The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 684 Encounter

Chapter 684 Encounter (Two in One)

Because of Naruto, the threat posed by Hakujue was quickly lifted, but Naruto's appearance was completely exposed to the Akatsuki organization, and now Obito is bringing the six original Jinchuriki who were reincarnated and resurrected from the dirty soil The new Payne Six Ways made came to Naruto.

And although Itachi didn't want to see Sasuke, under the arrangement of fate, Sasuke, who replaced Itachi's kaleidoscope, met Itachi on the way to find his subordinates.


Sasuke looked at the person jumping over his head in shock, it seemed to be Itachi, but he was not sure, after all Itachi died in front of him, it is impossible to be alive.

Although Itachi also saw Sasuke, he didn't stop, but continued to rush to the place where Yakushidou was hiding. Now that Sasuke has been entrusted to Naruto, Itachi is not going to interfere any more!


Sasuke, who came back to his senses, immediately chased Itachi. He had a lot to ask Itachi. How could he give up when he saw Itachi who was suspected of being revived? He had to figure it out.

"You are Itachi? I tell you to stop!"

Sasuke angrily used Susano to catch Itachi.


Itachi also used Susano to bounce Sasuke Susano's giant hand away.

"Susano! You really are Itachi!"

Sasuke is now sure that the other party is Itachi, and the red Susano is almost Itachi's symbol. Although he doesn't understand how Itachi was resurrected, he will never let go of this opportunity.

"I didn't expect you to use this too!"

Itachi looked back at Sasuke in surprise and said, but he didn't stop, but continued on his way.

"Why are you here? Isn't it dead?"

Sasuke asked.

"Because of Medicine Master's technique, I am now reincarnated from the dirt! I can't stop now, I have something to do!"

Itachi said.

"Who cares so much! You appear in front of me now, and I have too many questions to ask you!"

Sasuke said eagerly.

"Let's talk later! I'm sure you won't listen to me either!"

Itachi said without looking back.

To be honest, Itachi doesn't know how to face Sasuke. Sasuke has fallen into today's situation, and he has a lot of responsibility. Although Logan said that this is what Sasuke has to go through, but seeing his brother come to this day, Itachi The heart is very self-blaming.

"You said it, let me have the same eyes as yours! I went to find you, then why did you run away! Is it because you feel guilty for lying to me, or you don't have the courage to tell the truth! I already know about you Everything! So I decided to destroy Konoha!"

Sasuke yelled.

"When I was fighting with you, I said that you can't think that people are actually living in their own obsessions. The reality you see may be just an illusion! In fact, you didn't see the truth clearly at all, otherwise you wouldn't choose Destroy Konoha!"

Itachi said.

"I've got rid of the illusion! It's your eyes that can see through your illusion!"

Sasuke is now completely out of the right path, paranoid that everything is Konoha's fault, and Itachi's dead Konoha must pay for it.

"Although your tough tone is still the same, I heard others mention your situation after that, saying that your whole person has changed!"

Itachi thought of what Naruto had just said to him about Sasuke after he faked his death, and after meeting Sasuke, Sasuke's performance, Itachi felt that there might be something wrong with him, maybe it should be as Logan told him at the beginning. Like your own, maybe that would be better.

"No! It was you who changed everything about me! If Konoha didn't let you attack those Uchiha traitors, we would never be where we are today, and you wouldn't die staring at the infamy of rebellious ninja, you You were supposed to be Konoha's hero, but until you died, everyone thought you were a traitor, they would not be sad for your death, but felt that your death was the best end for you!"

"Konoha's peace today is brought by you, but those hateful people always think that everything is your fault, they live a peaceful life, and curse you who brought them everything, this is what I say Unforgivable! I will make them pay!"

Uchiha is the family that pays the most attention to emotions. They will become more extreme in the face of the lack of emotion. This is the disadvantage brought by Sharingan.

"You say you know the truth, but what you know is only the truth that others let you know. It was never Konoha who asked me to attack those Uchiha traitors. The third Hokage firmly opposes me coming forward to get rid of those traitors By!"

"But as a Konoha ninja, the main thing is to protect the stability and peace of the village! All I do is what a qualified Konoha ninja would do!"

