The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 651 Hatred!

Chapter 651 Hatred! (two in one)

Naruto's performance was indeed a bit surprising. He didn't expect such a big change in a few days. Almost alone, he restrained Payne who almost completely destroyed Konoha, although there was Nagato waterproof The reason, but it is also enough to see Naruto's great progress.

Naruto makes full use of the advantages of the sage mode. The sage mode can greatly enhance the power of ninjutsu, body skills, and illusion. This also allows Naruto to use the wind that is listed as a forbidden technique by Tsunade without fear Dun·Helix Shuriken, and the Helix Shuriken also shined in this battle, and really caught Nagato by surprise.

However, due to unfamiliarity with the hell way, the human way Payne, who was destroyed by the spiral shuriken, was resurrected by the hell way with the technique of reincarnation and resurrection, but this also exposed the importance of the hell way, so Nagato must Always pay attention to the hell way not to be destroyed.

Compared with before, Naruto's combat awareness has been greatly improved, and he will not rush forward as desperately as before. At least he will use the shadow clone to collect information and analyze the strategy. This also makes Logan very relieved.

"How do you feel? Do you find any shortcomings?"

Logan asked the long doorway beside him.

"There is no problem overall, but there is a lot of waste in the use of power. Maybe it is because of his huge Chakra Leon, but this is not a good phenomenon. He must allocate the use of Chakra better. There is still room for improvement in this area.”

Nagato said.

"Well, it is true. He has been extremely huge in chakra since he was a child, and the chakra of the Uzumaki clan is huge. In addition, he can borrow the chakra of the nine tails, which makes him not care about the consumption of chakra at all, so this kid I have never been good at controlling Chakra since I was a child."

Logan nodded and said.

"Also, it may be because of the Nine Tails in his body. During the battle, his mood fluctuates greatly, which is easily used by the enemy and puts him in danger."

Nagato thought for a while and said.

"Severe mood swings may bring him danger, but they will also bring him a chance. This can be said to be a double-edged sword! This problem is a bit difficult!"

Logan touched his chin and said.

"The negative impact brought by Nine Tails will affect him no matter what, unless Nine Tails is stripped from his body, but then he will face the danger of death, and at the same time it will greatly weaken his strength, so this problem is very difficult. solve!"

"I need to continue to observe other aspects, but generally speaking, Naruto's strength is still very strong, and there are not many who can defeat him in the heyday of Akatsuki, but the duration of this fairy mode is a bit short, only 3 minutes , so it can only be used in decisive battles."

"Otherwise, if the enemy has passed Naruto's sage mode, it will not be good news for him! If this can be improved, then he can be said to be a top powerhouse, and now he can only be regarded as stepping into this rank !"

Nagato said.

"Also, Naruto uses too little ninjutsu, and the battle has been going on for a long time. In addition to body skills, ninjutsu only uses shadow clone technique, spiral pill and the upgraded version of spiral pill. It is easy to be seen by the enemy, I can only say that if he is not lucky, with these two tricks, he may not be able to survive now!"

Nagato continued to complain.

"Indeed, I told him about this a long time ago, but he didn't pay much attention to it. In his opinion, nothing can be solved by rubbing a ball. , until now it is normal for a bunch of shadow clones to make balls together."

Logan said helplessly.

In Logan's view, if it wasn't for Naruto's aura of the protagonist, he would have been slaughtered by someone based on his ability. It can only be said that the aura of the protagonist is too strong, just like Luffy, who has the gold medal for avoiding death. Any crisis can be overcome.

But if one day Naruto is no longer the protagonist, can he still be so invincible?Just like in the blogger biography, almost all of them have become weak chickens, how will he survive the crisis then?
So now Logan wants to change Naruto, and let him survive the crisis smoothly even without the care of the protagonist's halo, that is the real strength, otherwise everything is false.


