Chapter 686 Small World 2
The year 2000 seems very long, but for the gods whose lifespan is almost endless, these 2000 years have not passed too long.

What happened 2000 years ago, except for some new little gods who don't know, most of the gods present are very clear.

"I see, I'm here first today." The Heavenly Emperor said with a grim expression, and then he got up and left the Jinluan Hall.

There was a change in that place, and there was only one explanation, that is, that person came back.

The Emperor of Heaven, who hurried back to the harem, just met the Empress of Heaven who was coming to look for him.

"Participate in the Emperor of Heaven." The Empress bowed to the Emperor of Heaven.

After helping Futian, the Emperor of Heaven asked quickly, "How is the prince, have you woken up?"

"Just woke up." Tian Hou said immediately.

"Just woke up?" Heavenly Emperor asked with a touch of surprise.

His complexion didn't get any better after the day, "He just woke up when the shock happened, as if he knew what happened."

Hearing Tianhou's words, the Heavenly Emperor's face became even more ugly, and he hurried to Dongqi Palace.

"Hao'er, what do you think?" When he came to Dongqi Palace, the Heavenly Emperor immediately put on a smiling face, but there was a bit of worry on his smiling face.

Di Hao didn't seem to hear the worry of the Emperor of Heaven, but slowly turned his head to look at the Emperor of Heaven, and then at the Queen of Heaven, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Hao'er, what are you doing looking at your father and queen like this?" Tianhou asked with a bit of sadness.

Her son left in 2000 and finally woke up, but she was greeted with such eyes, which is really sad for a mother.

"I can feel the shock of the God Realm." After sleeping for many years, Di Hao's voice was a little hoarse.

Hearing Di Hao's words, the expressions of the Emperor and the Empress suddenly changed, and they couldn't help but sink two points.

"Yes, the God Realm was shaken just now, but it's all right now." The Heavenly Emperor said in a low voice.

"Is it the end of the sky?" Di Hao asked, although the words were doubtful, but he was very sure.

Looking at Di Hao's cold and clear eyes, the Emperor of Heaven suddenly lost his intention to hide it, but admitted it very generously: "Yes, it is indeed a shock coming from the end of the sky."

"Is she back?" Di Hao asked again.

Hearing Di Hao's words, an evil fire rose in the Emperor's heart, but looking at Di Hao's pale face, he couldn't bear to spread the fire on Di Hao, and said truthfully, "I don't want Know."

He really didn't know if that one really came back, but everyone knew very well that such a big movement could be heard from the end of the sky, and that would only happen if that one came back.

"I'm going to find her." With a pale face, Di Hao lifted the quilt off his body and was about to get off the ground.

Seeing Di Hao's weak but persistent expression, the fire in Tiandi's heart could not be held back at last, he raised his hand to slap Di Hao, and slapped Di Hao directly to the ground.

Di Hao's already pale face quickly had a red palm print, and it swelled up quickly.

"Heavenly Emperor." Tianhou couldn't help calling out worriedly, and then looked at Dihao on the ground with distressed eyes.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Di Hao who was struggling to get up, saw his extremely pale face, and the bright palm prints, and felt very regretful and distressed in his heart, but his face was still tense, and his reason told him, Don't be softhearted.

(End of this chapter)

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