The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 742 The primordial spirit wakes up 4

Chapter 742 The primordial spirit wakes up 4
However, from the bottom of his heart, Yu Xi also hopes that Di Hao can grow up in the best environment.

Therefore, the belly of the queen was finally chosen.

Hua Xu pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then asked: "How much time is left?"

"The primordial spirit of the child in Tianhou's womb will die at the seventh month. At that time, it will be the best time for Hao's primordial spirit to fuse with the child's body." Yu Xi said lightly.

Hua Xu opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak.

"Do you think there is anything to worry about?" Yu Xi asked Hua Xu.

Hua Xu looked into Yuxi's eyes and asked Yuxi, "Have you ever thought about the influence of Di Hao's primordial spirit on the queen's child's primordial spirit?"

If the soul of the child who entered Tianhou at seven months was an ordinary god, then he wouldn't worry about anything, but it happened to be the soul of the creation god Di Hao.

The Chuangshi God has the ability to create. If the Chuangshi God's primordial spirit and the Queen's child's primordial spirit live in the same body, then, according to the Chuangshi God's energy, it is completely possible to wake up the child's primordial spirit.

"You are worried. I have naturally thought about it. You don't have to worry about this. Before Hao's strength is fully recovered, he will temporarily lose the creative power that belongs to the Creator God. Therefore, he will not treat the child. What is the influence of the primordial spirit?" Yu Xi said calmly.

Before choosing Tianhou's child, Yuxi had already thought about various issues.

"What about the future?" Hua Xu asked again.

Seeing that Yuxi had spent 30 years, he really didn't want any mistakes in Yuxi's painstaking efforts.

"What about the future?" Yu Xi couldn't understand what Hua Xu wanted to ask.

"Based on the current situation, Di Hao is very likely to be the crown prince of the God Realm, the future Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven must have the Three Palaces and Six Courts." Hua Xu said seriously.

"This point, I have my own measure." Yu Xi's expression was still very indifferent.

Hearing this, Hua Xu sighed lightly: "Since you have already thought about everything, then I won't say much. When the time comes, call me."

"Okay." Yu Xi said with a smile.

Calculating the time, the current Tianhou is only about three months pregnant, and there are still four months before the death of her child Yuanshen.

For the past four months, Yu Xi was lucky enough to stay in the demon world.

The demon world managed by Hua Xu is surprisingly harmonious, because most of the high-level officials in the demon world are gentle-tempered grass-type spirit beasts. Can play together.

And during these four months, Hua Xu and Yu Xi seem to have returned to the old days, the days when the Creator God Di Hao was still there.

It's very relaxing to drink and talk.

After waiting for 30 years, four months have passed in a hurry.

Yu Xi looked at the sky, calculated the time, and said to Hua Xu who was sitting across from the chessboard, "It's time."

Hearing this, Hua Xu paused holding a white chess piece in the air, then stood up with a swipe: "Since the time has come, why are you still sitting here? Let's go!"

After speaking, he brought Yuxi and immediately came to Tiangong.

The fact that Tianhou's child Yuanshen will die in her womb, no one knows except Hua Xu and Yu Xi.

According to Yuxi's calculations, today, Tianhou will be poisoned by a concubine in the harem to murder the child in her womb, resulting in the death of the child's primordial spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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