The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 652 Meeting Father and Son

Chapter 652 Meeting Father and Son (Two in One)

"Yahiko is your closest brother, right?"

Logan looked at Nagato and said.

"Yes, after my parents passed away, I met Nagato and Konan, they are my closest family members, and I am willing to do anything for them!"

Nagato glanced at Konan beside him and Yahiko in the distance and said.

"Actually, I have an older brother. I have never met my parents. As long as I can remember, there is only one older brother. Although he is careless and messy, I know that he is very good to me. For me, he is even willing to go against his own. It’s a pity that I had to leave him in the end, after so many years, I don’t know how he is doing!”

Logan thought of Karp, and the days when the two of them depended on each other for life. During that time, Logan was the most relaxed and at ease. He didn't need to think about the future, how to fight against the Celestial Dragons, or how to find out who was behind the scenes. Just think about how not to be beaten by Garp.

"A little girl wants to save Naruto, what should she do?"

Nagato asked.

The more touching scene in Hokage happened. Facing Naruto and being caught by Payne, Hinata Hinata rushed to Payne desperately, wanting to rescue Naruto. When he first saw this, Logan was very envious of Naruto , there is a girl who is willing to save him regardless of danger.

Although it was an anime, Logan was also very envious. At that time, he was still a bachelor, and he had never experienced the feeling of being in love, so he couldn't imagine that feeling.

"It's too much! Use these iron rods to seal Naruto's actions!"

"I won't let you attack Naruto again!"

Hinata looked at the iron rod on Naruto's body very distressed. She thought that when she was bullied when she was a child, Naruto stood up for herself. The body sends itself home.

These past memories may have been forgotten by Naruto, but Hinata never forgot. When she was a child, as the head of the Hyuga family, she was strictly required by her father. Except for cultivation, her life was very boring. When she ran out occasionally, she found Naruto who practiced hard.

No matter how many times she failed, Naruto never gave up, she would only practice more seriously, which gave Hinata a lot of motivation, so no matter how hard and tiring the practice was, Hinata never gave up, she wanted to show Naruto So strong, wanting Naruto's approval.

But now, Naruto is tormented by the enemy in order to protect the village and everyone. Hinata can't help it. No matter whether she is the opponent's opponent or not, she wants to stand up and protect Naruto. In the past, Naruto protected Myself, now it's my turn to protect Naruto.

"Is it reinforcements?"

Tiandao Payne looked expressionless, but Nagato, who secretly manipulated Tiandao, thought of them in his heart. Yahiko also protected himself and Xiaonan in this way. No matter who the enemy is, Yahiko will stand at the front to protect himself and Xiaonan. .

"Why did you come out! Run away, you can't beat that guy at all!"

Naruto shouted anxiously.

"This is my own initiative!"

Hinata said firmly.

"What are you talking about! How could you come to such a dangerous place!"

Naruto couldn't move at all at this moment, and couldn't do anything he wanted to do.

"I came here out of self-awareness! This time I want to help Naruto! Just know how to cry, give up from the beginning, and almost go astray several times, I am Naruto, right? Back on the right track!"

"I always chase Naruto, I want to catch up with Naruto! I always want to walk side by side with Naruto, I always want to stay with Naruto! Naruto changed me! It was Naruto's smile that saved me !So, if it is to protect Naruto, I will not even be afraid of death!"

"Because I like Naruto the most!"

Hinata finally said this sentence, this secret that has been hidden in her heart for more than ten years, finally said this sentence to the person she likes today, Hinata has grown up.



Hinata didn't attack Tiandao Payne first, but wanted to clear the black stick that blocked Naruto's actions first, but was stopped by Tiandao with Shenluo Tianzheng.

In front of Tiandao Payne, Hinata's combat effectiveness is really much worse.

"I can't get in touch with Naruto at all, I have to find a way!"

Hinata has already been injured before even touching the enemy, the level difference is too great!
"This will not end! As long as there is still a chance, I will help Naruto!"

Hinata is like Naruto at the moment, no matter what she encounters, she will never give up!

"Soft Step · Double Lion Fist!"

Hinata really worked hard, but the level difference is too far, no matter what, she can't touch the Heavenly Dao Payne, but because of long-term control of Payne Six Dao, Nagato's consumption is already very high, and it is close to the limit.


