Chapter 645 Miss 1
Or are the identities of these two people reversed?

"Ahem, Si Ye..." Yin Rui could not help calling Ming Si Ye.

One, ignored, and called again: "Si Ye..."

"Please, just one move, one move, okay?" It was still Ming Siye who responded to Yinrui's sincere plea.

Yinrui: "..."

"Si Ye!" Unable to bear it any longer, Yinrui couldn't help but raise his voice, calling out to Ming Siye.

"You are very noisy." Ming Siye frowned and said to Yinrui.

Yinrui: "..."

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?" Yin Rui asked Ming Siye angrily.

When this matter was mentioned, Ming Siye immediately showed a look of both joy and distress: "Yinrui, hurry up and beg her for me, I want to learn from her, let me tell you, she can Much better than those so-called masters."

Hearing Ming Siye's words, Yinrui couldn't help but think to himself: If the "so-called master" you speak of hears it, I'm afraid he will chase you and beat you again.

But at the same time, Ming Siye's words made Yinrui a little more suspicious of Mu Nuo's origin.

Ignoring Ming Siye, Yinrui took a step forward and asked Mu Nuo with a serious face: "Who are you, and what do you want to do in the underworld? Why are you so anxious to go to the underworld?"

"I want to save my partner, I need to find the flower field of Manjushahua in the underworld." To Yinrui's surprise, Mu Nuo didn't hide anything from him.

"That's all?" Yinrui obviously asked in disbelief.

"Otherwise, what else can I do? Do you think I still want to seize the throne and become the new master of the underworld?" Mu Nuo said casually.

"Presumptuous!" Yin Rui couldn't help shouting, these words were really too arrogant and rude, and also really too daring.

"Otherwise, you can teach me a trick, and then I'll take you directly to the Manzhu Shahua Flower Field, okay?" Ming Siye said directly to Mu Nuo without much thought.

As for disrespect or insult, Ming Siye didn't care at all.

"Okay." Facing the deal proposed by Ming Siye, Mu Nuo readily agreed.

As long as Shehua can be rescued, not to mention teaching Ming Siye one and a half moves, even if it is teaching ten moves and eight moves, so what.

"Okay, okay, then you can teach me now." Ming Siye said impatiently.

"If I can successfully rescue my partner, I will teach you." Mu Nuo did not choose to agree to Ming Siye.

Ming Siye hesitated for a while, but finally agreed to Mu Nuo's request.

"Then let's set off immediately." Having received Mu Nuo's promise, Ming Siye couldn't wait to return to Ming City as soon as possible, and take Mu Nuo to find the flower field of Manzhusha Lake. able to teach him how to practice.

To set off immediately is something Mu Nuo can't wait to do.

"You come here first." Yinrui dragged Ming Siye to the back hall of Yuecheng Mansion with a stomach full of doubts.

Ming Siye, who was dragged away by Yinrui, complained: "The girl is still waiting in the hall, it's not good for you to drag me away like this..."

"Shut up!" Before Ming Siye finished speaking, Yinrui scolded Ming Siye with a straight face.

Ming Siye didn't dare to speak anymore, and just let Ming Siye pull him away.

When he came to the back hall, Yinrui not only closed all the doors and windows, but also carefully set up a barrier, which was not at the same level as the barrier set up in the restaurant on the edge of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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