The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 766 Borrowing for 2 Years 4

Chapter 766 Borrowing for 2000 Years 4
Everyone naturally didn't think there was anything wrong.

Even if they just saw the armor of the Creator God, they would not be able to resist coming to pay their respects. His Royal Highness has directly obtained the armor of the Creator God, and it is quite natural to come here.

"Come to the backyard and push open the door of the first room." When Di Hao passed through the first palace, Yu Xi's soft and gentle words rang in Di Hao's ears.

Dihao came to the backyard according to Yuxi's words, and was somewhat surprised when he saw the first house.

This house does not seem to have any special places, but no one has ever set foot in it.

Because, outside this house, there is a very solid barrier, which used to be the place where Chuang Shi Shen lived, and it is very appropriate to have a barrier here, perhaps Chuang Shi God does not want to call himself The place where I used to live is like any scenic spot, and it is open to people to visit.

Everyone is naturally willing to respect the wishes of the Creator God, so no one has ever set foot here.

"You can walk in, the barrier won't stop you." Yuxi's words sounded again.

Di Hao only thought that Yuxi had made some corrections to the enchantment. After all, the person who was at the same time as the Chuangshi God was also one of the creators of this world. After so many years, the Lord has the ability to modify it. .

When Di Hao crossed the barrier, he found that the scenery inside the barrier was completely different from the outside.

From the outside, the Jane Palace is just a very simple palace. Compared with the Tiangong, it is much inferior. However, after entering the enchantment, the grandeur of the palace can't help but be a little bit more even for Emperor Hao. surprise.

There is no splendor and splendor, just a simple white building, occasionally mixed with some black, but it is called the palace group in front of it. While maintaining the sanctity, it is also a little more mysterious.

"Welcome to Jian Palace." Just when Di Hao was in a daze, Yu Xi had already walked in front of Di Hao slowly.

It wasn't until he heard Yuxi's voice and saw Yuxi's appearance that the soul that Di Hao had lost all this time seemed to come back again. Facing Yuxi, he couldn't help stammering: "I... I don't know why I came here .”

Dihao's answer was within Yuxi's expectations, but she actually wanted to answer him: it's because of the memories and emotions kept deep in your primordial spirit.

However, in this case, Yu Xi would not say anything now, so he just smiled faintly and said to Di Hao: "Since you are here, let's come in and have a stroll."

"Okay." Di Hao subconsciously nodded, and then he couldn't help being stunned, why did he agree so simply?
Seeing Di Hao's dazed look, Yu Xi smiled again.

In the past, I really never saw Di Hao's appearance like this. Could it be that when Di Hao was young, he was actually a cute boy?
Or maybe it was the environment here that affected Di Hao, because there was no danger, and he could live in the comfortable Heavenly Palace for 10 years, that's why he developed such a lovely temperament?

"My lord..." Di Hao paused, and called out hesitantly.

"What's the matter?" Yu Xi asked indifferently.

" I look a lot like the God of Creation?" Di Hao asked suddenly.

When Yu Xi heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, but it was also fleeting, and asked quietly: "Why do you ask like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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