Chapter 198

"Okay", he nodded, turned to leave, then bent down to help her turn on the electric stove under the table, "It's cold now, better turn it on."

As soon as her hands and feet warmed up, her heart froze.

After he left, he played with the computer for a while, the weather was cold, it was dark outside early, and there was a "whirling" wind coming from the window. If it wasn't for the sound coming from downstairs, living in this duplex building would be so quiet at night. There is no way to adapt.

At around [-] o'clock in the evening, Zhang Shengguang came up to pull her down for dinner. The house was decorated in a warm style. There were several bowls of familiar side dishes in the orange dining room, and the golden chicken soup exuded an attractive aroma.

She doesn't remember when she started to eat his dishes occasionally, maybe the weather is too cold, she doesn't even want to go to the kitchen, she doesn't want to touch the cold vegetables, when did she become so delicate Yes, she has always been a person who is not afraid of hardships or tiredness.

"Why are you absent-minded?" Zhang Shengguang looked at her expression, his face darkened slightly, "Isn't it because of that He Ze?"

Xie Huan sighed a long time in his heart, sipped the soup quietly with a spoon in his hand, looked away from him, looked outside at the balcony, the [-]-story duplex building, and clearly saw the feather-like snow in the sky.

Zhang Shengguang followed her gaze and said, "It's snowing so hard. Be careful when you go out tomorrow morning. I heard from Jia Bo that an employee in our company accidentally broke his hand when he came out this morning." .

He seemed to be chatting about household matters, as if they were a couple, even if she didn't talk to him most of the time, he still talked with gusto.

"It's not as big as I saw in Switzerland", Xie Huan said, thinking that he can't blame others for saying that they are disconnected and entangled. This kind of relationship is really messy.

"Anyway, you still have to be careful", she said to herself, and he felt like eating honey, even the chicken soup in his mouth was sweet, "Tomorrow is New Year's Day, are you going back?"
"Of course I have to go back. Didn't Mom call?"

After the conversation between the two of them ended, he rushed to wash the dishes. Xie Huan went upstairs to take a bath to prepare lessons, read books, and surf the Internet. At eleven o'clock, the door knocked lightly and pushed open. She frowned, "You haven't gone back yet?" "?
"Xie Huan, can I help you warm the bed?" Zhang Shengguang said softly with thick eyebrows.

In the past three years, he has been quite well-behaved in some respects. When she heard his words, she was stunned and stood up coldly, "No need, you go out."

"I want to warm you up. I see that you put several hot water bottles under the bed. You can't sleep hot at night, right?" The scent of her body came oncoming, and he was almost drunk, but he still didn't forget to pull out the two warm water bags under her blanket.

"How do you know that you came to my bedroom and even on my bed"?Xie Huan felt depressed for a while, what did he do at home when she was not around.

"Didn't I want to smell the fragrance on your quilt?" Zhang Shengguangjun blushed slightly, but he said the words with confidence. No matter how calm and calm Xie Huan was, his face was flushed, and a big man holding a She shuddered suddenly when she smelled the obscene scene under the quilt.

"Can you be more perverted"?Xie Huan went to lift the quilt angrily, and he held it tightly, "I'll put a hot water bottle in it later and it will be hot, so you don't need to do anything extra."

"The hot water bottle can warm the entire quilt, right? I'll warm it up for you later, and you'll be warm when you sleep in." Zhang Shengguang said, "I'll do it tonight, and I'll buy it for you when I come back on New Year's Day." bed electric blanket".

"I don't like to cover electric blankets." In the political textbooks when I was a child, an old man was burned to death for covering electric blankets. Since then, she has been afraid of electric blankets. She wants to say something more, but she can see When his eyes were pure and concerned, he couldn't open his mouth.

"Then I'll warm you up every day, for the rest of your life," Zhang Shengguang smiled warmly.

Xie Huan ignored him, turned his back, and continued to surf the Internet. If he wants to warm up, he can warm up, and she can't drag it anyway.

Seeing that she stopped looking, Zhang Shengguang quickly stuffed the two cards in his pocket under the pillow, then hugged the quilt she had slept on, and lay on her big bed with his eyes closed, full of satisfaction. The exhaustion also relaxed, and he dozed off unknowingly, and when he was about to fall asleep, he was suddenly pushed.

