The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 814 Returning to the blue bottom 1

Chapter 814 Returning to the blue bottom 1
"Well, I see..." Dongfang Ganling replied casually.

Listening to Dongfang Ganling's insouciance, Cang Ling really wanted to throw the chessboard in front of Dongfang Ganling.

When is this, to play chess so leisurely, or to play with yourself.

If it was the time when they first came to Cangqingdi, even if the emperors of various countries wanted to take Cangwu Academy into their pockets, they would have enough confidence that the emperors of all countries would never return.

However, that girl Mu Nuo was too generous back then, she gave out the cultivation method as soon as she said it, without hesitation at all.

It is also because of Cang Qingdi's bloodline problem that they cultivated the power of darkness at a speed far beyond that of people in the water dry state. In just over half a year, many people have already stepped into the fifth level and above. Class goods.

The fifth level is actually not terrible, but if thousands of fifth-level practitioners are also practitioners of dark power, then it is no joke.

"What's the rush? It's just a bunch of jumping clowns..." Dongfang Ganling frowned, but it wasn't because of the troops surrounding Cangwu Academy, but because of the anxious situation on the chessboard.

"Master!" Seeing this, Cang Ling was so angry that she jumped up and down.

"Don't make a fuss, Ling'er girl, come and help me see, what should I do next?" Dongfang Qianling said leisurely as if he still didn't notice the severity of his gaffe.

"Master, do you really understand the situation outside?" Cang Ling couldn't understand Dongfang Ganling's carelessness.

"Cang Ling, don't worry, the principal has his own ideas." Ouyang Qingmu walked slowly and said.

Hearing Ouyang Qingmu's words, Dongfang Ganling's brows that had been furrowed all the time eased a bit, and said again and again: "Yes, Ling'er girl, look at you, you still don't understand me, Master."

After all, Dongfang Ganling excitedly dragged Ouyang Qingmu to play chess.

Seeing such a calm and composed demeanor, Cang Ling was extremely surprised.

Is this really her worrying too much?

However, outside Cangwu Academy, there are quite a few armies from various countries. After a rough calculation, there are actually 2 people who have reached the fifth level or above, and there are other practitioners of different levels.

Although they are not strong, they are superior in that they have enough numbers!
When Cang Ling was about to go crazy for the second round, Cang Xing came over and pulled Cang Ling away, and said softly to Cang Ling: "I heard from Master that the Lord will come to Cangqingdi soon, for the purpose of This matter."

"Who is the Lord?" Cang Ling asked subconsciously.

If it is said that among the six realms, no one in the other five realms knows the existence of the creator god and the lord, then the human realm is not very clear about these two gods.

Only a very small number of cultivators who have cultivated to a certain level will think about starting to understand the species world other than the human world.

And once you understand the things outside the human world, then you will definitely know the Creator God and the Lord.

"The creator god and lord who created the world and created all creatures and creatures." Cang Xing reminded.

Cang Xing didn't know anything about the God of Creation and the Lord before. When the emperors of various countries wanted to take Cangwu Academy into their pockets, he was as worried as Cang Ling. Naturally, he also I went to inquire about Dongfang Qianling.

Dongfang Ganling's answer to him was, don't worry, the Lord is back.

(End of this chapter)

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