The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 768 Borrowing for 2 Years 6

Chapter 768 Borrowing for 2000 Years 6
"Fate?" Di Hao asked puzzled.

Yuxi nodded: "Yes, do you know that when Tianhou was still pregnant with you, because a concubine intentionally framed you, your primordial spirit should have died when it was still in Tianhou's belly. I figured this out, so I came to the God Realm. At that time, your primordial spirit was indeed powerless. In order to save you, I cut off half of my primordial spirit to re-condense your primordial spirit. , Only in this way can your primordial spirit come back to life."

Hearing Yu Xifeng's calm words, Di Hao couldn't help feeling angry, and said angrily, "You're crazy!"

Di Hao's sudden roar made Yu Xi startled, but then he chuckled twice: "You know, Hua Xu said the same thing about me when she knew about it."

I don't know why, looking at Yuxi who doesn't care like this, seeing her who doesn't care about ordinary souls like this, Di Hao feels very angry, even though, the only remaining sliver of reason tells him that the person in front of him is respected. Lord, as a junior, he should respect him and not be angry with his lord like this.

But, unfortunately, he just couldn't contain his anger, so he didn't pay any attention to Yuxi.

"What's the use of being angry now? Could it be that you can return the general spirit of this deity?" Yu Xi said lightly, with a hint of teasing in his tone.


"Okay, the past is also in the past. I said this to you today, not to ask you to repay your kindness, let alone to ask you to do something. I am just explaining to you very purely that the two of us The relationship between them is not shallow, that's all." Yu Xi said very indifferently.

This actually made Di Hao want to break Yuxi's mind to see what she was thinking, and what caused her to give up half of her soul regardless of the consequences?
"If you really feel guilty, or really want to repay your kindness, then you can take a stroll around this palace with me, an old man." Yuxi said with a smile.

As soon as Yu Xi finished speaking, Di Hao immediately retorted, "You are not old."

"It just looks like it, but do you know how many thousands of years this deity has lived?" Yu Xi smiled lightly, and then said to Di Hao: "Come on, let me introduce this Jian Palace to you, otherwise, such an exquisite palace It's a pity that the palace will be so barren in the future."

Hearing Yu Xi's words, Di Hao felt a strange feeling in his heart, why did he feel that these were like dying words.

As everyone knows, for Yuxi, it is actually very reasonable to say some dying words now.

"Don't say those words." Di Hao said to Yu Xi with a frown.

"Did I say anything?" What she said just now was natural, but Yu Xi didn't care, and she couldn't help thinking about what she said, which actually caused Di Hao to have such worries.

"It's okay." Di Hao would not repeat the words.

The two walked slowly, Yu Xi introduced Jian Gong to Di Hao, and was also looking back at the beginning.

Jian's Palace is very big, and the two of them can't walk fast. Even if they walk around for a day, they can only walk one-tenth of Jian's Palace.

"Jian Gong is very good, can I come back tomorrow?" Before leaving, Di Hao asked Yu Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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