The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 675 Success

Chapter 675 Success
"Seeing Mom, I have a lot of things I want to ask!"

Naruto said happily.

"Well, then listen to you slowly!"

"Before that, I still have to make Nine Tails calm down!"

After speaking, several chains sprang out from Naruto's body and locked Kyuubi.

"This chakra, is it Kushina?"

Kyuubi looked at Naruto in surprise and said to himself.

"In order for you to control the power of Nine-Tails, Minato injected my Chakra into the seal, hoping to help you!"

Kushina said.

"Hey, hey hey..."

Naruto has been giggling, and finally saw the mother who misses day and night, Naruto couldn't restrain the joy in his heart.

"Are you listening?"

Kushina looked at the weird Naruto and asked.

"Mum is a beautiful woman, that's great!"

Naruto said happily.

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment!"

Jiu Xinnai was also very happy to finally see his son.

"Hair like your dad but face like me, sorry Naruto!"

Kushina said with a smile.

"Why do you say that? Since I look like a beautiful mother, it means that I am handsome! And my mother has beautiful straight red hair, so I wish I could look like you too!"

Naruto said, imagining himself with red hair.

"Praise my red-haired man, you are second!"

Kushina said with a smile.

"Well, who is the first one?"

Naruto asked.

"Of course it's your father!"

Kushina said.

"I remember!"

Naruto said.


"That, that, I think if you see your mother, you must ask, how did you fall in love with your father?"

Naruto asked excitedly.

"I always feel very shy!"

Kushina said shyly.

"I've said it, I'm excited!"

Naruto said.

"It's called being shaken!"

"Say it again!"


Mother and son get along very well, and the atmosphere is very warm.

"That's right, that was my first day in Konoha, and it was also the first time I met your father, Minato!..."

Kushina told Naruto what she saw and heard when she came to Konoha, and her past with Minato.

For Kushina, it was not a good memory, a girl from another village with long red hair, so naturally she would be ridiculed and teased by the children in the village, but Jiushina is not the kind who will let others The bullied girl, she chose to fight back fiercely, and beat up all the boys who bullied and laughed at him, and no one dared to laugh at her since then.

The reason why Kushina came to Konoha was to succeed Uzumaki Mito as the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. After Uzumaki Mito died, Kushina became the new Jinchuriki, but it was also rejected by other ninjas from Ninja Village. He was targeted and took her away, but it was also because of this that Kushina and Minato had real contact, a typical hero saving the beauty!
"Mum was saved by Dad after all!"

Naruto said happily.

"I'll talk about this later, the chakra I used to suppress Nine-Tails won't last anymore! Let's make a break now!"

Kushina said.

"it is good!"

Naruto said firmly.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto is about to snatch Nine-Tails' Chakra in one go.

"Little devil!"

Kyuubi is completely angry. If Naruto succeeds, he will be completely reduced to Naruto's tool. This is something Kyuubi cannot tolerate, and Kyuubi will try his best to resist.

"Spiral Super Multiple Pills!"

Numerous Naruto rushed towards Nine Tails with spiral pills in their hands.

"It's not over yet!"

Although Kyuubi broke a lot of chains, its legs were still bound by Kushina. As soon as Kushina exerted force, Kyuubi was pulled down.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Naruto took the opportunity to enter the fairy mode, and the spiral pill also became a super large moon spiral pill.

"Immortal Law Super Big Jade Spiral Duolian Pill!"

Kyuubi was repelled by countless super jade spiral pills, and a large number of chakras were also dragged out.

"One more note!"

"Spiral Shuriken!"


"Great! Nine-Tails' Chakra has been pulled out!"

Kushina said excitedly.

"This, is this the Chakra of Nine Tails?"

Naruto looked at his Nine-Tails mode and said in surprise.

"Naruto! You, you completely pissed me off!"

Kyuubi, who was pulled out a lot of chakra, lost a lot of weight, but it also made Kyuubi completely go berserk, and a huge tailed beast jade appeared in front of Kyuubi.

"There is still such a powerful force! You are really powerful!"

Naruto looked at Kyuubi who was making Tailed Beast Jade in surprise and said.


Naruto didn't give Kyuubi a chance, and sealed Kyuubi again.

"This is from Six Paths..."

Kyuubi looked at Naruto in shock, the one who sealed Kyuubi was Six Paths Sage's seal ten, a very powerful sealing technique.

"Remember it, Naruto!"

Kyuubi fell into a deep sleep helplessly.

"Sorry, Kyuubi! But, I won't do anything to you! Wait for me!"

Naruto has to seize the time to reunite with Kushina, because the time for the two is running out.

"That's great, Naruto!"

Kushina happily shook Naruto's hand and said.

"Mom, I..."

Naruto said with some reluctance.

"Now I can go to Minato with peace of mind!"

Kushina said.


Naruto's heart is full of sadness, just like Chakra who met Minato last time, the reunion is always short-lived.

"Before I leave, there is something I want to tell you clearly!"

Kushina said seriously.

"Naruto, that happened 16 years ago when you were born! I want to tell you the truth!"

Kushina said.

"The truth 16 years ago?"

Naruto asked.

"I am the former Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!"

Kushina said that when talking about the past with Naruto, Kushina did not say that she was Jinchuriki.

"Mom, you used to be Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

Naruto asked in shock.

"That's right!"

"If you want to talk about what happened 16 years ago, you must first let you know my life experience!"

"I was chosen as the second-generation Nine-Tails Jinchuriki! The teacher said that I was brought from the Uzumaki Kingdom to Konoha in order to make me a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!"

Kushina said.

"Why? Why do mothers from other countries have to become Injuriki?"

Naruto's heart was filled with anger and confusion.

"Although I am a foreigner, there is a deep relationship between the Fire Country and the Uzumaki Country, Konoha Ninja Village and Uzumura Ninja Village! The Senju Clan of Konoha and the Uzumaki Clan of Uzushio are actually related by blood Because of the long lifespan of the clansmen, Ushio Village is also known as Longevity Village!"

"Our family is good at sealing techniques, and our temper is a bit hot. The four-element seal on your abdomen is also derived from the sealing technique of our village!"

"Minato, I was the one who taught your father a lot of sealing techniques, Naruto, the logo behind you is the logo of Uzumyo Ninja Village! In Konoha, it is still used as a symbol of friendship to this day!"

The truth of history surfaced little by little, which made Naruto a little hard to accept. He was a Kyuubi Jinchuriki, and his mother was also a Kyuubi Jinchuriki. What a painful thing it was!
(End of this chapter)

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