Chapter 790 Marriage 4
"You are right. It is indeed impossible to let this matter continue to develop." The Heavenly Emperor said in a deep voice.

Tianhou was overjoyed when she heard the words, but she didn't dare to show it too clearly, and tried to ask the Emperor of Heaven: "Then, Your Majesty, how do you think Wen'er is compatible with Hao'er?"

If Tianhou asked the Emperor of Heaven like this in the past, the Emperor of Heaven would definitely think, wait a little longer, and choose again. After all, Qiuwen is not the most suitable candidate for Emperor Hao in his mind, but now, with Yuxi as a comparison, he now She wanted to choose a noble concubine for Di Hao, but far from threatening his existence.

Qiuwen just met this standard, so the Emperor of Heaven readily agreed this time: "That's right, the next thing is up to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Hearing this, no matter if it was Tianhou or Qiuwen, they knelt down and thanked the Emperor of Heaven.

After deciding on this matter, the Emperor of Heaven did not stay in the hall any longer. What happened just now made the Emperor of Heaven have no appetite to continue to eat at all.

After the Emperor of Heaven left, Qiu Wen didn't hide her excitement and excitement at all, and she didn't care about the rules for a while, and immediately walked to the Queen of Heaven with a very excited expression.

Tianhou naturally didn't blame Qiu Wen for her lack of rules. The more excited she was in the face of this marriage, the more it could explain that Qiu Wen's expectation for this marriage was still the same.

She believed that Qiu Wen really liked Di Hao, and not just because of Di Hao's status, she gave her son to Qiu Wen to take care of. Tian Hou expressed that she was very happy.

However, besides being happy, Qiu Wen did not completely lose her mind. Qiu Wen still remembered what Di Hao said just now, and Di Hao's attitude was also very clear.

After she was happy, Qiuwen said to Tianhou with a touch of worry: "Auntie, I'm worried..."

Qiuwen didn't finish the sentence, but Tianhou also knew what Qiuwen was talking about. At this time, Tianhou had already thought of a countermeasure, and patted the back of Qiuwen's hand lightly, with a hint of determination in her eyes. Li Guang said to Qiu Wen: "You don't have to worry about this, I have already thought of a countermeasure."

"Really?" Qiuwen was very happy to hear Tianhou's words. If Tianhou could really make things happen, it would be a great thing.

Tianhou nodded slightly, and did not immediately tell Qiuwen what her method was, but ordered someone to invite the God of Medicine.

"The God of Medicine?" Hearing Tianhou's order, Qiuwen couldn't turn her head around for a while. She wanted to marry Di Hao smoothly, so what did she have to do with the God of Medicine? Can't take medicine?
Thinking of this, Qiu Wen's eyes suddenly brightened, yes, it seems impossible at the moment if it goes with the flow, so why can't you use medicine?
Happy to happy, Qiuwen still had some worries in her heart: "Auntie, if you want to use medicine on the prince's cousin, can it really work? The strength of the prince's cousin is almost impossible to find in the God Realm. The medicine is against the prince. Will cousin really be useful?"

Tianhou didn't feel surprised that Qiuwen could think of her plan so quickly. She always thought that Qiuwen was a very smart child.

"It's true that Hao'er is very powerful, but Hao'er doesn't know much about medicine. As long as the God of Medicine can prepare the medicine properly, then it won't be a problem. Naturally, Hao'er can't evade it." Tianhou said firmly, at this time, it seemed that she was not planning on her own son.

(End of this chapter)

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