The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 679 Blocking

Chapter 679 Blocking (Two in One)

Naruto and Kirabi acted together, which caused headaches for those who blocked them. After Naruto mastered the Nine-Tails Chakra, he was already extremely powerful, plus a Kirabi who perfectly controlled the Eight-Tails Chakra, the two People can almost sweep the entire ninja world.

Although the United Ninja Army specially prepared a 36-layer barrier to prevent the two from escaping, it is not difficult for the two to break through the barrier. Kirabi transformed into Eight Tails and released the Tailed Beast Jade, and Naruto Entering the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, pushing the Eight-Tails' Tailed Beast Jade to break through layers of barriers, so that the barrier troops had no time to repair the damaged barriers. The two rushed out of Turtle Island like broken bamboos and approached the battlefield.

The headquarters of the Ninja United Army also knew that the two ran to the battlefield. Raikage immediately went to stop the two, and Tsunade also chose to go with him, trying to persuade Naruto.


Two figures suddenly appeared on the way Naruto and Kirabi were advancing. They were Tsunade and Fourth Raikage who came to stop Naruto and Kirabi.

"That's it! You two don't even think about it!"

Raikage said loudly.

"Is this what it looks like after mastering Nine-Tails Chakra? You finally succeeded, Naruto!"

Tsunade thought while looking at Naruto in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode in shock.

"Brother, let Naruto go! Please! I'll vouch for him!"

Kirabi looked at Raikage and said.

"Don't talk nonsense! This battle is fought to protect you! If you are caught..."

"The enemy's spell will be completed and the world will be destroyed, right?"

"Iruka-sensei told me everything!"

Naruto interrupted Raikage's words.

"Since you know, why go there, you two idiots!"

Lei Ying scolded angrily.

"It's because of this, because everyone wants to protect us! I can't just sit back and watch my comrades die! If the battle is won, everyone dies, and I am the only one who survives, then what's the point! I don't want to do this !"

Naruto can now understand the situation of his companions, and he can also hear the wailing of many ninjas. Such encounters make him unable to be protected with peace of mind.

"It's better than the destruction of the world, everyone thinks so! That's why we will fight to protect you without fear of sacrifice!"

Raikage said loudly.

"I'm not so cold-blooded that I know everything, but I can still remain indifferent!"

Naruto retorted.

"Stop talking! I won't let you pass!"

Lei Ying is a domineering person, and he will not be easily persuaded by Naruto.


Seeing that Naruto couldn't convince Raikage, he chose to break through quickly, but he underestimated Raikage's speed, which was as fast as lightning. As soon as Naruto moved, Raikage followed, and Naruto's plan was completely defeated. .


Naruto was punched back by Raikage.

"How can this fist be so heavy! If it is hit directly, it will be over!"

This time, Naruto has fully seen Raikage's strength, and this is still a state where Raikage has not used all his strength.

"Grandma Tsunade, you must understand me! I will stop this war! Let me go!"

Naruto hoped that Tsunade would let him go, so he begged Tsunade.

"Currently, my identity is the staff officer of the Ninja United Army. The alliance has decided to stop you. Although I am Hokage, I can't act without permission!"

Tsunade understands it, but it is related to the life and death of the ninja world. It is impossible to risk the two most important figures into the battlefield with just a few words. Once the two are caught by Akatsuki, then this war can almost be said to be Lost.

"Understood, there's nothing you can do about it from your standpoint, then, you can only force your way, and use a faster speed!"

Naruto made up his mind to join the war, especially the war he started because of himself.


Naruto's speed was faster than before, almost invisible to human eyes, but to Raikage, this speed was nothing, and Naruto was still stopped by Raikage.

"Uncle Lei Ying is so fast!"

Naruto sincerely lamented that Raikage's speed was really fast, and the speed just now was not something that ordinary people could keep up with.

"No, maybe the Nine-Tails Chakra mode should be praised more, it can compete with Raikage's speed!"

Tsunade looked at the two people whose speed was about the same and said with emotion in his heart.

"Since the death of the Fourth Hokage, no ninja has forced me to go faster!"

Raikage looked at Naruto and said, but he was also very uneasy. He had this speed after a long time of hard training, coupled with the transformation of his body by the thunder attribute chakra, he had today's speed, and Naruto Raikage was amazed that a person could reach this speed just by relying on the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.