Nagato spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you reaching your limit?"

Logan turned to look at Nagato who was vomiting blood and asked.

"It's okay! It's just that I haven't exercised like this for a long time, and I feel a little uncomfortable for a while!"

Nagato wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth carelessly and said.

"This little girl is nice! I like it very much!"

Konan looked at Hinata who punched Tiandao Payne while Nagato was unable to react for a while and said.

However, Hinata was still mercilessly beaten by Tiandao Payne, and her injuries became more and more serious, but Hinata still did not choose to give up, but stood up again and again, just to save the person she liked.

"Hinata is a little girl I watched growing up. She has been shy since she was a child. After being rescued by Naruto a few times, she fell in love with Naruto, but she never dared to tell Naruto. I didn't expect you to invade this time. Konoha, let the little girl really reveal her thoughts on the contrary, it can be regarded as an unexpected harvest!"

Logan also felt distressed when he looked at the bruised Hinata, but if you can't cut it, you can't make it, and Logan won't stop it from the training that should be done.

"You are so cruel! Do you just watch her get hurt like this?"

Xiao Nan asked.

"I will never let the people around me go, but I will not overprotect them! Everyone has their own trials. If they don't go through those trials, they will never grow up! Besides, even if they die, so what, I can bring them back to life again! The key is whether they have learned anything in the process, and whether they understand their own shortcomings!"

Logan shook his head and said.

"You really have a preference for them! It's their luck to know you, why didn't we have such good luck at the beginning!"

Nagato said with a sigh.

"Everyone has their own fate. If you hadn't chosen to turn back, I would not have helped you either. For the sake of this world and more people, sometimes I have to be hard-hearted!"

Logan looked at Hinata who was still trying to protect Naruto and sighed.

"Stop! Hinata, don't come over!"

Naruto couldn't bear to watch it anymore, it was the first time he felt that powerless feeling, seeing his companion being hurt but powerless.

But Hinata didn't listen to Naruto, she had only one purpose, to help Naruto resume action, she didn't want to be able to defeat the enemy, as long as she could help Naruto.

"I don't understand, with your strength, why do you still fight against me! Why do you fight! Knowing that you will die!"

Tiandao Payne looked at Hinata and asked.

"Do what you say, go forward bravely! Because this is my way of ninja!"

After saying this, Tiandao Payne completely knocked down Hinata, but he deliberately avoided the fatal injury, but the injury was not serious.

"Is it all right?"

Nagato looked at Logan and asked.

"It's okay, Heijue is watching! Don't let him see the abnormality!"

Logan took a deep breath, and almost couldn't hold back his shot just now.

"Where is Heijue?"

Nagato asked vigilantly, he was worried that the scene of himself and Logan being together would be seen by Heijue, and many plans would be in vain.

"Don't worry, this area is blocked by me, he can't find it! Just perform with peace of mind, and the next step is the real show! I also have to make some preparations! Yahiko's body is no longer usable, remember, God Don't damage the body too much, I will create a new body for him based on his original body!"

Logan enjoined.

"I see!"

Nagato nodded and said.

"I'll leave it to you here! I'll go first! Don't let anyone notice the anomaly!"

After speaking, Logan left.

"Can Yahiko really be resurrected?"

Konan looked at Nagato anxiously and asked.

"He has done what Logan promised us. He will not lie to us on this point! Besides, you also know that the natural technique of reincarnation can resurrect the dead, but at the risk of life. Maybe Logan has other ways to do it. Do it! We can only trust him now!"

"Okay, we'll know when I finish this time! I have to concentrate on dealing with it! Kyuubi should be coming out!"

After Nagato finished speaking, he began to control Tiandao Payne with all his heart.

"It just happened to be like this! My parents were also killed by your Konoha ninja mounts in front of me! It is only because of love that sacrifices and hatred are derived, so that we can know the pain!"

Tiandao Payne said to Naruto indifferently.


Naruto went completely berserk!
Just like this, Naruto watched the girl who desperately protected himself and confessed to him was knocked down by the enemy in front of him, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Finally, Naruto couldn't restrain his hatred for Payne, and broke out. The terrifying Nine-Tails Chakra came from Naruto The human body burst out.