When Logan talked with Nagato, the battle became more and more intense. Naruto had a clear understanding of the details of Payne's Six Paths, and Nagato also gradually mastered the way to deal with the fairy mode, which caused a great deal of trouble to Naruto. Trouble, although Naruto used some cleverness to destroy five of Payne's Six Paths, but the most powerful Heavenly Dao has nothing to do with it, and Naruto has already lifted the immortal mode at this time, and the two clones of the two immortal modes also They are all used up, and Naruto's danger has really come.


Toad Fukasaku was nailed to death by Tendao Payne, and Naruto was caught by Tendao Payne nailed his hands with a black stick and stuck them on the ground.

"The capture is complete!"

Nagato said to Logan.

"Don't worry, the fun has just begun! Watch out for capsizing! Nine tails haven't come out yet!"

Logan said indifferently.

"Do you believe he can come back? Even in this situation?"

Nagato looked at Logan and asked.

"Why do I think it's not important! You will see, now ask your questions! See how Naruto will answer you!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Then let me wait and see!"

Nagato doesn't believe that Naruto still has a chance to turn things around, but he still wants to know how Naruto will deal with hatred and how he will resolve it.

"Who are you? Who the hell are you? Why do you do such a thing?"

Naruto asked unwillingly.

"You ask me why? Huh! Things always happen suddenly! The reason is only discovered after the fact! In this case, let me think about it, let's talk about it a little bit!"

Tiandao Payne said in a calm tone.

"Why do you do such a thing, even if you ask me like this, and even if I tell you the reason, nothing will change! But, it doesn't matter if you tell me again!"

Tiandao Payne squatted on the ground and looked at Naruto and said.

"I have nothing to say to you!"

Naruto stared at Tiandao Payne and said.

"My purpose is to fulfill the will of Jiraiya-sensei that I failed to fulfill! As I said just now, it is to breed peace and achieve justice!"

Tiandao Payne said.

"Peace? Justice? Are you kidding me! You who made my master, my teacher, my companions, and my village into such a state, what right do you have to spout nonsense over there!"

Naruto yelled angrily.

"Then what is your purpose!"

Tiandao Payne asked calmly.

"I'm going to hit you! I'm going to make this ninja world peaceful!"

Naruto shouted.

"Really? That's really a great thing! This is justice! However, it is your Konoha ninjas who make my family, my companions, and my village the same as this village! Don’t allow it, let’s put justice and peace on your lips, right?”

Nagato thought of what happened to him when he was a child. His parents were killed by Konoha's ninja, right in front of him. Although it was later discovered that Uchiha Madara had deliberately arranged it, it was indeed Konoha's ninja who killed them by mistake. own parents.

"How is this going?"

Naruto was startled, looked at Tiandao Payne and asked.

"The Land of Fire and Konoha Village are already too powerful! In order to protect the interests of the country, it is necessary to obtain the interests of the country through wars between big countries. Otherwise, the country and the people in the village will starve, and the people in the village will starve. It is our small countries and villages that have become the battlefields of these great countries!"

"Every time a war is launched, our country will be devastated. After several wars, the big country is stable, but it leaves our small country with endless pain. What you and I expect are the same things. We both want to realize what Jiraiya-sensei said There is no difference between you and me! Act for our own justice, and the justice I implement to Konoha is exactly the same as what you want to do to me!"

"The pain of losing something important is the same for everyone! You and I are the ones who understand this pain. You are for your justice and I am for mine. We are all doing revenge in the name of justice. ordinary people, but if revenge can be called justice, then this justice will definitely cause more pain! Trigger a chain reaction of hatred!"

"Now, living in this illusion, understanding the past, and prefabricating the future, you know that this is history! Human beings are creatures that will never understand each other! Only then can we deeply understand this! The world of ninjas is dominated by hatred! "

In the process of Tiandao Payne talking with Naruto, Naruto was also thinking about Jiraiya's explanation of world peace and hatred. It was something Jiraiya couldn't do anything about. Say, that's the more incomprehensible thing.

