Chapter 199

"Xie Huan, let's build a home." When he calmed down, he said hoarsely. The two faced each other. His body was hot and his breath entwined. Her body stiffened involuntarily, and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

It's not about us being together, it's about building a home.

This seems to be a little different. Building a home requires love. Everyone has nothing to do with this person. Even Lu Junwen said that finding a man is just for living. She is 28. She has never experienced any kind of love. Is it not uncommon to plan to have a vigorous love?

She was silent, he pressed down, his lips were densely folded together, and the tip of his tongue unceremoniously opened her lips and teeth. Tasting, the movements were slow and heavy, but his eyes were fixed on her, as bright as stars.

Suddenly there was the sound of flowers and plants fluttering and snow falling from the side.

She pushed his chest with both hands, pushed him away, and the two of them looked back, Zhang Sijing was standing not far away with a trailer in his hand, looking at them, his eyes were far away, standing beside him with a tender and tender string With a blushing face, she smiled at them unnaturally, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you on purpose, the snow on the road ahead has been swept away, brother Jing and I want to come to the backyard to help you sweep."

"No need, Xie Huan and I can finish sweeping. Brother, you have been sweeping for a long time. You can take Wen Xian into the house to rest." Zhang Shengguang walked over and took the trailer involuntarily.

"Okay then, I'll shovel the snow and dump it by the door later." Zhang Sijing glanced at Xie Huan with a smile, turned around and walked through the corridor back to the front yard with his arm on Wen Xian's shoulder.

Their backs are intimacy and there are rigid rules, respecting each other as guests is probably like this. After Xie Huan watched them leave, he lowered his head and took a shovel to shovel piles of snow on the ground. Perhaps many marriages in this world are also like Zhang Sijing Like Wen Xian, not all true loves can come together. When talking to their students a few days ago, many college students claimed that they wanted to find someone older, down-to-earth, steady, who could give them a sense of security, but otherwise One student said that he didn't want to find someone who was too big, because the other party had experienced too many things, and he had a weak view of feelings and would have no passion.

Personal choices are different, but maybe what the student said is also reasonable. Some people really like it, and some people do it for money or just to live.

This life is too long, no one wants to go on alone.

"Well", the two spent more than an hour cleaning the snow in the backyard. Zhang Shengguang did the most work, his face was flushed with heat, and the smile on his face was brighter than the sun in the sky.

"Xie Huan, I hope we can be like this when we get old."

"Go back to the house and enjoy the fire." Xie Huan sighed and walked into the hall from the back. In the living room, only Zhang Weiquan was watching TV by the fire, and Liang Fengrong was talking on the phone with a microphone, with an excited expression.

"It's not diagnosed yet, don't let the whole world know about it in advance." Zhang Weiquan shouted: "You also wait for them to come back first."

"I have given birth to two children, I don't know yet, I have a hunch that there must be." Liang Fengrong glanced sideways at her husband, and continued talking on the phone, "I am over 60 years old, if I can really watch it before I die When my grandson walks to school, I can close my eyes and rest in peace..."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"Xie Huan picked up the porcelain cup on the table and poured hot water in the water dispenser and asked suspiciously.

"Just now, after Wen Xian came in, your mother wanted her to eat some pancakes you made in the morning, but she vomited and vomited. Your mother suspected that she was pregnant. No, just now your brother took her to the hospital for an examination up".

The viscera seemed to twitch suddenly, and there was a brief blank in the mind. The hot water in the cup overflowed and rolled onto the back of his hand. Then he came back to his senses suddenly, watching Xie Huan's cup fall to the ground, and the hot water splashed all over the floor.

Everyone was stunned, and Liang Fengrong's excited expression also calmed down when she was talking on the phone, and everyone looked at her.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm too surprised", Xie Huan smiled at them, retracted his right hand and looked at his hot and red fingertips, "I'm burnt to death".

"Let me see", Zhang Shengguang nervously grabbed her hand and looked at it, "It's not serious, I'll get you some toothpaste and wipe it on".

Xie Huan wanted to say forget it, but he had already quickly entered the bathroom, squeezed some toothpaste and spread it evenly on her fingers, his thick brows were furrowed, his bright black eyes were full of worry and pain, as if the injured person was Same as himself.

