Chapter 721 Feathering 1
It is the same conversion in the Demon Realm.

After a year of retreat in the demon world, more than 300 years have passed in the human world.

In the past 300 years, the human world has developed very smoothly.

Cangqingdi has changed from the weakest realm to the strongest realm. In Cangqingdi, most of the natural people still practice the power of darkness, but there are also many people who practice other natural forces.

Just like more than 300 years ago, a war between countries would break out from time to time. Although the war is prompting people to practice, the consumption of such a long-term war is too much for them. After more than 300 years, it has become The weakest of the three continents.

If it is said that the one that has changed the least is Wei Yuntian.

Wei Yuntian's strength is still not bad, only compared to Cangqingdi, but there is not much difference. After Yinzong was completely eradicated, Wei Yuntian has been in harmony for more than 300 years.

Yuxi came to the palace of Jingshui God Realm.

For more than 300 years, the palace called Jingshui Shenyu has not changed much.

As for the palace where she once lived with Emperor Hao, that is, Yu Chijing at that time, it was regarded as the most sacred place by the descendants of Jingshui God Realm, and no emperor would ever live in the palace.

With a stretch of figure, Yuxi disappeared from the cloud, reappeared, and appeared in the palace.

The palace maid in charge of cleaning the palace saw Yu Xi who suddenly appeared, and was so startled that she subconsciously screamed. Yu Xi flicked his sleeves lightly, and the palace staff fainted to the ground.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, the pictures of the year 2000 appeared in Yuxi's mind one after another, and could not be dispelled for a long time.

In the current human world, there are no more acquaintances from the past.

Those who can't cultivate at home have already reported to the underworld due to the limitation of their lifespan. If their cultivation is good, they have gone to the fairy world to continue their cultivation after more than 300 years, striving to become a god and enter the god realm as soon as possible.

Just in that cold palace, I stayed alone all night, and early the next morning, I left the palace where I had lived for a while.

In the Three Continents, as an ordinary person, Yu Xi wandered casually for three months, visiting all the places he had lived and experienced.

Three months later, Yuxi returned to the Demon Realm.

With Ye's help, Yu Xi forcibly broke the life-and-death contracts with all the beasts, and after having a big meal with Ye and Hua Xu, he left the Demon Realm and returned to the small world.

Ye drank wine for three days and three nights in a row in the bedroom, not wanting to do anything.

Looking at Ye's appearance, Hua Xu frowned, turned around and left the Demon Realm, came to the God Realm, and came to the residence of the God of Light.

"Demon Emperor?" The God of Light was very surprised when he saw the appearance of the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor has always paid little attention to external affairs, and his relationship with the God Realm is not good, but it is not bad either.

For tens of thousands of years, the number of times the Demon Emperor came to the God Realm can be counted on the fingers of one's fingers.

As for him, there is no even half of friendship between the God of Light and the Demon Emperor.

"Tell you Xin Tiandi to go to the small world quickly, otherwise, I'm afraid he will regret it in the future." The Demon Emperor suppressed all the hesitation in his heart, and said to the God of Light.

The God of Light couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't immediately understand what the Demon Emperor meant by saying that.

However, this daze did not last long. In a blink of an eye, the God of Light understood what the Demon Emperor wanted to express.

(End of this chapter)

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