Chapter 796 What's going on? 4

"Master...Master..." An anxious voice kept ringing in Yuxi's ear.

When Yuxi slowly opened his eyes and saw clearly the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being shocked.

She... Shouldn't she have already become a feather?But, why, does she still appear here?

According to the surrounding environment, this is clearly the secret room where she retreated to the advanced spiritual level in the National Teacher's Mansion when she was still Mu Nuo.

He raised his hand, opened his palm, checked the energy in his body, and was even more surprised.

What she has now is the power that belongs to the Lord, not Mu Nuo.

what's the problem?

Just when Yuxi was wondering, a familiar figure appeared in the secret room.

"Hua Xu?" Seeing Hua Xu appearing suddenly, Yu Xi was even more puzzled, why did she feel like something happened that she didn't know.

"I knew you would be confused." Hua Xu said with a faint smile on his lips.

Yu Xi didn't speak, but waited for Hua Xu's explanation.

"It's Ye, that silly boy who gave up himself to fulfill you. Ye was originally created by you who abolished your many years of cultivation. After Ye Yuhua, the cultivation that once belonged to you, plus Ye's cultivation for so many years, is all gone. It has been integrated into your body, and you have been revived because of this cultivation." Hua Xu said with a soft sigh.

It's not that Ye is not crazy to do this, but it is also within his expectation, Yuxi is the whole world of Ye, if Yuxi becomes immortal, then Ye's world will collapse because of it.

When Yu Xi heard this, he immediately fell down and sat down on the cold ground.

Ye was born so that someone could better manage the Demon Realm, so that she could stay with Emperor Hao without distraction. For so many years, her thoughts on Ye were far less than Hua Xu's. .

But, in the end, Ye was still for her...

"It's not like the expression you should have." Looking at Yu Xi who was gradually surrounded by sadness, Hua Xu said quickly.

Yu Xi glanced at Hua Xu coldly: "Do you still want me to laugh?"

Although Di Hao almost occupied her whole heart, but it's human heart and flesh, she can't really have no feelings for Ye, but the feelings towards Ye and Di Hao are not the same.

"You have lived your life again, so you should laugh heartily." Hua Xu said naturally.

"Hua Xu!" Yu Xi called out sharply.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. In fact, Ye didn't really die. He is still alive, but now he is no different from a child." Hua Xu said immediately.

"What do you mean?" Yu Xi looked at Hua Xu and asked.

Hua Xu hesitated for a moment, then said to Yu Xi: "It's just... um, wait a minute..."

After all, a purple light flashed, and a child who looked only three or four years old appeared in the secret room, and that appearance seemed to be Ye's childhood.

Xiaoye saw herself suddenly appearing in a small closed room, and a trace of confusion and fear flashed across her eyes, but after seeing Yuxi, the fear in her eyes disappeared immediately, and she walked on her short legs. He quickly approached Yuxi, and when he came to Yuxi's side, he opened his arms and said crisply, "Mother, hug me!"

Yuxi "..."

(End of this chapter)

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