The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 680 Eight Tails and Nine Tails Join the Battle!

Chapter 680 Eight Tails and Nine Tails Join the Battle!

"Naruto Uzumaki, what are your two suns?"

After hearing what Kirabi said, Raikage asked Naruto.

"Papa and Mama!"

Naruto replied happily.

"Father and mother? The fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina? But they died immediately after you were born!"

Lei Ying said in disbelief.

"It seems that what happened in the process of learning to control the Nine-Tails Chakra! During the battle with Payne, Naruto also said that when he was about to turn into Nine-Tails, the sealing technique was unlocked, and Minato appeared to save him. What I said! He really is not a man who will die in vain!"

Tsunade looked at Naruto and thought.

"When I obtained the power of Nine-Tails, Dad let me see Mom! He had already arranged with Chakra. Once the Nine-Tails seal was opened, Mom would come to see me!"

Naruto thought that the happiness when he saw his mother was beyond words.

"The four generations of Hokage inherited from the unique sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, plus Kushina's powerful chakra and vitality, it should not be a lie!"

Lei Ying guessed.

"When I got this power, my mother told me! Dad once fought against that masked man, and that battle convinced him of two things!"

"One is that the masked man will surely bring disaster! The other is that the only one who can stop him is me, who is Jinchuriki and perfectly controls the power of Nine Tails!"

Naruto said.

"Masked man? Are you referring to Madara? It's really Madara who attacked Konoha with the nine tails!"

Raikage thought about what the masked man said when he attacked the Five Kages conference venue.

"Minato sealed Nine-Tails and left the key to open the seal, so it was because of this! He really didn't do anything superfluous! That is to say, at that time he had concluded that the masked man Madara was a huge threat! Only by controlling Nine-Tails Only those who are strong can hit him! That's why I entrust everything to Naruto!"

After hearing what Naruto said, Tsunade thoroughly understood what Minato had done, and all previous doubts were resolved.

"Has Minato entrusted everything to you? He doesn't think he is the savior!"

Raikage looked at Naruto and asked.

"I don't know if my father regards himself as the savior, but my master told me that my father is the son of prophecy! He is the savior!"

Naruto said.

"Remember what I said just now? The savior Minato is dead! Can you say it's not a failure?"

Lei Ying said.

"Father is indeed dead! Together with mother, they sealed the enemy Kyuubi, protected Konoha from Kyuubi's attack, and also protected me! Although it was only for a moment, they gave me so much entrustment and trust at that time , I believe I can do it, they entrusted me with the task of saving the world!"

Naruto said loudly.

"Raikage, if you kill Naruto and delay the enemy's plan, then Nine-Tails will be taken away, and the world will be over! Only Naruto can control Nine-Tails Chakra, just as Minato firmly believes, let Naruto go , is equal to protecting the ninja and everyone! I am willing to bet on Naruto, how about you!"

Tsunade looked at Raikage and asked loudly.

"Me too! I am the big idiot that big brother said, and, unfortunately, Naruto is undoubtedly a fool! But in the end, only the big idiot who doesn't care about the hardness and height of the wall will succeed!"

Kirabi also sided with Naruto.



Raikage suddenly punched Kirabi away with a violent thunder-attribute chakra wrapped around his body.

"That's full power, are you going to kill Naruto?"

Kirabi stared in amazement at Raikage who was fully fired, feeling extremely troublesome.

"Why are you still so stubborn, then don't blame me for joining the war!"

Tsunade looked at Raikage and said.

"I can't involve my mother-in-law!"

Naruto looked at Tsunade standing in front of him and thought, and then Naruto rushed forward directly over Tsunade.

"Up, Naruto!"

Raikage has his own plan, he doesn't really want to kill Naruto, it can be said to be a test, if he can't even dodge the attack with all his strength, then the effect he can play on the battlefield is limited.

"I carry too many entrustments on me!"

Raikage appeared in front of Naruto in an instant, and slammed his casserole-sized fist at Naruto. At this moment, Naruto suddenly felt that Raikage's speed slowed down, maybe his speed was faster.


Raikage knocked down a boulder with one punch, but didn't touch Naruto at all.

"Never fail!"

Naruto appeared behind Raikage.

At this moment, Raikage thought of the scene when he was fighting against Minato, the same extreme speed, the same words, as expected of father and son, Raikage slowly put away the tyrannical thunder attribute chakra.

"Avoided? Now it's really..."

"Simply a yellow flash!"

Tsunade and Kirabi looked at Naruto in shock, thinking of Minato.

"Uncle Lei Ying is right, if you fail, you will not be the savior, so I will never fail! Just like my father did!"

"Just like I learned from my savior dad!"

Naruto looked at Raikage and said.

"I just wanted to make sure, so I attacked you with killing intent! You are the second person to escape my speedy fist. It seems that the savior is still alive, and he is in your heart. Go!"

Lei Ying is not a stubborn person, but the responsibility he has to bear at this moment is too heavy, and every decision may have a great impact on the war, especially the Tailed Beast that Akatsuki coveted participated in the war. The impact is too great.


Finally convinced Raikage that Naruto and Kirabi can go to the battlefield. This is great news for the Ninja United Army. Two Jinzhuli who can master the power of the tailed beast will join the battle, which is a great help , if it goes well, it can even change the direction of the war.

Especially now that Bai Jue is pretending to be a ninja of the United Ninja Army, because his transformation technique can perfectly copy the chakra of the transformed person, which has caused a lot of trouble for the United Ninja Army. There is no way to tell which ones are It was transformed by Baijue, and Naruto can perceive the enemy's malice in the Nine-Tails Chakra mode. It can be said that the best way is to rely on Naruto to distinguish the identity of the enemy.

In this way, the dangerous situation of the United Ninja Army can be greatly alleviated, and you can face the enemy with peace of mind. However, if you want Naruto to participate, you have to wait for a while. After all, it will take some time for Naruto and Kirabi to rush to the battlefield!
Fortunately, Naruto's current Nine-Tails Chakra mode is extremely powerful. It has improved a lot in terms of combat power and physical speed. He can rush at full speed. He should be able to reach the battlefield before the enemy causes huge damage. As long as Naruto arrives at the front line , all problems can be easily solved.

But Akatsuki and Yaoshidou also found that Naruto and Kirabi were rushing to the front line. Both sides wanted to catch Yao and Kyuubi first, so they sent their men to stop Naruto and Kirabi. They set off with the new Penn Liudao, and the first climax of this battle is approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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