Itachi said.

"I don't care! Why should you do it! Why can't it be made public? Why do you have to bear the infamy of rebellious ninja! Why are you proud of being Konoha's ninja even until you die?"

Sasuke didn't understand Itachi's thoughts at all, he was full of hatred for Konoha now.

"Why can't I do it! I am Konoha's ninja, and everything I do is for Konoha!"

"The reason why it is not made public is to protect Konoha and Uchiha's reputation. Uchiha cannot be regarded as a rebel! Now Uchiha has fully integrated into the village. Without the influence of those rebels, Uchiha There is no longer any conflict with Konoha!"

"It was Konoha who gave me everything, and I am willing to give everything for it!"

"Whether Uchiha or Konoha is the most important thing to me, you are too. I was already seriously ill at the time, and I would not live for a few years. It is most suitable for me to do it. Looking at it now Except for a little mistake, everything else is as I expected!"

Itachi said.

"I want to be sanctioned by you, the Uchiha clan, so I used the hatred in your heart, so I failed! In the end, I gave you the hatred and forced you to leave the village. I made you a sinner!"

"I once hoped that you would walk on the right road. Before I died, in order not to let you go on the wrong road, I wanted to guide you on a straight road with no forks. I used lies and pupil power to rewrite the road signs that guide you."

"Let me walk leisurely on that straight road without knowing anything! I don't want to go that way at all!"

Sasuke yelled sadly.

"You are right! How to go should be decided by yourself!"

Itachi said.

"No matter how you rewrite the road sign, with my current eyes, I can see through the traces of alteration!"

Sasuke yelled.

"Street signs may not be the only ones who can guide the way! I am a dead person, so I won't say any more!"

After speaking, Itachi speeded up, he had to quickly let the pharmacist remove the dirt and reincarnate, so as to reduce the casualties of the Ninja United Army.

"You always ignored me when you were alive, you always nodded my forehead to ask me to forgive you, and then ran away, now that you are dead, do you still want to run away!"

Sasuke yelled that he just wanted to have a good talk with his brother right now.

"I didn't run away. As I said just now, I have something to do. I have to stop the reincarnation of the dirt!"

Itachi said.

But Sasuke is not the kind of person who can be persuaded, otherwise he would not leave Konoha, let alone choose to destroy Konoha instead of returning to Konoha after knowing the truth about Itachi, so Sasuke Follow closely in the footsteps of the ferret.


"You stay here for me!"

Itachi summoned a group of crows to stop Sasuke's pursuit. After all, it would be dangerous to go to the medicine man this time, and Itachi didn't want Sasuke to take risks.


Sasuke was stopped by the crow.

Itachi quickly entered a cave, which was the hiding place of the Yakushidou sensed by Nagato before, and all that was left was to defeat the Yakushidou.

"Over there? A boring enchantment!"


Itachi summoned Susanoo and punched the barrier set by Medicine Master Dou with one punch. After entering the cave, he saw another picture of Medicine Master Dou who was neither human nor ghost.

"Thank you for being able to pass through my barrier and find this place!"

The pharmacist said calmly.

"When I was manipulated by you, I could clearly feel where your chakra came from! This is also a risk of surgery! But you don't need to remember this anymore!"

Itachi looked at the pharmacist pocket and said.

"You taught me a lesson! Because no ninja can get rid of this technique! So I didn't worry about it at all! By the way, there is one thing I want you to remember! Even if you kill me, you can't stop the filthy reincarnation technique! But the only person who can stop this technique is me! In other words, you can’t kill me! Once you kill me, this technique can no longer be stopped!”

This is where Yaoshidou's confidence lies. He is not worried that Itachi will kill him at all, not to mention that Yaoshidou feels that his current strength may not be something Itachi can resist.

"The technique of reincarnation is not as unsolvable as you know, at least you should feel it, you can't control me and Nagato!"

Itachi said.

"By the way, I have a question. How did you get out of my control? According to the information I have, you can't get rid of reincarnation!"

This point has always been the place where Pharmacist Dou has doubts. Ever since Nagato and Itachi were reincarnated from his filthy soil, he has a feeling that he cannot fully control the two of them.

