Chapter 795 What's going on? 3
"I see." Di Hao said in a low voice.

No matter what the Demon Emperor said, he knew that if it wasn't for this incident, Yuxi would not have gone to the human world in the way of reincarnation.

"It seems that you have already made up your mind?" Hua Xu looked at Di Hao and asked calmly.

"Yes." Di Hao said firmly, originally, there was no need to hesitate.

In 2000, how could he be willing to ask Yuxi to face it alone, and how could he accept the time without Yuxi in 2000? , what should he do?
"Since you have made up your mind, then the emperor can help you. Even in reincarnation, you can always be by the righteous Lord's side. However, how good things are, it depends on your own good things." Hua Xu paid attention to the emperor. With Hao's expression on his face, he slightly hooked his lips.

He can probably guess what Di Hao is thinking.

The Venerable Lord is the Venerable Lord, and even if she enters reincarnation, her fate cannot be arranged by the commanding officer. Pluto is also powerless to the Venerable Lord's fate book, so no one will know about Yuxi's fate in the human world.

What's more, others don't know about Yuxi's descent to the world this time, but he knows why. He just wants to blend into the world without being bound by his identity. He wants to have a good relationship with Di Hao and enjoy a time that belongs to ordinary people. warmth.

"Thank you." Not much to say, and finally turned into two simple words.

Hua Xu just nodded lightly, and then, using his spiritual power, also sent Di Hao into reincarnation.

The red light disappeared, and Di Hao lay on the bed, motionless, like a living dead.

Although the divine body is still there, the soul has gone to reincarnation with Yu Xi.

Hua Xu looked at "Di Hao" who was lying quietly on the bed, and sighed softly, "I hope you can cherish the last 2000 years..."

As for how to explain to Emperor Hao who has lost his soul, Hua Xu just left a very brief message: After 2000, he will return, don't read it.

It is very rare for Hua Xu to be able to leave such a message. If it were not for worrying that 2000 years would be a long time, the God Realm would directly bury Di Hao's divine body. When Di Hao came back, he found his own divine body He has disappeared and been buried, and he has to bother to recondense his body, or find a suitable body again, so he won't bother!

The reason, he won't tell the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress Dowager, so let them worry about it. If you tell them, telling them to interrupt the love of the young couple, it would be a bit wicked. Such an unkind thing, Hua Xu, asked himself if it was right. will do.


Before the consciousness disappeared, the past, like a movie, quickly appeared in front of Yu Xi's eyes, and then quickly disappeared.

Actually, she should be satisfied, shouldn't she?

In this world, who else can live longer than her, and who can witness so much like her.

But why, does she still feel a little regretful?

It's a pity that she and Di Hao failed to achieve a positive result?

For the last time, Yu Xi looked at Di Hao, who was accompanying her to become immortal, with a smile in his eyes.

Actually, that's perfect, isn't it?

After a few moments, she, Yuxi, is about to disappear from this world. She doesn't know if there is a future, maybe, just like this, it's not bad...

(End of this chapter)

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