle recently If you do, you can prepare for the big wedding between Erchen and Mu Mu, and I will formally marry Mu Mu as queen."

Listening to Yu Chikyung's words, the queen mother couldn't digest it all at once, but the second news was easier for the queen mother to digest. Although Mu Nuo's background was a little lower, but as long as Yuchikyung liked it, as long as he could give birth to an heir for the royal family, It is not completely impossible for Xu to be a queen.

However, if the entire harem is abolished for the sake of her, isn't this... a bit too deviant?
"No... this... this..." The queen mother was so surprised that she didn't even know what to say.

"Empress Mother, when I brought Mu Mu to meet you for the first time, I told you that I would not touch those women in the harem, and even if I kept them, it was just a decoration. What's more, Today, they still want to plot against Mu Mu, which is really unforgivable.

In the next few years, or even several years, Erchen and Mumu didn't play with them so leisurely. "Yu Chikyong said directly to the Queen Mother.

Yu Chikyung's words made the Queen Mother suddenly fall into deep thought.

At one time, she thought that Yu Chikyung was just joking about what she said, and she was just trying to be fresh for a while. She thought that after a while, the novelty towards Mu Nuo was gone, and she presumably forgot what she said at the beginning.

And these days, Yu Chikyung didn't mention the abolition of the Six Palaces again, and it seemed that he no longer had this meaning, so she felt even more that Yuchikyung's words were just a whim.

But he never thought that it wasn't that Yu Chikyung didn't move, but that he was too busy all the time, too lazy to move, or too lazy to think of countermeasures one by one, so he drove them all out of the palace.

In deep thought, the Queen Mother left Huanlong Palace silently.

After the Queen Mother left the Huanlong Palace, Mu Nuo slowly raised her eyes to look at Yu Chikyung.

Mu Nuo's gaze made Yu Chikyung's scalp tingle immediately: "My concubine looks at me like this, because I think I look very good-looking today, so that my concubine can't look away?"

(End of this chapter)

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