"It's very simple, as long as you know the seal order of the dirty soil reincarnation technique, you can release the control of the dirty soil reincarnation technique in reverse!"

Itachi said calmly.

"How do you know the seal sequence of the reincarnation of the dirty soil!?"

Pharmacist asked with a drastic face change.

"Following Mr. Logan, you will come into contact with many secret arts that others cannot. Although I didn't deliberately learn it, I still know the way to restrain those arts!"

Itachi said.

"Logan? That's no wonder!"

"However, Itachi, do you think you can beat me in your current state!"

The pharmacist stared at Itachi and asked.


"It seems that I am not as simple as running from time to time!"

At this time, Sasuke got rid of the crow's entanglement and came to the cave, and Sasuke was the target of Yakushidou, which made him very excited.

"Sure enough, I can't solve it as I wish! Really!"

Itachi said helplessly that he really didn't want Sasuke to be involved in this, but it was too late, Sasuke was no longer the kid who let him fool him.

"I caught up with you! Why did you come to this kind of place!"

Sasuke came behind Itachi and asked.



Sasuke saw the eyes of Yakushidou hidden under the cloak, the sharp eyes were the same as Orochimaru, making Sasuke think that Orochimaru was resurrected.


"Not exactly correct!"

The pharmacist said with a chuckle.

"This voice is a bag!"

Sasuke heard that the owner of the voice was not Orochimaru, but the pharmacist who used to be Orochimaru's follower. This discovery made Sasuke relax a lot.

"The reward for assisting in the war actually came to the door in person at this time, so lucky!"

Yaoshidou was very excited. If he caught Sasuke here, then the masked man would not be so effective to him. On the contrary, he would have many backhands to counter him.

"What do you mean? Why are you here?"

Sasuke still didn't understand the situation.

"The situation is a bit complicated, why don't I give you a simple explanation!"

The pharmacist said.

"You just explain, I will take the time to stop the reincarnation of the dirty soil!"

Itachi was ready to strike.

"This technique has no weakness and no risk, Itachi, I really want to explain this to you. In short, I think you can do it, but Sasuke will not just sit idly by!"

"If you are too anxious, maybe you can't stop what you could have stopped!"

The pharmacist said.

"Dou, answer the question!"

Sasuke said angrily.

"It seems that I have to say it! But it's no wonder, Sasuke, when you fell asleep after transplanting your brother's eyes, something earth-shattering happened in the world!"

The pharmacist said.

"It was Hobby who started the war, right?"

Sasuke also found some problems along the way.

"You seem to know something, um, that's right, the Fourth Ninja World War, A Fei and I and the Ninja Kingdom of Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and Thunder, the five major nations assist each other to form a ninja The alliance confronts and is fighting!"

Pharmacist said proudly.

"Enemies against the five major powers? How can you deal with it alone!"

Sasuke didn't believe Yao Shidou's statement, Akatsuki knew that there was no one left, and Yao Shidou didn't even have any subordinates, he didn't believe that such two people started a war.

"Of course I can handle it! The mass-produced number of Baijue is as high as [-]! In addition, I awakened the reincarnation army of the dirty soil, the predecessors of Jinjiao, Yinjiao, and Wuyin Village Ninja Seven, the former Wukage, and Uchi Wave Madara, plus a large number of Ninja village powerhouses, list names one by one, I'm afraid I can't finish!"

"Even your brother standing over there was reincarnated from my filth, how about it? Didn't expect me to be good here, did you? It's just that it was all Uchiha Madara's plan in the first place!"

If all said.

"What do you mean?"

Sasuke asked.

"Just like you, because he hates the ninja world, he made the Eye of the Moon plan!"

The pharmacist said.

"Moon Eye Project?"

"Using ten tails to cast a huge illusion on the whole world, so as to dominate the world, for this he needs Naruto's nine tails anyway, and Kirabi's eight tails, and now I'm afraid that Madara is in order to get them. The battlefield is full of killings!"

The pharmacist said excitedly.

"Heh, the Eye of the Moon Project! Stupid people, you will never know that you are just a pawn in someone else's chessboard. This is the end of the explanation, and the pharmacist's pocket is over!"

Itachi took a step forward, and didn't want to let the words go any further.

(End of this chapter)

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