"You know my dad?"

Naruto looked at Raikage in surprise and asked.

"I have fought against him several times, and I once thought that no ninja could defeat him! I heard that he is the son of the prophecy that Konoha Sannin Jiraiya said, and he is called the savior by people!"

"As the savior, why didn't he show up in this war! Because he failed in the Nine-Tails incident! And you, as his son, didn't learn any lessons! You are even so stupid that you can only make up baseless possibilities !"

Lei Ying looked at Naruto and said.

"Don't say it, don't say it, you seem to know my father very well!"

Naruto recalled what his mother Kushina told him about his father. In his opinion, his father not only did not fail, but also made arrangements and coped with it.

"Fourth Hokage did not fail!"

"If you want to leave anyway, I can only kill you!"

Raikage said firmly that as long as it can prevent the destruction of the World Cup, Raikage doesn't care what to do.

"Hey, Raikage!"

Tsunade was anxious after hearing this, this was different from what they had said before, not to mention that it was impossible for her to watch Naruto being killed by Raikage.

"In this way, a short period of time will be bought until Nine-Tails is resurrected! The enemy will have to speed up the progress of the plan!"

The chakra on Raikage is even more violent. Raikage can be said to be the most violent in Wuying. It may also be related to their specialization in the chakra of the thunder attribute. Raikage shot at Naruto.


Kirabi stood up and resisted Raikage's attack.

"Bi! You..."

Raikage looked at Kirabi in surprise.

"Since that's the case, it's the same if my Eight-Tails is dead! Doing that can also subvert the enemy's plan! I will use my life to send Naruto to the battlefield!"

Kirabi said in a rare seriousness.

"Uncle Kirabi!"

Naruto looked movedly at himself, a senior who was also a teacher and friend, and Naruto felt the shadow of Jiraiya in him.

"Raikage! The Ninja Alliance doesn't know about this yet! You can't make decisions without authorization. As the general staff, I disagree!"

Tsunade shouted loudly.

"It is my duty to win this war, and I will do whatever it takes!"

Lei Ying said.

"Then like Eight-tails said, why did you kill Naruto!"

Tsunade asked.

"As Raikage, I am ready to kill my younger brother when necessary! But now, it is better to kill Naruto than to kill Kirabi! In terms of the power of Jinzhuli, Kirabi who can control the tail beast jade Possess stronger fighting power!"

"Let go of me! Bi!"

Lei Ying said.

"No! Stupid, bastard!"

Kirabi's mantra really makes people wonder what to say.

"You people are both yourself and not only yourself! You are the balance of power for the country and the power of the village! You are special to the country and the village! You should not act recklessly! Find out where you stand! Two big idiot!"

Raikage said loudly.

"Ah! You're right! But I also have a persistence that I can't give up! If it's gone, I'm just a weapon!"

Kirabi said.

"Why help him like this? Kirabi!"

Lei Ying looked at Kirabi and asked.

"You can't read my heart even with a bang of your fist? Brother!"

Kirabi looked at Raikage sadly and asked.


Hearing what Kirabi said, Raikage recalled in his mind the scene when he and Kirabi first met. Kirabi was the partner that the third generation of Raikage found for him. At that time, the fourth generation of Raikage taught Qi Raibi The rabbi bumped fists, and the two of them didn't need to talk at the time, as long as they punched their fists, they could know what the other was thinking. Although they were not real brothers, they were better than real brothers.

The two have become more and more tacit understanding, and the various tasks are completed perfectly, but later Kirabi became Renzhuriki, although the relationship between the two has not changed, but because Kirabi became Renzhuriki , some things have changed, especially after the death of the third generation of Leiying, the fourth generation of Raikage restricted Kirabi's freedom and did not allow him to go out, so he could only stay in the village, and the relationship between the two began. Alienated.

"Take advantage of it now!"

When Raikage fell into memory, Naruto found the opportunity and wanted to take the opportunity to rush over, but he was still discovered by the keen Raikage.


Raikage skipped over Kirabi, and sent Naruto back with a punch.

"Damn it! It's really fast!"

Naruto looked at Raikage helplessly. Raikage's extreme speed really made it difficult for Naruto, especially after Raikage got Logan's lightning-attribute secret art scroll, his speed and body were further improved.