The already dilapidated Konoha suffered another blow, and the surviving Konoha ninjas were startled by the horrible and evil aura.

"Hate me!"

Tiandao Payne looked at Naruto who had lost consciousness and asked.

"Is it Nine-Tails' Chakra? It seems that because of anger, he and Naruto echoed each other!"

Tiandao Payne looked at Naruto who easily destroyed the black stick that suppressed Chakra and said.

"Four tails?"

At this time, Naruto could no longer see his original appearance, his whole body was completely wrapped by the Nine-Tails Chakra, and he rushed to the sky in anger and shot Payne.


The terrifying destructive power caused Tiandao Payne to suffer a heavy blow.

"Hate me? Can you still say that people can really understand each other?"

Tiandao Payne is just a corpse, there is no pain at all, and at this time Naruto has released six tails.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Both of them are like monsters. Many people have never seen such a devastating battle. Tiandao Payne deserves to be the most powerful Tiandao. He has no pressure against Six-Tails Naruto, and even occupies got the upper hand.

However, the power of Nine Tails is far from being brought into play. When the Nine Tails fully appear, it will be the most powerful time for Nine Tails, and it will be dangerous at that time.

"The power of the Nine Tails is really amazing!"

Tiandao Payne also personally captured the leader, Liuwei was captured by Payne Liudao, but Liuwei and Jiuwei are not at the same level at all, and the difference in strength is too great.

"Earth Blast!"

Nagato threw a black ball and flew into the sky, and then the ground began to crack, and the huge rubble was sucked into the sky by the black ball, and Naruto who turned into six tails was also sucked into the sky, and was firmly held Pressed on the huge stone ball in the sky.


Nagato also used all his strength, and the stone ball in the sky was so huge that it looked like another moon.

"There's no need to make it so big!"

Xiao Nan looked at the stone ball in the sky and asked.

"The other party is Nine-Tails, so don't be careless, not to mention it's far from the moon created by the Sages of the Six Paths!"

Nagato said out of breath.

At this time, Naruto was a little lost and didn't know what to do.

"I don't understand, what should I do! I don't know anything anymore! Someone help me! Tell me the answer!"

Naruto's consciousness entered the space where Nine Tails was sealed, and he was confused.

"Destroy everything! Destroy all the things that make you suffer! Give me all your heart! In this way, I can save you from the pain!"

Kyuubi bewitched, and at the same time, the seal on Naruto's abdomen was automatically revealed.

"Yes, that's good!"

Naruto's consciousness was shaken, and the seal was gradually unraveling, and the nine tails were gradually revealed, and the ninth tail was about to appear.

"Come here! Come! Tear off this seal!"

Bewitched by Nine Tails, Naruto gradually moved towards the seal.


Just when Naruto was about to tear off the seal talisman, the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, appeared and stopped Naruto.

"The Fourth Hokage!"

Naruto stared blankly at the sudden appearance of the Fourth Hokage, his heart was full of bewilderment, he didn't know why the Fourth Hokage appeared in his body.

"Once the seal of the Eighth Tail is released, I will appear in your consciousness! I have done a little trick on the seal, although I strongly hope that this will not happen, because I don't want to see you anymore Alright, Nine Tails!"

Minato looked at Kyuubi and said.


Kyuubi roared at Minato angrily, almost succeeded, and he could be free as soon as he saw it, but was destroyed by the Fourth Hokage, which shows how angry Kyuubi is.

"However, I'm looking forward to seeing my son when he grows up! There are joys and sorrows!"

Minato looked at the bewildered Naruto excitedly and said.

"Fourth Hokage, come on! Watch me tear you to pieces!"

Kyuubi shouted angrily.

"They said they were going to tear me into pieces, and they couldn't get close to me! I was right! Naruto!"

Watergate said.

"Naruto is my name, why does the Fourth Hokage know?"

Naruto asked.

"Well! Because I gave you your name! You are my little guy!"

Watergate said.

"Little guy? You are mine..."

Naruto couldn't believe it.

"I said it just now! You are my son!"

Minato said again.


Naruto stared blankly at Minato, with excitement, doubts, anger and bewilderment on his face.

The father and son met in such a situation.

(End of this chapter)

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