The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 741 The primordial spirit wakes up 3

Chapter 741 The primordial spirit wakes up 3
What kind of woman is the lord, the lord and the creator god are both respected, they are all created by the lord, the lord is their common mother, including His Majesty the Demon Emperor.

How could the lord fall in love with his own child and want to become his child's queen?Isn't this a mess?

Such a small guess is hereby revealed.

As for Yu Xi's choice to stay in the Demon Realm, night may be part of the reason, but most of the reason is because of Di Hao's primordial spirit.

The manzhushahua flower field created by the night not only gave birth to Shehua, but Yuxi discovered that this is also the best place to nourish Di Hao's primordial spirit.

She has already taken Di Hao through the Six Realms, and Di Hao's primordial spirit has become more stable, and Manzhushahua can help Di Hao's primordial spirit slowly wake up.

Yuxi's stay is another 10 years.

After 10 years, Yu Xi found Hua Xu excitedly, and said to Hua Xu, "It's a success, it's a success."

At first, Hua Xu, who was suddenly found, couldn't understand what success Yuxi was talking about, but after seeing Yuxi's excited face, he understood, and it should be Yuxi. The efforts of 30 years have finally paid off. Di Hao's primordial spirit has completed and is about to wake up.

"Are you awake?" Hua Xu asked in surprise.

Although, at the beginning, he was very disapproving of Yu Xi's giving up half of his soul in order to condense Di Hao's soul, but 30 years have passed, and he watched Yu Xi tirelessly nourishing Di Hao for 30 years. His soul, now, can finally wake up, he is very happy.

Not only is Di Hao happy to be able to return, but also happy that Yu Xi's thoughts can finally be understood.

30 years is really too long.

"Not yet, but now, as long as you find a suitable fairy fetus, you can wake up Di Hao through this fairy fetus." Although it is not possible to wake up Di Hao immediately, but this step has already been reached , Yu Xi didn't care about waiting for a while.

"Then you have found a suitable fairy fetus?" Hua Xu asked.

It is difficult to find a suitable fairy fetus, and it is even more difficult to ensure that you will not do anything against the laws of nature and morality.

"Yeah." Yu Xi nodded, if she hadn't found a suitable fairy fetus, Yu Xi wouldn't be so happy.

"Whose family's child?" Hua Xu asked.

"The child of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven." Yu Xi said to Hua Xu.

"The child of the Emperor of Heaven?" Hua Xu was very surprised when he heard this.

Yuxi nodded and said: "I've done the calculations, Tianhou's pregnancy was not at the right time, and it was very difficult for her to give birth. Even if she can give birth to the child smoothly, the child's soul has already died."

It was because of this that she chose the child of the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven.

When she chose, the conditions were actually not too harsh. As long as the mother of the child is a god, then the child cannot be born, and even if it is born, it will not survive.

With these two conditions alone, this is not a difficult condition for Yuxi.

The talent of a god is determined by its primordial spirit. As long as the primordial spirit is strong enough, the talent is enough. As for the external conditions, if the child's parents are not capable of cultivating him, then she will also secretly help to ensure that Di Haoyuan's The body in which God resides can grow smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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