"If it were you, in order to achieve peace, how should you face this hatred? I want to hear your answer!"

Nagato looked at Naruto through Tendo Payne's eyes and asked.

"Is this your current understanding of peace and hatred, Nagato?"

Logan asked after hearing what Nagato said.

"Since my parents were killed in front of me, I have been thinking about how to bring peace to the world. Mr. Jiraiya told me that only people can be honest with each other to eliminate hatred. Yahiko also believed in this, so in the past I am also willing to help Yahiko do this!"

"However, later Yahiko was killed by Danzo and Sansho Hanzo, and I understood that it was just the wishful thinking of the teacher and Yahiko. They wanted to bring peace to the world, just like Uchiha Madara said, with absolute Power overwhelms the entire world, leaving no one with the courage to resist."

"But I now understand that this is also almost impossible to do, because there will always be someone stronger than you. To become the strongest, the difficulty is no worse than making everyone understand each other. Now I have no idea how to give this I don’t know if the world brings peace, this issue should be handed over to other people!”

Nagato said after sighing.

"Actually, whether it is the earth or other planets, people who desire peace make up the majority, and those who want to start wars always occupy a minority. However, as a human being, there will be desires, desires will breed greed, and greed will breed. Fights, when small fights become big, become wars!"

"This is unavoidable no matter which world it is in. I have been to many planets over the years. There is no planet that is completely peaceful and without war. There are many factors that cause war. It is not one or two people who can eliminate war. , maybe a world without war is just an ideal world for people!"

"What we can do best is to delay the coming of war and protect the peace of most people. It seems to me that it is almost impossible to completely eliminate war. Maybe there is such a world, but I have never seen it. I Nor is it capable of making a world completely war-free!"

Logan looked at Naruto lying on the ground silently from afar and said.

"Really? Even you can't eliminate war completely? Who can?"

Nagato asked in a daze.

"Nagato, when manpower is exhausted, although we may not be able to do it, it doesn't mean that no one can do it. What we can do is to do our own thing well, protect the people we care about as much as possible, and let them Free from the pain of war! Maybe when everyone can do this, peace will really come!"

Logan looked at Nagato and said.

"Maybe! Let's finish the matter here first!"

Naruto, who had been silent after hearing what Tendo Payne said, spoke.

"I don't even know about this kind of thing!"

Naruto replied sadly.

"In order to stop this chain of hatred, I established Akatsuki. My words can stop it. For this reason, I want the power of the nine-tailed beast. I will use the power of all the tailed beasts to create a monster that is dozens of times stronger than the power that destroys this village. The tail beast weapon of power is so powerful that it can destroy a country in an instant, making the world experience real pain, and the fear of pain will prevent war! Thus leading the world to peace!"

This was Nagato's previous plan, but it was also a plan that was fooled by Uchiha Madara and Hei Ze.

"But this kind of peace is nothing more than a lie!"

Naruto yelled in disbelief.

"Humans are not such intelligent creatures! Peace cannot be created if it is not covered up! And this pain, after decades, will eventually be healed! The inhibitions will weaken again, and then people will start wars again, which This time, they used the Tailed Beast Weapons themselves to reconfirm the real pain! Then, there was a brief peace again!"

"In this never-ending river of hatred, a brief peace born from pain, this is my wish! Peace is here!"

Tiandao Payne said.

"Nagato, this so-called peace can only breed bigger wars. The existence of tailed beast weapons will not eliminate wars, but will instead trigger more greedy people to seize them. At that time, the world will perish! You I was completely deceived by Uchiha Madara and Hei Ze!"

"All attempts to use war to eliminate war and bring peace will not succeed. I have seen many such examples, and all of them have ended in failure!"

Logan said.

"I understand! This is what I wanted when I was blinded by hatred. Now I only hope that Yahiko can come back to life! Everything else is not important!"

Nagato said lightly, as if he had let go of everything, and just wanted to be like when he was a child, the three good friends depended on each other for life.

(End of this chapter)

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