Chapter 723 Feathering 3
Hundreds of birds sing, ten thousand beasts mourn.

Whether it was the God of Light or Di Hao, seeing such a scene, they froze for a moment, and all the blood on Di Hao's face was drained.

Such a situation has also been recorded in ancient books.

This was also the case tens of thousands of years ago.

And that time, it was the emergence of the Creator God who returned to chaos.

There is only one possibility for the situation to be the same as that described in the ancient books, or even worse.

That is, the gods and demons who have the same merit as the Creator God will also be transformed into chaos.

In this world, the only one who can respect the God of Creation is the Lord Yuxi alone?

Regardless of the consequences, Di Hao tried his best to cultivate, and arrived outside the barrier of the small world as fast as he could.

The enchantment of the small world has been blocked by Yuxi.

As long as the strength is not as good as hers, it will not be able to break this enchantment.

Without any thought, Di Hao immediately tried to destroy the barrier of the small world with the greatest energy.

One, two, ten...

However, the barrier of the small world still has no traces of destruction, and it is still incomparably strong to prevent the entry of outsiders.

The closer to the small world, the closer to the barrier, Di Hao could feel how strong the fluctuations in the barrier were.

The records in the ancient books about the time when the Creator God Feather incarnated and returned to Chaos are actually not complete.

The place where the Creator God emerged was in the small world, and the barrier of the small world isolated most of the energy.

However, even if most of the energy is isolated, such a big movement can be generated in the six realms. One can imagine how much fluctuation will be produced when the Creator God really emerges in the small world.

Just like today's Yuxi's eclosion.



Di Hao called Yu Xi's name tirelessly, one after another.

This kind of title has always been called by only the creator god Di Hao.

When Prince Dihao met Yuxi for the first time, Yuxi asked Prince Dihao to address her in this way.

"I'll invite the Demon Emperor immediately!" The God of Light said immediately upon seeing this.

He didn't do anything, because he felt that the enchantment was contrary to his ability.

If he used his spiritual power to attack the barrier, not only would the barrier not be half damaged, but it would only cause him and Di Hao to suffer backlash.

Dihao's primordial spirit is the God of Creation, and he has the cultivation level of Yuxi, which is actually consistent with the energy of the small world.

If in another 10 years, Di Hao wants to break this barrier again, it will be a breeze.

It's a pity that the current Emperor Hao is still too young.

Demon Realm...

"I let Tian Di Hao go to the small world." The Demon Emperor looked at the slumped Demon Emperor, and said with a bit of reluctance.

"You are more thoughtful than I am, but it's a pity that it's useless." Ye held the bottle, stood up staggeringly, and said with a smile.

How strong is the barrier of the small world, he knows that with Di Hao's divine age of only 10 years, it is impossible to break the barrier of the small world.

"I thought you would blame me." The Demon Emperor tried to change the subject.

Ye burped, raised a smile uglier than crying, and said, "What can you blame? You think I don't know? The righteous Lord's heart has always been on the Chuangshi God, even if he has tens of thousands of feathers For many years, the righteous heart has always been on him.

Otherwise, Yizhu would not have taken such painstaking efforts to protect the primordial spirit of the creation god, restore it, and allow it to be reborn in this world with a complete life form.

(End of this chapter)

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