The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 676 Father's Love and Mother's Love

Chapter 676 Father's Love and Mother's Love

"The Uzumaki Ninja Village?"

Naruto asked.

"It has disappeared now. In the era of war, the power of the seal was feared, and the village was attacked and eventually destroyed! The survivors, hiding their identities, were scattered all over the place."

Kushina said in a low mood.

"Even so, why do you want your mother to be Jinjuriki!"

Naruto asked dissatisfied.

"In Uzushio Village, I really want to be born with a powerful chakra that can seal Nine-Tails!"

"Do you know the battle between Senju Hashirama-sama and Uchiha Madara in the first Hokage?"

Kushina asked.


Naruto nodded slightly.

"My previous Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was the wife of the first Hokage. Her name was Uzumaki Mito. In that battle, in order to help Mr. Hashirama who got Nine-Tails, Mito-sama sealed Nine-Tails inside himself with a sealing technique. In the body, it became Renzhuli!"

"Since then, Kyuubi has been owned by Konoha, but when Mito-sama died soon, I was brought here and became Kyuubi's container."

Kushina said calmly.

"This is treating people as tools!"

Naruto said both sadly and somewhat angrily.

"When I was brought here, I actually didn't know about it. After learning the truth, I was really shocked. This matter was treated as a secret. Only a few high-level officials, including the third generation, knew about it, and even Sannin didn't know about it!"

"The stress and loneliness of being Jinchuriki almost overwhelmed me, but the former Mito-sama invited me!"

Kushina's memory flashed back to the night he met Mito.

"Let the container be filled with love! In that case, even if you live as a human being, you will be able to obtain happiness!"

Kushina told Naruto what Mito said at the time.

"Then mom, are you living happily as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

Naruto asked.


There was a happy smile on Kushina's face.

"The incident of Kyuubi attacking Konoha 16 years ago, my father said that it was done by a masked guy in the Akatsuki organization, so why do you still hold Kyuubi, Mom?"

Naruto asked puzzled.

"It seems that your father didn't explain it to you in detail!"

"That's right. At that time, Minato gave me most of the time, and there was not much time left for me!"

"16 years ago, it was indeed the man in the mask who manipulated Kyuubi to attack Konoha, but before that, Kyuubi had been sealed in my body."

Kushina said.

"Why then?"

Naruto asked.

"That masked man, I don't know why, Jinchuriki's only chance when the Tailed Beast's seal will be at its weakest! That's when he seized the opportunity to snatch Kyuubi!"

Kushina said.

"The only chance for the seal to weaken? When is that?"

Naruto asked anxiously.

"During childbirth!"

"A female jinchuriki will transfer the power of the seal to the child in her womb within ten months from pregnancy to childbirth, and the seal against the tailed beast will also be weakened as a result!"

Kushina said.

"That means……"

Naruto's face was full of sadness, it turned out that his own birth was the cause of everything!
"On October 16, [-] years ago..."

Kushina fell into the memories of the past. When she first found out that she was pregnant, she and Minato were excited for a long time. As the due date got closer, the tense atmosphere became more and more intense. When the Tailed Beast Seal is at its weakest, if you are not careful, Nine Tails may break out, which will be a huge disaster not only for yourself and the child, but also for the entire Konoha.

When the first generation of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Mito was giving birth, Nine-Tails almost broke the seal. It was impossible to be careless, so in order to protect the safety of the village, Kushina was arranged to give birth in an enchantment far away from the village.

In order to ensure smooth operation, Minato will also specially stand aside, and immediately strengthen the seal of Nine Tails as soon as the child is born.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process of giving birth, Kyuubi struggled quite a bit, but he survived in the end, but when everyone relaxed their vigilance, the masked man appeared, threatening Naruto's life, and forced Minato Left Kushina's side, and took Jiushina away.

Afterwards, Kyuubi was released from Kushina's body and attacked Konoha.

Minato worked hard to rescue Naruto and Kushina, but in order to protect the village, Minato set Kushina and Naruto up and went to the battlefield again, but was stopped by the masked man. After a great battle, Minato fell into a bitter battle because of his unfamiliarity with the masked man's abilities.

But in the end, it was Minatoki's superior move, wounding the masked man, and desperately saved Konoha from the attack of Kyuubi and the masked man. In order to deal with the future crisis, Minato sealed Kyuubi in Naruto's body, Together with Kushina, Naruto was saved.

"I'm sorry, I used you as a container of Nine Tails, let you bear our burden, can't live with you, can't give you more love."

Kushina apologized to Naruto guiltily.

"You don't need to apologize to me! It is true that I have suffered a lot in the past as a Kyuubi Jinchuriki, but I did not resent my father and mother. Of course, to be honest, I don't know much about fatherly love and motherly love. I remember my father I and my mother are not around, there is only a general feeling!"

"But now I understand that my father and mother are willing to give up their lives for me, and I also understand that before I became a container of Kyuubi, you first poured your father's love and mother's love into me, so I am also very happy!"

"I'm so proud of being the child of my father and mother!"

Naruto said happily.

All the incomprehension in the past dissipated at this moment. My parents didn't love me, but they loved me deeply. They protected me with their lives, so I didn't live alone, and I also carried the love of my parents. Let Naruto feel unprecedented happiness.

"Minato, did you see it? This kid already understands our thoughts!"

Naruto's words made Kushina very pleased, and she didn't have any regrets.

"Naruto, thank you for making me a mother and Minato a father. You can come to us as a child. Thank you very much!"

Kushina hugged Naruto and said the last sentence. As the chakra dissipated, Kushina's figure also disappeared, leaving Naruto crying in the consciousness space.

And Kushina, who was far away in the space of Logan's Yuzhong, also had a feeling.

"Minato, I saw Naruto! Naruto has grown up, and he has successfully mastered the power of Nine Tails!"

Kushina hugged Minato and shed tears of joy.

"Really? I knew Naruto could do it!"

Minato was also very happy.

"But the ninja war is about to start, will Naruto be okay?"

Kushina asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, no, Lord Logan said, I will participate in the war in another way, and I will take good care of him!"

Minato comforted Kushina and said.

With the help of Kushina, Naruto successfully mastered the chakra of Nine Tails. This is great news for the ninja world, and it also means that Naruto will soon be able to participate in the war.

(End of this chapter)

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