"Go back to sleep," Xie Huan said bluntly.

"Yes, let's go back", I really don't want to go back, I really want to hug her and roll into the bed, Zhang Shengguang crawled out of the bed and put on his clothes in great sadness.

After he left, Xie Huan also lay down on the bed, and when he took the pillow up and lighted it, two beauty cards were flipped out.

She picked it up and saw that it was a card from two well-known chain beauty shops in City G. How could she have this, and it was still on her bed, could it be...?
There are slight ripples in the dark bright eyes, when will he start thinking of these things.


When I got up on the last day of the year-end, I opened the curtains, and it was all white outside, and thick snow covered all the roofs, trees and paths.

She still has to go to the college today. Over the past few years, she has handled several difficult cases for the government. Now she is a well-known law professor in City G. In the past few days, there have been several incidents involving young girls in City G. For the rape case, a newspaper agency contacted her and wanted to do a special interview and consultation with her on this matter. She has been very busy, and she only found time today.

When I changed my shoes and was about to go out early, I happened to meet Zhang Shengguang who came out of the elevator with breakfast. After she moved here, he also lived downstairs.

"Why do you wear so little? Today is colder than yesterday." Zhang Shengguang frowned and looked at your woolen coat on her, with a thin sweater inside. "It's already minus two degrees."

"Fortunately, it's in the car anyway, let me go, I have an appointment." Xie Huan walked into the elevator, pressed the negative floor, and when he was about to press the key again, he suddenly squeezed in.

"Where are you going, I'll take you there. It's snowing outside and it's easy to slip."

"I've been driving a car for several years, and I know how to drive it myself." He really cares more and more, "Didn't it snow last year?"
"Last year was not as big as this year. You didn't go out. The snow was five or six centimeters deep, and the snow on the street was not swept clean." Waiting for you, we will go back to Mushi together."

She knew that this was indeed his final goal. He had to follow her every year during the holidays, so she rarely went back to Mushi now, but this time it was New Year's Day. If she didn't go back, he would definitely Stay with yourself, it's the same anyway.

In the end, he insisted on sending her to the gate of the college, "What time will you finish, I will pick you up".

"No need", Xie Huan drove down, and suddenly remembered to give him the beauty card in the bag, "This is yours, return it to you".

"This was given to me by a friend from the business agency when I was eating out at noon yesterday. It is useless for me to carry it alone. You are usually busy with work, so you can do skin care or shoulder and neck care once in a while." Zhang Shengguang hurriedly picked it up He opened the door and chased after him, but the snow still didn't stop, and it flew down on his face and the tip of his nose, making him feel cold.

"I've already done it myself, you can give it to others", she will never accept these things from him again.

"Who should I give it to? Mom isn't in G City, so it's useless to give it to her. Now you're the only woman who knows me well." Zhang Shengguang stuffed it into her bag arrogantly, "Anyway, I gave it to you."

"I don't believe it, can you bear it if you don't have sex with a woman for three years?" Xie Huan pushed back with both arms.

He froze his arms, and said angrily, "Except for business trips and overtime days, I come back to you every day after work, and I always watch you go on blind dates with other men, do you think I have time? I'm afraid you'll be angry with me again and won't forgive me, I dare not even touch a woman's finger, and you still say that about me."

"Anyway, I don't want it." Xie Huan lost his sentence and quickly ran away. In the snow, her petite figure ran farther and farther away. Zhang Shengguang kicked the snow beside his feet, and he was about to die of depression.

Xie Huan finished the interview after eleven o'clock, and the other reporter planned to invite her to dinner. When she came out by car, the familiar Land Rover in the morning was still parked at the quiet school gate, and a man piled up several pears beside her.

Xie Huan hurriedly told her to stop the car and walk down, only to see him nagging while patting the snowman's face, "You stinky Xie Huan, you haven't come out yet, it's so cold that my hands are numb."

"I didn't ask you to wait here." The voice exploded behind his ears. He shrank his hands in shock, turned his head and opened his eyes wide, and replied: "The company is fine. Everyone is going back for the New Year's Day holiday. Waiting for you, I don't know where to go."

He suddenly found that his current life was Xie Huan apart from work, and other things seemed meaningless.

(End of this chapter)

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