The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 657 Post-War Influence

Chapter 657 Post-War Influence

After half a day of hard work, Logan finally restored Konoha to its original state, but it also exhausted him, and he needed to rest for a long time.

However, although the village was restored, the impact of the war did not disappear due to the resurrection of the dead and the restoration of the village. If Payne was not persuaded by Naruto in this war, if Logan did not intervene Then Konoha's losses will be difficult to estimate, and it is very likely that it will be devastated and become the target of attacks by other countries.

People cherish the existing peace even more, and are full of fear of war, hoping that there will never be a day when war will come again, but they don't know that a war that is about to sweep the entire ninja world is about to break out.

After this war, one person escaped, and that was Danzo. As an ambitious man who always wanted to become Hokage, Danzo would not really change. Although he was imprisoned for many years, Danzo did not change. At that time, he only succumbed to Logan's powerful strength, but now he seized the opportunity to escape, and his purpose has also changed. After completely destroying Konoha, he wants to establish a Ninja Village of his own.

Danzo led his subordinates to escape from Konoha. After learning about the Five Kage talks and the arrangement of Yunyin and Yanyin, Danzo decided to join Yunyin and Yanyin to launch an attack on Konoha. It can be said that Danzo has already He was on the verge of madness, and at this moment, he only had revenge in his heart.

After this war, Naruto has completely become Konoha's hero, and he is very popular wherever he goes. This made Naruto a little unaccustomed for a while, but he enjoyed this change very much.

And although Hinata bravely confessed in the process of saving Naruto, after everything passed, Hinata still didn't dare to face Naruto, and that sense of shyness seemed to return with the end of the war.

Shisui also returned to Konoha with the defense force. Although the war is over, the Akatsuki organization has not been completely disbanded. There are still a few powerful members. Who knows if they will attack again, so the current Konoha defense It's like an iron wall, and no one can break into it easily.

Logan was recuperating at home at this time. When the war broke out, Hiyori did not participate in accordance with Logan's instructions, and had been quietly waiting for Logan's return. Although she couldn't bear Konoha to be destroyed like that, but She believed in Logan and everything would be restored.

The first thing Logan did after he came back was to seal Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto. Originally, Logan was going to temporarily seal everyone’s memory about Itachi, but after thinking about it, it would easily cause the development of things to deviate. The trajectory, so the closest family members of Itachi and Sasuke were simply frozen for display time, waiting for the day when the truth came and then unsealed, so that they could avoid a huge blow.

When Konoha was devastated, other ninja villages also received the news. As Naruto’s good friend, the Fourth Kazekage, Gaara immediately sent people to support him after learning about the situation, but he hadn’t waited for the support yet. When the war comes, the war is over.

However, the three major kingdoms of Yunyin, Yanyin, and Wuyin have different thoughts. Because Sasuke attacked Eight-tailed Jinchuriki, Yunyin was trying to find trouble with Konoha at this time, so he sent someone to Konoha to hand over Konoha Regarding all the information about Sasuke, the Fourth Raikage vowed to capture Sasuke to avenge his brother. At the same time, he also wanted to use this opportunity to hold a five-kage meeting to discuss how to deal with the Akatsuki organization. After all, Sasuke attacked in the identity of the Akatsuki organization. Kirabi.

The third generation of Tukage Ohnoki coveted the land of the Fire Country for a long time. He also tried to invade the Fire Country many times in the previous wars, but failed in the end. This time he felt that this was a good opportunity, so he stationed troops on the border between the two countries. , as long as he is sure that there is a chance, he will immediately invade the Nation of Fire and start a war, but he never expected that Payne would resurrect the person he killed, and Logan would give the completely destroyed Konoha He recovered, which made him have to give up the idea of ​​​​waging war.

Kirigakure's Fifth Mizukage Terumimei is still stabilizing his position and reforming Kirigakure, so he has no time to pay attention to Konoha's affairs at all, so he just paid attention to it, and didn't want to start a war against Konoha.

As the initiator of the war, Akatsuki suffered heavy losses in this war. Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was not caught, and even the leader of the organization on the surface was lost. It seems that all aspects have failed, but whether it is brought It doesn't matter whether it's soil or black, the role of the Akatsuki organization's existence has almost been completed.

Although the eight tails and the nine tails have not been caught yet, Sasuke still got one of the eight tails, so the chakra of the eight tails is already there. , Obito directly decided to launch the Fourth Ninja World War, and he could also take this opportunity to capture the Eight and Nine Tails. For Heijue, the method is not important, what matters is the result, so he will not object to launching the Ninja World War .

Sasuke has been completely blackened after knowing what Konoha's high-level officials did to Uchiha and Itachi, and wants to completely destroy Konoha and avenge his brother, but there is an insurmountable difficulty in front of him, that is With the existence of Logan, Logan will definitely not let him destroy Konoha, so Sasuke can only focus on the high-ranking Konoha who caused the tragic ending of Itachi who caused the Uchiha tragedy.

However, on the way Sasuke rushed to Konoha, he was stopped by Obito who rushed over. Now is not the time to attack Konoha, there are more important things to do.

"Five Shadow Talks?"

Sasuke asked.

"Because of the crazy actions of you and Payne, the Fourth Raikage is going to initiate a five-kage meeting to discuss how to deal with Akage's organization!"

Obito said.

"What does this have to do with us!"

Sasuke looked at Obito and asked.

"Because you attacked Yatsuo Jinchuriki in the identity of the Akatsuki organization, the Fourth Raikage has already regarded you as a member of the Akatsuki organization, and there is another person you have always wanted to kill will appear!"

Obito said.


Sasuke asked with a changed look.

"Danzo! Danzo wants to join forces with Yunyin and Yanyin to launch a war against Konoha. He will take advantage of this five-kage meeting to contact Raikage and Tsuchikage. Of course, if they can launch a war against Konoha, it will be great for us. It is said that there is no harm in a hundred miles, but I don't think Danzo will succeed, and Raikage and Dokage are not short-sighted people!"

"But this is an opportunity for you! An opportunity to kill the culprit! At that time, Hokage and Danzo will appear. It will be much easier to assassinate them than in Konoha. How do you choose?"

Obito looked at Sasuke and asked.

"when and where!"

Sasuke asked with hatred in his eyes.

"A few days later, Iron Country!"

Obito replied.

"I'll be there!"

After finishing speaking, Sasuke led the Eagle Team to change direction and head towards the Iron Country.

"It's finally about to officially start! Lin, wait for me!"

Obito looked at the back of Sasuke leaving and muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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