Chapter 685 Small World 1
"Father Ye." As soon as Ye left Mu Nuo's palace, his feet went limp and he was about to fall down, but She Hua held Ye up in time.

Ye slightly shook his head: "Don't worry about me, you can go to heal your wounds, or go back to accompany your master."

Shehua glanced at Ye worriedly, Ye waved at Shehua, and left.

Supporting his frail body like this, Ye slowly walked back to his bedroom step by step.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he couldn't hold on any longer and fell directly to the ground.

In order not to let anyone notice anything wrong, so as not to spread the news to Mu Nuo, the moment he fell to the ground, Ye swung his sleeves and directly closed the door, and at the same time, set up a barrier.

"The Righteous Lord is worthy of being the Righteous Lord." Ye sighed helplessly and shook his head.

Even though he can no longer find anyone with the same strength as him in this world, he still has to admit that the gap between him and the Yizhu is not small.

He abolished nearly [-]% of his cultivation, but he could only help the righteous master recover [-]%.

"I want to leave the magic palace." Mu Nuo suddenly said to Shehua when Shehua returned to the bedroom.

She Hua was shocked when he heard the words: "But the master's cultivation has not recovered yet."

Mu Nuo glanced at She Hua lightly: "I want to go back and get medicine for Ye."

Mu Nuo's "go back", Shehua actually realized it.

At the junction of the end of the Demon Realm and the God Realm, there is a space. It is said to be a space, but it is actually like a small world. No one can tell how big it is.

But this small world is just Mu Nuo's home, and the magic palace is not really counted.

That small world is another world jointly created by Mu Nuo and the already-emerged Creation God. Except for them, no one else can enter this small world.

"It hasn't been opened there for many years. If the master goes back at this time, it may alarm people in the God Realm." She Hua said hesitantly.

Hearing the word "God Realm", the expression on Mu Nuo's face did not change much, but the breath around him involuntarily cooled down.

"What does it have to do with the God Realm if I go back to my own home?" Mu Nuo snorted coldly.

Then, without waiting for Shehuaduo to say anything, Mu Nuo said: "This time, I won't take you back. You stay in the magic palace and recover from your injuries. I hope that when I come back, your injuries will be healed. "

"En." Shehua knew that as long as it was something Mu Nuo decided, no one else could change anything.

What's more, in that small world, since the Creator God emerged, the owner has rarely gone there, and even if he went, he would not bring other people with him.

"When does the master want to go?" Shehua asked.

Mu Nuo straightened his sleeves, and said in a slightly cold voice, "Go now."

"Master, go early and return early." Shehua bit her lip and said to Mu Nuo.

"Okay, I know." Mu Nuo said with a smile.

She was just going home, this little girl, what did she think she was going to do.

Half a month later, there was a large-scale shock in both worlds of gods and demons.

"What's going on here?" Above the Golden Luan Hall, the Heavenly Emperor asked in a deep voice.

"Back to the Emperor of Heaven, this shock... seems to come from the end of the sky." A divine monarch bowed and said to the Emperor of Heaven.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the Golden Luan Hall.

They all know what is at the end of the sky, isn't that the creator god and that one's residence?
(End of this chapter)

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