Chapter 647 Miss 3
The young lord of Yinzong, Murong Xihan is an out-and-out lunatic, all his thoughts are on poisons and various Gu, often because of research, he can not eat or drink for several days in a row.

"Have you gone to tell him the current situation of Yinzong?" Protector Bai asked anxiously.

The black protector glanced at the white protector lightly: "Do you dare to disturb him?"

Protector Bai froze immediately when he heard the words. Murong Xihan's own strength is actually not too high, but Murong Xihan is very talented in poisons and Gu, and his room is full of all kinds of poisons. Gu worms crawled all over the room, like a paradise.

If ordinary people dare to enter Murong Xihan's room at will, they don't have to wait for Murong Xihan to do anything to those who disturb him, just the poison pervading the air, or the Gu insects crawling all over the room can torture people to death Life is better than death.

Protector Bai scratched his hair irritably, and asked again: "What about Miss?"

Just as Guardian Hei was about to speak, he chose to remain silent when he saw a figure approaching quickly.

"Bai Bai, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you miss me, don't you?" A charming voice suddenly came from behind Protector Bai. fragrance.

"Miss." Protector Bai froze and wanted to break free from Murong Yu'er's embrace, but Murong Yu'er's seemingly weak hand tied Protector Bai firmly in his embrace.

"Baibai, if you dare to break free again, be careful that I will throw you into my brother's room." Murong Yu'er's gentle words that almost squeezed out water made the guardians Bai and Guardian Hei present fight one after another. I shuddered.

Then, Protector Bai felt a hot and humid touch from his neck, which made his scalp tingle, but because of Murong Yu'er's words, he didn't dare to move a bit.

In the Yinzong, everyone knows that he and Hei Hufa are stronger than the suzerain, but few people know that the strongest in the Yinzong is actually not the suzerain Murong Chengyuan, but their seemingly cynical Missy.

Even if he and the black protectors join forces, they will not be Murong Yu'er's opponent, let alone Murong Yu'er still has such a noble status.

As if disgusting Protector Bai was enough, Murong Yu'er finally let go of Protector Bai's hand, and sat on the imperial concubine chair beside her.

After Murong Yu'er sat down, an attendant immediately came forward to serve her.

There are male and female attendants, and the only thing they have in common is that they look very good.

"You two, why are you in such a hurry to call Miss Ben back?" Murong Yu'er slumped on the chaise longue, enjoying the service of the attendants, and occasionally ate the tofu from the attendants, with an extremely lazy expression. asked with an attitude.

"The army of Jingshui God Realm is about to attack." Protector Bai replied respectfully to Murong Yu'er.

Hearing this, Murong Yu'er's expression didn't change much, she said casually: "Since they want to attack, let's attack, how much does it have anything to do with Miss Ben?"

The faces of Protector Bai and Protector Black both changed when they heard the words.

The army of Jingshui God Realm was about to hit the door of the house, and they still said that they had nothing to do with her?

"Isn't there still a guardian array outside?" Seeing the shock on the faces of the black protector and the white protector, Murong Yu'er glanced at them indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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