Naruto tried again, but still couldn't avoid Raikage's block, and was beaten back again.


Kirabi strikes again.

"Do you think you can stop me with your Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

Lei Ying said angrily.


Kirabi was also punched and sent flying.

"You still have time to worry about others!"

Raikage will continue to attack Naruto.


Raikage was entangled by Kirabi's eight-tailed tail.

"Why? Kirabi!"

Lei Ying looked at Kirabi and asked.

"Don't you understand? Brother!"

Kirabi replied.

"Thank you! Uncle Kirabi! Now we can break through Raikage's block!"

Seeing this, Naruto wanted to rush past Raikage's block again.



Lei Ying grabbed Kirabi's tail and threw it directly at Naruto, and the two fell out together, failing to break through the level again.

"Hokage! You also come to help!"

Raikage looked at the indifferent Tsunade and said.

"Da da da……"

After Tsunade pondered for a while, he walked across from Raikage, obviously to help Naruto and Kirabi.

"Hokage! You should have a reasonable excuse!"

Raikage looked at Tsunade angrily and asked.

"Even if we kill Naruto now and prolong the resurrection time of Kyuubi, I don't think that the next Jinchuriki can control the power of Kyuubi so perfectly! Since this war must be fought to the death, it should be fought without reservation." Do your best to fight! I agree with Naruto to go!"

Tsunade said firmly.

Tsunade saw infinite possibilities in Naruto, she firmly believed that Naruto could do everything, not to mention that this was the son of prophecy confirmed by Jiraiya, Tsunade believed in Jiraiya's judgment.

"That's a good excuse! Although it's not an excuse! This is the Hokage Granny I know!"

Naruto said happily.

"Hokage, didn't you make a decision on your own? One by one, why are you so sure that Naruto can do it!"

Lei Ying asked very upset, he has been unable to figure out this question.

"Da da da……"

Suddenly Kirabi attacked Raikage.

"I said, you can't beat me with your Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

Lei Ying looked at Kirabi indifferently and said.


The two collided together.

"Brother! Ever since you became Raikage, you have been misestimating my strength! Stupid, bastard!"

Kirabi said.


Neither of them could do anything to the other, so they separated.

"Kirabi, both you and Naruto are extremely important Jinchuriki! They have special significance to the village and the country! That's why I won't let you leave!"

"Injuriki is indeed powerful, but the others were defeated by Akatsuki, our enemy, and sealed away!"

Lei Ying looked at Kirabi seriously and said.

"Naruto and I are confident that we will never lose! We know this ourselves!"

Kirabi ran towards Raikage again.

"Very good! Then try!"

"Who is more powerful than my Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

Lei Ying also ran towards Kirabi.


This time, Kirabi won the collision, and he realized his childhood dream.


Naruto looked at Kirabi in surprise and said.

"The power of Naruto and I does not come solely from Jinchuriki! There is a more powerful source of power in our body. Before I got Eight Tails, my elder brother gave me precious words that I can't give up. With it, I can be so powerful!"

Kirabi looked at Raikage and said.

"Is it what you said that day in front of the real waterfall?"

Lei Ying asked.

"Have you finally noticed? Stupid, bastard!"

"It's no longer a delusion to teach big brother a lesson from above!"

Kirabi said happily.

"You are special to me. We are the strongest partner. I did say that, but just a word like that can make you stronger?"

Lei Ying asked.

"The important thing is not what I mean to the village and the country, but what I mean to Big Brother! So Big Brother's protection of me makes you gradually no longer believe in my power!"

"After being Shangrenzhuli, I lost a lot of things, and I was exhausted physically and mentally, but because of this, I was able to see clearly the light that I didn't want to lose, the shining heart. My strength not only comes from the tailed beast, but also from the things that settled in my heart before I had the tailed beast. , Once it flashes, it will be as huge as the sun, you must know that this is the most important! You must know that this is the source of power!"

"So I firmly believe that I am the only one who can control the eight tails! Naruto also has his sun in his heart, and he has two, which is very rare!"

Kirabi's Zuidun has been with Naruto for a long time, and he has become more and more skilled, and Raikage's mind has gradually changed, so the most powerful force is Zuidun!

(End of this chapter)

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