The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 815 Returning to the blue bottom 2

Chapter 815 Returning to the blue bottom 2
It was at that time that he knew who the Venerable Lord really was.

"Respect...Honorable Master?" Hearing Cang Xing's words, Cang Ling was too surprised to speak.

If it is as powerful as Cang Xing said, then, such a powerful person, no, it is a god, will he really take care of such a small matter as Cang Qingdi?
As if knowing Cang Ling's doubts, Cang Xing said slowly: "Since Master said it's fine, then don't worry so much."

"Hmm..." Cang Ling nodded dully.

"Master, who are you here?" Cang Wu came in excitedly and said.

Seeing Cang Wu's excited appearance, Dongfang Qianling suddenly had a guess in his heart, the white piece that was originally held in his hand, accidentally fell directly onto the chessboard.

Seeing Dongfang Qianling like this, Cang Wu laughed, although he knew that the dean was very kind to that girl Xiao Nuo, but don't be surprised to be like this. long time.

"Xiao Nuo..." Seeing Yu Xi who came in with Cang Wu, Cang Ling and the others were naturally happy, but as soon as the words came out, they were suddenly attracted by Dongfang Qianling's strangeness.

I saw Dongfang Qianling immediately got up when he saw Yuxi, then knelt down and made a big salute to Yuxi.

Seeing Dongfang Qianling's gesture, everyone present was completely in the dark.

But Ouyang Qingmu guessed a little bit, and knelt down together with Dongfang Qianling.

If the behavior of Dongfang Ganling and Ouyang Qingmu made them feel puzzled, but what Dongfang Ganling said next shocked them.

"See Your Honor." Dongfang Qianling raised his voice and said.

When Cang Ling and the others heard the words, their mouths were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths. What did their master say?Lord?

As for the direction of Dongfang Ganling's kneeling, the person kneeling...

Is that Mu Nuo? !
So, this means that Mu Nuo is the legendary lord? ! !
The amount of information in this news is a bit large.

"Principal, don't be too polite, get up." Yu Xi said with a faint smile on his face.

"Thank you, Lord." Dongfang Qianling said in trepidation, and when he got up, he stood very cautiously, completely without the calmness of the naughty boy he once faced Mu Nuo.

Instead, he cautiously glanced at the few apprentices standing aside who were still in a daze, and said brightly in those eyes, those brats are still not grateful for saluting to the Lord, what are you doing here in a daze? !

Cang Ling and the others received the message from Dongfang Qianling, but their minds were still dazed.

In the past, Mu Nuo, who was their junior, suddenly transformed into a lord respected by the world. This... It was a bit unacceptable for a while.

"Sit down, I never care about these vain rituals." When Cang Ling and the others were still in a daze, Yu Xi said calmly.

Although Yuxi's appearance is not much different from that of Mu Nuo, the aura around him is quite different.

Until Cang Ling and the others sat down according to the instinct of the body, they still failed to digest the message that Mu Nuo is the Lord.

"The current situation, have you thought about a solution?" Yu Xi asked calmly.

"Responding to the words of the lord, the meaning of the minister is to punish the emperors of various countries with heavy punishments. As for the soldiers, a small punishment is enough." Dongfang Qianling replied with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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