Chapter 789 Marriage 3
The Emperor of Heaven wanted to express his objection again, but after meeting Yuxi's eyes, his aura weakened by two points, but he still bit the bullet and said, "At least, you should discuss it with me, right?!"

"Discussion, this is something that only exists when the deity is in a good mood and has great patience. However, you have exhausted the little patience of the deity. Now, the deity is telling you, not talking to you. You discuss it." Yu Xi's tone was flat, but his attitude was very tough.

After finishing speaking, Yu Xi got up, with a faint smile on his face: "This meal, come to think of it, you probably won't be able to eat it."

After throwing down these words calmly, Yuxi left the hall alone.

Di Hao looked at his face with astonishment and a bit of panic. The two noble people sitting on the main seat were silent for a while, then sighed softly, and didn't say anything more. A little helpless: "Father, Queen Mother, and sons and servants have already run out. If there is nothing else, sons and servants have to go back to the palace to deal with the memorial."

Having said that, Di Hao turned around and wanted to leave too.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Di Hao was about to leave, Tian Hou immediately called out to Di Hao, "Would you still want to be with her with such a gesture?"

"These past days are the happiest days of my life. What the lord said is also my wish. Not only will I not feel wronged, but I will only feel very happy. If the father, the queen and the queen really If you want to do your son a favor, please don't worry about this matter." Di Hao said this very sincerely.

They have always thought that Yuxi is very strong, but in fact, Yuxi has never been strong, even if he controls the six realms, even if he controls the world, Yuxi's control method has never been to intervene in the affairs of all walks of life with a superior attitude. Instead, it integrates into the period and influences the development of the six realms in as natural a form as possible.

As for Yuxi's temperament, unless she was forced to push her too hard, otherwise, she looked no different from an ordinary boudoir lady, she looked so gentle.

This is what Emperor Hao felt, and he didn't feel wrong. Over the past 40 years, Yuxi's temperament has become much calmer than before, but this does not mean that this is really Yuxi's most authentic temperament. , Violent, vicious, in fact, it has always been hidden deep in Yuxi's heart, it is innate, it does not mean that time can erase it.

The peace of these 10 years is only because Yuxi devoted himself to the matter of restoring Emperor Hao's Yuanshen. The world has become much more stable. Compared with the past, there are fewer wars and battles. Therefore, Only then will the Yu Xi in Di Hao's cognition appear.

Although Dihao's feelings towards Yuxi may be wrong, what makes Dihao himself feel a little puzzled is that Yuxi's attraction to him is definitely not just what Yuxi shows on the outside, but a A clamor from the depths of his soul, he wants to be close to Yuxi, he wants to stay with Yuxi.

It's not that he doesn't care about the opposition of the Emperor and Empress. He would be happy if he could get their support, but if he couldn't get their support from the beginning to the end, then Di Hao would never give up because of this.

Looking at the back of Di Hao's persistent departure, the Emperor's brows were almost twisted together, and the Empress used this to directly say to the Emperor: "Your Majesty, look..."

(End of this chapter)

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