Chapter 722 Feathering 2
Now if you want to say that there is only one who can make Di Hao feel regretful.

And the one who will experience...

"Just these days?" Thinking of this, the God of Light's expression suddenly changed.

The Demon Emperor nodded firmly.

"Oops!" The God of Light turned around and was about to leave.

However, he just took a step, but stopped: "But... even if he knows, so what, no matter how talented Di Hao is, he is only a junior, and his strength is limited. I can't stop it, instead of telling him to watch..."

"Do you know that Di Hao is the name of the God of Creation?" Yao Huang said suddenly, and then said: "This name was given by the righteous Lord, and the reason for giving the name is Di Hao's primordial spirit, who is Yi The Lord Guards forcibly put away the primordial spirit that should belong to the heaven and earth, and used half of his cultivation to re-condense it."

"You mean, Di Hao has half of the cultivation of the Venerable Lord, maybe he can stop the Venerable this time..."

"Yes, not bad!" The Demon Emperor answered immediately.

Now, the God of Light did not dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately headed towards where Di Hao was.

At this time, Di Hao was not in other places, but was reviewing the memorial in the book hall.

But his expression seemed to be frozen, expressionless.

"You follow me immediately." The God of Light came to the book hall, and immediately took Di Hao's hand, intending to forcibly pull Di Hao away.

"Where are you taking me?" Di Hao asked blankly.

"I'll take you to see the Lord." The God of Light said hastily.

When Di Hao heard the words of the God of Light, he immediately shook off the hand of the God of Light, returned to the desk, and continued to review the memorial.

"The lord is about to become a feather." The God of Light looked at Di Hao and said anxiously.

The pen in Di Hao's hand suddenly fell on the table, and he raised his head in a daze: "Impossible."

"In order not to implicate her beasts, the lord has forcibly terminated the contract with them." The God of Light said in a deep voice, and then said: "The lord and the god of creation are gods of the same period, and the god of creation is already in the same period. They emerged hundreds of thousands of years ago, and many gods and demons who were born later than the Lord and the Creator God have also emerged, and the Lord, who has lived for a long time, also... it is time..."

After the God of Light said this sentence, Di Hao's figure immediately disappeared from the book hall.

Feather, feather...

This is different from the death of ordinary mortals or monsters.

Mortals or monsters die, they will continue to live in the underworld, or they will fall into reincarnation and live in this world in a new form. Although they have forgotten their previous lives, at least they still live in this world.

Compared with other races, the lifespan of gods and demons is unknown how many times longer, but God is fair.

God gave the two races of gods and demons a seemingly endless lifespan, but in reality, no one can escape when they emerge. Once they emerge, they will completely disappear from this world.

To some extent, it can't be said that it disappeared completely, but it turned into misty dust and sunlight, and was endlessly decomposed and became a part of the world.

Born in the world, and finally returned to the world.

The Creator God couldn't escape, and the Lord Yuxi couldn't escape either.

When Di Hao came halfway, the God Realm suddenly experienced a huge shock.

It's not just the God Realm, it should be said that it's the Six Realms, the whole world, there are strong vibrations everywhere, not just the vibrations.

(End of this chapter)

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