Chapter 644
This is just too absurd.

No, no, he must not agree.

Before Yinrui refused, Mu Nuo asked Ming Siye, "What's your opinion?"

Then, before Ming Siye spoke, Mu Nuo added: "Don't worry, your life is of no use to me."

These words were more like speaking to Yinrui.

For a moment, Yinrui's face couldn't help changing again.

After Ming Siye heard Mu Nuo's astonishingly straightforward words, instead of feeling angry, he laughed out of his heart: "This is a good idea, and I don't like to be disturbed by others during the competition." , your request, I agree."

"Si Ye!" Hearing that Ming Si Ye agreed to Mu Nuo's request hastily, Yin Rui was angry and worried.

"Okay, don't worry so much." Ming Si Yefeng said lightly, with a bright smile on his lips.

After finishing speaking, Ming Siye quickly set up a dark gray barrier, and as the barrier fell, Ming Siye's voice rang in Yinrui's ears: "Don't try to break this barrier, otherwise , I will be backlashed."

Following Ming Siye's voice, the barrier was successfully formed, and Yinrui and other guards were isolated.

This anger made Yinrui's teeth itch, you brat!
"Come on, do you want me to let you do a few tricks?" After the enchantment fell, Ming Siye's face suddenly showed a bit of excitement and excitement.

Although he clearly knew that the young girl in front of him was her first day in the underworld. According to common sense, she should not have started training in the underworld. In other words, she should be just an unarmed rookie .

However, before the start of the competition, he actually had the excitement of meeting his opponent.

"Start directly, don't talk so much nonsense." Mu Nuo said concisely.

Hearing Mu Nuo's words, the excitement and excitement on Ming Siye's face couldn't help but increase.

Xuanhuang's voice also sounded in Mu Nuo's mind: "The strength of this kid in front of you cannot be underestimated."

"I understand." Mu Nuo calmly replied to Xuanhuang.

As soon as Mu Nuo finished speaking, a faint black aura rose from Mu Nuo's body.

Seeing the black aura around Mu Nuo, Ming Siye's expression finally changed.

The duration of this competition was not too long. After about half a quarter of an hour, the dark gray barrier slowly disappeared.

Seeing that the barrier disappeared, Yinrui immediately stepped forward to check on Ming Siye's injuries.

However, what he expected didn't happen.

No matter whether Mu Nuo was injured or Ming Siye was injured, there was no scene, and there was no picture of either side being dejected because they lost the competition.

What appeared before his eyes was an extremely strange picture.

I saw that Ming Siye was begging and begging Mu Nuo: "Can you teach me? Just teach me three tricks? Two tricks? It's really not possible, one trick, or even half a trick is fine, just teach me." me."

Yinrui looked at the strange scene in front of him in bewilderment. Ming Siye, who was supposed to be aloof, was begging for a lowly new ghost at this moment.

Suddenly, he had to wonder if his own eyes were hallucinating.

(End of this chapter)

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