Chapter 658
"It's going pretty well!"

Hei Ze appeared next to Obito and said.

"No! I didn't expect that Nagato would use up my natural reincarnation technique just like that! He actually betrayed me!"

"Even if Sasuke can surpass Nagato, it's meaningless if he can't control it! I don't plan to connect with the Golem of the Outer Way for the time being, so let's wait and see what happens!"

Obito said.

"I didn't expect you to have prepared the back road where Nagato will die!"

Heijue looked at Obito in surprise and said.

"But it's really not the way I want to go! Naruto Uzumaki, it's all his fault for making my plan go wrong!"

Obito said.

"What? Do you want to take action?"

Hei Jue asked.

"Let's end the days of watching from the sidelines! Put the Moon's Eye Project on the agenda!"

Obito said.

"But what about Logan? I didn't expect him to be able to use the power of time to restore Konoha. It seems that my guess about him was wrong! Even if his strength cannot be fully utilized, it will still cause us serious damage. Big impact!"

When Logan recovered Konoha, Heijue hadn't left yet. Heijue was really shocked when he saw what Logan did with his own eyes.

"Don't you have a way? You found him a good opponent last time, and this time it should be the same! Besides, I saw that Logan's strength dropped significantly after restoring Konoha, presumably He did all that without a price, and it should take a long time to recover!"

"That's why I launched the war in advance, in order to complete the Moon Eye plan before Logan recovers, and I will leave it to you to deal with him. I will concentrate on completing the collection of leaders and the final war. You should Understand, if no one suppresses Logan, the Moon Eye Project and Madara's resurrection cannot be completed!"

Obito looked at Heijue and said.

"I know! I will find a way! But I still need time, those people are not so easy to summon, and they can't be too different from Logan, otherwise, whoever is left will cause us huge trouble!"

Hei Jue said after being silent for a while.

"That's your business. There will be no problems on my side. It's up to you. Any problems will be your responsibility!"

Obito said calmly.

"Then I'll prepare first! Don't let anything go wrong with Sasuke's pawn!"

Black said.

"A chess piece is a chess piece after all, just get rid of it if you don't obey!"

Obito said coldly.

"It's really ruthless!"

Hei Jue slowly disappeared.

"The plan is about to start, are you sure there is no problem?"

After Heijue walked for a while, Obito who was still in place asked the tree in front of him.

"My side is ready! It depends on what kind of surprise he can bring me!"

A figure slowly appeared from the tree, it was Logan.

"I don't understand why you would do that!"

Obito looked at Logan and asked.

"You will understand in the future! Now you can just do what Madara and Kurozue have arranged for you with peace of mind!"

Logan said.

"You should understand how much impact this war will have on the world. You can prevent it, so why let it happen?"

Obito asked.

"In order to prevent a bigger crisis! This war can force the old man Liudao to hand over his power, so that a new savior will emerge, and someone can solve the future crisis. Otherwise, I will prevent this war, and the next one Who will stop the war?"

"What's more, although the environment of this war will cause a lot of damage, there will not be many casualties. I will take the last shot!"

Logan explained.

"Will the future crisis be more terrifying than this war?"

Obito asked in surprise.


"Even if this war is lost, Otsuki Kaguya will not destroy the earth. She will let some people continue to survive, but if it is the future Otsuki Ichishiki, he will completely destroy this world. By then here It will become a desolate planet, and this war is an experience, let you understand the horror of Otsutsuki and their fighting methods!"

"This is a locust-like race. All planets they have visited will become desolate and become Death Stars. You must understand everything about them and how to fight them while leaving behind the power of inheritance. Otherwise, sooner or later you will die. be completely destroyed by them!"

Logan said.

"Can't you solve them fundamentally? As long as they are wiped out as a race, can all this be avoided?"

Obito asked puzzled.

"I also want to say what you said, but I can't do it. I'm not invincible! I can't even enter the place where their race is, not to mention that I don't know if there is anyone out there who is preparing to be reborn in another way. What I can do is to improve your strength as much as possible, so that you have enough means to deal with them!"

"Besides, after the Datongmu Ichishi is resolved, other Datongmu people may not come here. What I did was to plan ahead and prepare in advance. I will also protect you before I leave, but There are contingencies in everything, and if something slips through the net, I hope you can solve it yourself!"

Logan said.

"To make you take it so seriously, this Datongmu clan seems to be very troublesome!"

Obito said.

"It's far more troublesome than you imagined. If you think that the old man of six paths is just one of their descendants, you will understand their strength. However, if there is no ten-tailed Otsutsuki clan, they will not pose a great threat to you!"

"According to the information I got, ten-tailed animals are very rare, and not everyone has them, and the first ten-tailed cubs are not very powerful, this is also good news for you!"

Logan said.

"I understand! Next, I'm going to the Iron Country to disrupt the Five Kage peace talks and declare war on them. Do you have anything else to say?"

Obito asked.

"Be careful, Hei is not so easy to fool, after all, he has planned for thousands of years, don't let him find out, or you will be in great trouble!"

Logan exhorted.

"I got it! I'll leave first if I have nothing to do! I can't stay here for too long!"

Obito said.

"Go! Lin is waiting for the day you come back!"

Logan said.

"Okay! Tell her I'll be looking for her soon!"

After speaking, Obito left this place and went to the country of iron.

And Tsunade, who received Raikage's letter, also took Kimomaro and Shiro to the Iron Country, preparing to participate in the Five Kage talks. Shisui was secretly protecting, and Konoha also received the abnormalities of Yunyin, Yanyin and Akatsuki. Acting on the information, I understand that there may be accidents in this meeting, so I have made complete preparations.

Kakashi and Yamato took the new Naruto to look for Raikage, in order to make Raikage give up chasing and killing Sasuke, otherwise Naruto would probably act alone!
(End of this chapter)

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