After he finished wiping, Xie Huan then raised his head and said to Zhang Weiquan: "It would be a good thing if Wen Xian is really pregnant."

"We also hope it's true," Zhang Weiquan said wistfully, "The family will always have a baby. If it's born early, your mother can help take it. If it's later, I probably won't be able to hold it if I want to."

Xie Huan felt pain in his heart, and Zhang Sijing brought Wen Xian back from outside at noon, holding the diagnosis certificate in his hand, Wen Xian's plain and clean face was rare and charming and shy.

Xie Huan is also a woman, before they said it, she understood it.

"The doctor said that she was two weeks pregnant..." After Zhang Sijing finished speaking, Liang Fengrong became excited, and took Wen Xian's hand to look around.

"I'm really pregnant? I must give birth, old man, did you hear that, we have been looking forward to it for more than ten years and finally we are going to be grandparents."

Even Zhang Weiquan, who has always been indifferent to emotions, couldn't help but be happy at this moment, but he was more sensible than Liang Fengrong, "It depends on whether Wen Xian is willing to marry Ah Jing."

Wen Xian blushed, and looked at Zhang Sijing, Zhang Sijing held her hand lightly, with a slight smile in his eyes, after the thin figure not far away, a trace of imperceptible sadness and helplessness surged up, Then he looked at the woman beside him and nodded, "Since she is pregnant, she will naturally give birth. Wen Xian and I have discussed it, and we will have a wedding reception earlier when the belly is not obvious."

"Okay, okay," Liang Fengrong said several times with red eyes and trembling. In the past seven or eight years, all the friends and relatives around her have embraced their grandchildren. She is very envious, "Your dad and I can finally Saw our grandson before we closed our eyes."

"Mom, don't say such things." As the eldest son, he always made his parents worry about him time and time again. In order to hide his pain, Zhang Sijing couldn't help but clenched Wen Xian's hand a little bit, "You and Dad You are in good health, maybe you can see your grandson get married."

"We can't live for such a long time, we can see..." Liang Fengrong glanced over Xie Huan and Zhang Shengguang hesitantly, then took them back, and said, "Since you have decided to get married, you have to come forward and talk warmly." Discuss with Xian's parents, and then propose marriage as soon as possible."

"I'll send Wen Xian back later, discuss it with her parents, and then arrange a time to meet and set the date," Zhang Sijing said softly.

"That's good, let's eat lunch first." Liang Fengrong took Wen Xian's hand affectionately, "Why don't you stay with us from now on? You're pregnant, so you have to pay attention to everything. Mom will take care of us. rest assured".

Wen Xian looked at Zhang Sijing hesitantly, and nodded slightly when he saw him nodding, "I'll go back and talk to my mother."

The room was full of joy, which reminded Xie Huan of the day when she and Zhang Sijing got engaged. Liang Fengrong also used such a smile to make her call them parents in the future. At that time, she thought they had a future, but now things have changed and married In the end, it wasn't her or Zhan Yuanqing who gave Zhang Sijing, that's probably how life is.


Mirror flower water moon.

This is a bar that Tang Qi invested in last year. Every time Xie Huan came back to Mushi, he would come here to sit there as a compliment.

On the stage in the middle of the bar, an eighteen or nine-year-old girl is quietly singing Anita Mui's "Don't Say Love Is Bitter" with her eyes closed:
No matter how passionate love is, love is ruthless
life has to go

Don't say love is bitter Don't say love is bitter
You should know if you have loved
why your love my love
it's all so bitter

I have also given true love and moved true feelings
love doesn't stay


Xie Huan was sitting in a corner with a glass of Margarita, rubbing the rim of the glass repeatedly with her fingertips for a long time. When the waiter walked by, she took out two hundred yuan and handed them to the waiter, then pointed to the woman.

"Every time you come, you will tip Ah Yong," Tang Xi, who was sitting opposite her, sipped a glass of blue Hawaiian and said with a smile.

"She sings very well," Xie Huan narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't you think sometimes love is like what she sings?"
"Indeed", Tang Xi was stunned, and if he realized something, he recovered from his absence for a while, and said with a smile: "There is something wrong with you tonight, it can't be Wen Xian's pregnancy that stimulated you."

(End of this chapter)

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