The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 673 The pharmacist is in action!

Chapter 673 The pharmacist is in action!

"My lord, is that Otsuki Ichishi really that powerful?"

After a brief chat with Jiraiya, Minato, and Kushina, Logan took Tsunade back to Konoha.

"Although Otsutsuki Ichishi is powerful, it is not invincible. The key is the horror of this race. Since I fought him last time, I have been thinking about how to solve Otsuki Ichishi's resurrection, but I have never found a good one. This is where it gets tricky!"

Logan thought for a while and said.

"Even you can't help it?"

Tsunade asked in surprise.

"I'm not omnipotent! There are many things that I don't understand. Up to now, I haven't figured out how to apply 'Wedge'. The main reason is that I don't have a research object. I can only rely on my experience when I was fighting with Otsuki Ichishi. It’s not legal at all!”

Logan said with a wry smile.

"That 'wedge' you mentioned must have a weakness!"

Tsunade said.

"No matter what it is, there are weaknesses, but the key is to find the existence of weaknesses, but the 'wedge' is a force we don't understand. If you want to find its weaknesses, you must understand it, but now I have no way to start !"

"However, during this ninja world war, Hei Ze will definitely attract Otsutsuki's tribe to deal with me again. I hope that by then I can find a way to understand the nature of this power, otherwise it will always be a threat!"

Logan said.

"Please, my lord! Only you can do this kind of thing!"

Tsunade said with some guilt.

"Fool, this is what I should do! Don't worry, I will find a way! You can deal with this ninja world war with peace of mind! You don't need to worry about other things!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Drink this! It will help you a lot in this battle!"

Logan took out a bottle of Ultimate Immortality Liquid and handed it to Tsunade.

"grown ups……"

"Okay! There is no need to say anything! Now I really have to get busy! Heijue has already taken action, and I can't be left behind. I will leave the Ninja World War to you! I believe you will definitely Win!"

Logan smiled and planned what Tsunade said.

"My lord, don't worry, we won't let you down!"

Tsunade nodded emphatically.

"Well, I trust you guys! I'm leaving!"

After talking about Logan, he left. He still doesn't know what kind of enemy Heijue has prepared for him, but what is certain is that he will never be weak. Whether it is for the ninja world or for his final evolution, this battle All must be foolproof!
During this period of time, Yaoshidou has been taking advantage of the chaos in the ninja world, secretly stealing the corpses of dead ninjas in various villages, and preparing for his great cause, but he can't do it alone, so he found Take soil.

"Say hi first, Hobby! No, it's time to call Madara!"

Pharmacist looked at Obito and said.

"Thank you for finding this place!"

Obito looked at the sudden appearance of the pharmacist, and remembered what Logan had said to him.

"There is someone you should pay close attention to. It is a big help for you. If you use it well, it will bring you a lot of convenience!"

Logan said.


Obito asked.

"Pharmacist's pocket!"

Logan said.

"He? The spy that Scorpion arranged next to Orochimaru? Is there anything special about him?"

Obito asked unexpectedly.

"Yaoshidou is not as simple as it appears on the surface. He is not only a spy of Xie, but also a spy of Orochimaru. After Orochimaru was defeated by Sasuke, he has always wanted to study Orochimaru and surpass him. He has made unexpected breakthroughs, so he can be regarded as a talent! I think he will come to you soon!"

Logan explained.

"Although I believe in you, I still don't think there is anything worthy of my attention for such a small role!"

Obito didn't like Yakushidou at all.

"Hehe, let's wait and see, he will bring you a big surprise!"

Logan smiled mysteriously.

"As a spy, I travel between countries. I used to be a member of Akatsuki. It's best not to underestimate my intelligence network!"

Yakushidou interrupted Obito's memory and said.

"You were a spy for Scorpion! You were Akatsuki's traitor!"

After talking about Obito, he was about to deal with Yaoshidou, but he dodged it and used psychic spells at the same time.


Several coffins were raised from the ground.

"This is... the reincarnation of the dirt!"

After looking at Itachi, Nagato, Scorpion, Kakuto, and Deidara in the coffin, Obito immediately recognized that this was a very tricky reincarnation of dirt.

"Only the second generation of Hokage and Oshemaru masters can use the forbidden technique, but I am the third person who can use it, and now I surpass them both! This is a little performance for you! To make you believe in me Strength! Please rest assured, I am not here to fight!"

The pharmacist said.

"What's your purpose?"

Obito knew that he really underestimated Yao Shidou, but he didn't expect him to have such a hand. If Yao Shidou revived these people in front of him, it would be difficult for him to defeat them.

"I want to join hands with you!"

The pharmacist said.

"Joining hands? What are the benefits of joining forces with you?"

Obito asked.

"Are you going to fight soon? That means I can provide you with combat power! The Itachi, Scorpion, Didara, Kakuto, and Nagato here are all masters, and my chess pieces are far more than these!"

The pharmacist said.

But Obito was a little curious. On the surface, Itachi and Nagato were already dead, but he knew that Itachi and Nagato were practicing in another dimension. What would happen if Yakushidou used dirty soil to reincarnate?Of course, Logan had thought of this problem a long time ago, and no one would find anything abnormal.

"What reward do you need?"

Obito looked at the pharmacist and asked.

"Sasuke Uchiha!"

The pharmacist said.

"What are your plans?"

Obito asked.

"It's nothing, I'm interested in the purest truth in ninjutsu, and I need Sasuke to study it! I want a young and sensitive Uchiha who is alive!"

The pharmacist said.

"What if I refuse!"

Obito said.

"Spirituality · Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"


A coffin that was significantly larger in size than the other five emerged.


The coffin lid was opened.

"This, this is..."

Obito looked at the person in the coffin in shock, and finally understood what the surprise Logan was talking about, it turned out to be Uchiha Madara's body!
"Do you think I'll come to see you unprepared? That's right, you can't say no!"

The pharmacist said proudly.

"You bastard! Where did you get that?"

Obito suppressed his anger and asked.

"It took a lot of trouble! Don't worry! I didn't tell anyone!"

The pharmacist said.

"Hmph! Pharmacist did not expect that you are such a talent. Fighting against you now will only weaken our strength, so you came here at the right time, you are really a thoughtful guy! Well, I will join forces with you, but , I will hand it over to you Sasuke when the war is over! Before that, I won’t let you see Sasuke!”

Obito said.

"As expected of Uchiha Madara, he has extraordinary temperament!"

No matter how you listen to Yaoshidou's words, it is full of irony, but Obito cannot refuse Yaoshidou's request, which makes Obito hate Yaoshidou to the bone!

(End of this chapter)

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