Chapter 646 Miss 2
Yinrui asked Ming Siye with a solemn face: "Are you serious about what you said just now? Are you really going to take her to the city of Ming, and also to the Manzhu Shahua Flower Field? Do you know that Manzhu Where is the Shahua Flower Field?"

Hearing Yinrui's words, Ming Siye immediately rolled his eyes: "Although I don't like it there, I've lived there for so many years, how can I turn a blind eye to such a large field of Manzhushahuahuahua?"

"Since you know, you still want to bring someone?" Yinrui asked angrily.

Compared with Yinrui's worry and anxiety, Ming Siye blinked and asked in puzzlement, "Is there any problem?"

Yinrui was amused, did this kid Ming Siye know what he was doing?
"Okay, don't worry, although that girl is indeed very powerful, but there is an old man at home, where can she go to trouble, besides, I think it's a way to recruit talents and masters Good timing." Ming Si Ye said with a few gleams of light in his eyes.

"It seems that you have already made plans." Yinrui looked at Ming Siye with some scrutiny.

"That's natural." Ming Siye raised his chin and said, very confident.

"Let's listen to it." Yinrui frowned and said.

With a bright smile on his face, Ming Siye said to Yinrui as if he had picked up a treasure: "She cultivates the power of darkness."

Yinrui: "!"

He is very clear about what the power of darkness represents.

Nowadays, there are not many places where the power of darkness is still cultivated, but it happens that they have a good relationship with them, and the owner of that land has no coveting heart for their underworld at all.

Those who can freely enter and exit the underworld...

Now Yinrui is completely relieved of Mu Nuo.

If such talents can stay in their underworld, then it will definitely be a great help to the underworld.

Before the group of three set off, a voice sounded from Yinrui's ear, and Yinrui's expression changed immediately, and his gaze involuntarily looked in the direction where Mu Nuo was.

"What do you think Miss Mu is doing?" Ming Siye followed Yinrui's eyes, but seeing Yinrui was looking at Mu Nuo, he couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, let's go." Yin Rui patted Ming Siye's head lightly with his palm, and said to Ming Siye, looking away from Mu Nuo's body.

However, although his eyes had moved away, the shock in Yinrui's heart was still undiminished.

Just now Mu Nuo actually said to him:
"I will not stay in the underworld for too long, nor will I work for the underworld."

He wasn't surprised by Mu Nuo's indifferent interest in the underworld, but that he was still heard by Mu Nuo for the barrier he had set up with almost all his strength just now.

In this compartment, because of the identities of Ming Siye and Yinrui, Mu Nuo went directly from the fourth-level city to the highest-level city, Ming City.

At the same time, Wei Yuntian and Yu Chikyung's army also approached Yinzong's stronghold smoothly.

"How is the suzerain awake?" Protector Bai, who hurried back, anxiously asked Protector Hei.

The black protector looked downcast, and shook his head to the white protector.

"Where is the young master?" Guardian Bai asked again.

The black protector didn't answer the white protector's question, but that look had already told the white protector.

Protector Bai scratched his hair irritably: "What time is this, and you're still doing those things."

(End of this chapter)

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