The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 720 Impossible Together 1

Chapter 720 Impossible To Be Together 4
After finishing speaking, Yu Xi raised his lips and smiled.

"No, Xi'er, for you, I can..."

Before Di Hao finished speaking, Yu Xi said: "Even if you want to give up the God Realm, we can't be together, because the Di Hao in my heart is not you, and he has never left my heart. , do you understand?"

After hearing Yu Xi's words, Di Hao asked unwillingly: "But we once fell in love, and the past 2000 years, can't this make you forget him?"

Yu Xi looked at Di Hao, with a hint of apology in his eyes, and said to Di Hao: "I used to pay attention to you, but I just thought you would be him, and the next 2000 years, it was just the memory of the world, I chose you in the mortal world, but it does not mean that I have decided to accept you.

Adding up, it was just over 2000 years, but do you know how many years have passed between me and him?From the time when the world was not yet formed, we have existed in this world immediately, and we have already fought side by side and experienced all kinds of things. In front of this, the time of 2000 years is just a flick of a finger. "

After hearing this, Di Hao's face turned extremely pale.

"Dihao, I have never blamed you for what happened in 2000. If you want to blame, you can only blame me for being sorry for you. From now on, we will treat each other as acquaintances, and let's be wonderful together." Yu Xi said with a bright smile on his lips.

It seems that such a bright smile can wipe away all the past 2000 years at once.

"Is it really impossible?" Di Hao asked again without giving up.

Yu Xi only smiled and shook his head: "I wish you to find your own happiness as soon as possible."

Di Hao looked at Yu Xi in a daze, and forced a smile with difficulty: "I also wish you to find someone who can replace him as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Di Hao turned around and left directly.

How can the smile that was finally squeezed out be maintained.

He knows exactly where his happiness is, and he doesn't need to look for it anymore, but he knows where happiness is, but he can never get it.

When Di Hao first came to the barrier of the small world, he saw the God of Light waiting for him outside the barrier.

"Why are you here?" Di Hao asked with a bit of dejection.

"My lord told me, let me pick you up." Seeing Di Hao's appearance, the God of Light frowned slightly and said.

"Let's go back." He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, and said calmly, no longer feeling depressed.

Seeing Di Hao's leaving back, the God of Light frowned more and more. Such a calm Di Hao is really scary.

Speechless and silent all the way, Di Hao quickly returned to Tiangong.

The first thing to do when returning to Tiangong is to force the palace.

In fact, it can't be considered a forced palace.

Being tormented by Yu Xi, the Heavenly Emperor didn't even have the strength to sit up, how could he continue to lead the God Realm.

The Emperor of Heaven also seemed to understand his current situation. Facing Emperor Hao who came to ask him for the Zen position, he hesitated for a moment, and then ordered people to resign the edict of the Zen position.

The Heavenly Emperor of the God Realm has finally changed hands, and the God Realm will become stronger and stronger.

In the small world, after sending Di Hao away, all the strength in Yu Xi's body seemed to be taken away by someone.

After thinking about it, Yuxi left the small world, the God Realm, and the Demon Realm, and returned to the Three Continents.

One day in the God Realm, one year in the Human Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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