The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 672 See You Again

Chapter 672 See You Again

Uchiha Madara and Akatsuki declared war on the ninja world, and the Moon Eye plan soon spread to various ninja villages. Although everyone has not returned to the village, the high-level officials in the village have already begun to take action.

It can be said that this is an unprecedented war. In the past, it was a war between various villages. This time it became the Akatsuki organization against the entire ninja world, but the name Uchiha Madara is enough to make everyone dare not have any contempt. , and the Xiao organization dared to be an enemy of the entire ninja world, which showed that the other party must have superior means, and it must not be underestimated just because the other party is just an organization.

After Kakashi brought Naruto back to the village, the village sent people to strictly protect Naruto. Now that Uchiha Madara wants to launch the Moon Eye Project, there are still eight tails and nine tails. The purpose of Akatsuki's war is also In order to capture Eight and Nine Tails, they must be well protected.

Konoha is also waiting for news from Yunyin, and is ready to send Naruto to Turtle Island and Kirabi to learn how to control Kyuubi, but many things are hidden from Naruto, and now almost everyone knows about it In the ninja war, Naruto and Kirabi are still unclear, this is deliberately concealing two people.

After all, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp. If they know that a war is about to break out, they will never stay in Turtle Island honestly, and will definitely go to the front line. The opportunity to launch the Moon Eye Project is not allowed by anyone.

"Naruto, there is a super S-rank mission that needs you to complete!"

Tsunade called Naruto and spoke.

"What what! Super S-rank mission?"

Naruto was very excited. He hadn't performed a super S-level mission yet, so he was very excited.

"Go to Turtle Island in Yunyin and follow Eight-Tails Jinchuriki to learn to master the power of Nine-Tails! Yunyin's Eight-Tails Jinchuriki is currently the only one who can perfectly control Eight-Tails Chakra. You have to study hard with him. When will you be able to master it perfectly? The power of Nine Tails is gone, when will you come back!"

Tsunade looked at Naruto and said.

"Learn from Eight-Tails Jinchuriki to master the power of Nine-Tails?"

Naruto was taken aback for a moment. He had received the words from Hamamaru, saying that he would go on vacation and then meet an octopus who could help him. Now the village arranged for him to learn and master the power of Nine-tails with Eight-tailed. Could it be said that the octopus is Eight-tailed ?Possibly, an octopus has eight legs and eight tails.

"Yes! Let's go immediately! Go to Turtle Island as quickly as possible, the sooner you can master it, the better, do you understand!"

Tsunade looked at Naruto and said.

"Don't worry! Granny Tsunade, I will definitely master the power of Kyuubi!"

Naruto said firmly.

Whether it's for everyone's safety, or for fighting against Sasuke in the future, it is necessary to be able to perfectly control the power of Nine-Tails. Originally, Naruto had no idea how to control Nine-Tails Chakra without being affected by Nine-Tails. It is better to teach your own people.

"Remember, you must master it perfectly, or you will not be allowed to come back!"

Tsunade reiterated again.

Tsunade hoped in his heart that the war would be over by then. For Tsunade, he entrusted his longing for Jiraiya to Naruto, and he did not want to see Naruto suffer any harm, so he would use Do everything possible to protect Naruto and let Naruto grow up well.

"Understood, Granny Tsunade, I'm going to prepare now!"

Naruto left happily after speaking.

"Master Tsunade, is it appropriate to hide Naruto like this? After all, this is a war involving the entire ninja world, and the purpose of the Akatsuki organization's war is also him and Yao. Once Naruto finds out, he will definitely not treat him honestly." It's on Yunyin's side!"

Shizune looked at Naruto who left happily and asked.

"No way, the current Naruto joining the war is not very helpful. Instead, he may be sent into Madara's hands. If he can perfectly control the power of Kyuubi, then it will be considered a great power for us. Others The shadows of Ninja Village also don't agree with Naruto's participation in the battle now!"

"I've already made an agreement with Raikage that the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki will help Naruto, but now we can't let Naruto and Eight-Tails know that the war is about to start, otherwise they will probably run to join the battle, but now is not the time for Naruto to participate, Tell Kai and Yamato that Naruto must not know that the battle is about to begin until he has perfectly mastered the power of the Nine Tails!"

Tsunade said seriously.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama, I will inform you right away!"

Shizune hurriedly contacted Yamato and Maitekai.

"The ninja war is about to begin, are you ready?"

Logan appeared in Hokage's office without making a sound and asked.

"Well, the arrangement is almost done! I just hope that this day will not come!"

Tsunade said with a sigh.

"What should come will always come. The other party has planned it for thousands of years, and it is not so easy to destroy it! Do everything you can! This time it will be regarded as a near miss!"

Logan said.

"Don't you have something to prepare? Why are you here?"

Tsunade looked at Logan and asked.

"I didn't want to tell you, but think about it, a big battle is about to happen, I think it's better to give you some motivation!"

Logan looked at Tsunade and said mysteriously.

"Power? What do you mean?"

Tsunade didn't know, so he looked at Logan and asked.

"Come with me and you'll know!"

After speaking, Logan disappeared with Tsunade.

"This is where?"

Tsunade looked at the unfamiliar surroundings and asked.

"This is my space, specially prepared for some people!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Yo! Old man, you are here!"

Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind, shaking Tsunade's delicate body, Tsunade turned around slowly, and saw the familiar figure.

"Huh? Tsunade?!"

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade in surprise, and then glanced at Logan, as if asking if he should tell Tsunade that he was still alive?How did you bring Tsunade.

"The ninja world war is about to start, let you cheer this little girl up!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Master Tsunade!"

At this time Minato, Kushina, Itachi and Nagato trio all appeared.

"What's going on? Aren't they all dead?"

Tsunade looked at Logan in shock and asked.

"With me here, it's hard to die! The reason why they are arranged here is that there are more important things for them to do!"

Logan said.

"Why is Payne here?"

Tsunade looked at Nagato with hatred and asked.

"Everything about Nagato was arranged by me! In order to confuse the enemy's sight, they are preparing for a bigger battle in the future! Don't blame Nagato, blame me if you want!"

Logan patted Tsunade on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, I don't have much time for you, let's catch up with them! I'll take you back later!"

Logan said.

"Nagato, you three come with me! Itachi, you come too!"

Logan walked up to Nagato, Yahiko and Konan and said, then took them away.


Jiraiya ran to Tsunade with a smile on his face, and finally saw the person he had been thinking about day and night, which made Jiraiya a little excited.



Tsunade blows Jiraiya away with an iron fist, it's still a familiar routine, poor Jiraiya!I can't turn over in this life!

(End of this chapter)

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