The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 767 Borrowing for 2 Years 5

Chapter 767 Borrowing for 2000 Years 5
"I don't know, intuition." Di Hao said with a slight frown, but it wasn't completely intuition.

It seems that there should not be many people who can make the Lord take care of him, and the God of Creation should be counted as one.

He has always felt that there should be some relationship between him and the Lord, which is why the Lord is so special to him.

Back then, he kept his primordial spirit and condescended to help him deliver the baby. In the future, he not only came to attend his [-]-year-old birthday, but also gave him such a precious gift. Today, the note said that again, and then brought him Arrived at the Jane Palace where the Chuangshi God once lived.

All of these things can't make him believe that it's all a coincidence, it's just the whim of Zunzhu Yuxi.

"Then what do you think?" Yu Xi raised her eyebrows and asked, she had to say that Prince Di Hao's delicate and sensitive mind was somewhat beyond her expectations.

"I don't know. I haven't seen the God of Creation, and I haven't even seen a portrait of the God of Creation." Di Hao shook his head sincerely.

In this world, there are no portraits of the Creator God, but this does not mean that there are no portraits of the Creator God. In her small world, or in this simple palace, there are still many Creation Gods However, because of her selfishness, she did not want to leave the portrait of the Creator God Di Hao outside.

The reason was Di Hao standing in front of him.

If the world sees that the God of Creation and the Prince of the God Realm look exactly the same, it will cause so many rumors. She is not afraid of trouble, but she definitely doesn't like trouble.

Before Di Hao recovered the memory and strength of the Creator God, she would never let others know that the Primordial Spirit of the Prince Di Hao was actually the Primordial Spirit of the Creator God Di Hao.

The ability of the Chuangshi God is envied by many people, and coveted by many people. It is a pity that the Chuangshi God passed away too early, and they could not spy on it. The Lord who has the same ability has unfathomable strength. There is also the demon world and the demon world as her biggest backing, with the existence of the demon emperor and the demon emperor, who would dare to do anything to the lord.

But if the world knows that the crown prince Di Hao is the Creator God Di Hao, and they still haven't regained their strength, then those people can't help but put their ideas on Di Hao.

This is what she doesn't want to see. Although Di Hao is very talented, but now, he still doesn't have enough strength to restrain all those who have different intentions.

"What would you do if I said you were the substitute of the God of Creation?" Yu Xi said suddenly.

This sentence caused Di Hao to be unable to recover for a long time.

What should he say, what should he say, he should be honored to be the substitute of the Creator God?
Or should he turn into anger from embarrassment and walk away directly, regardless of whether the person in front of him is the incomparably noble Lord Yuxi?

But, unfortunately, he didn't have these two kinds of thoughts in his heart.

But a very strange emotion.

Hearing Yu Xi's words, he didn't feel angry, it seemed that he still felt that the Lord Yu Xi was being mischievous again.

And... naughty again?

Di Hao was immediately surprised by his own thoughts.

"My lord..." Di Hao called out with some discomfort.

Yuxi smiled, "Okay, I won't bother you anymore, I didn't think about making Jiang a substitute for the God of Creation, but the fate between the two of us will be far deeper than you imagined. "

(End of this chapter)

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