The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 685 Uchiha Madara

Chapter 685 Uchiha Madara (two in one)

When the two brothers Itachi and Sasuke were facing Yakushidou, the Nasoki, who had been unknown since his resurrection, broke out in this battle. Dirt Reincarnation Troops.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Zhishu has shown his strength in front of outsiders, and countless people have been shocked by Shengshu's strength.

"Wood Escape Secret Technique: The Tree Realm Comes!"

Facing the powerful thrust of the third generation of Raikage, Sheng Shu chose to use the descending of the tree world to stop the third generation of Raikage, and the effect was still very obvious.

"Wood escape secret technique! You are the first Hokage Senju Hashirama!"

The second generation Dokagemu looked in shock at the rope tree that looked almost the same as Senju Hashirama, and regarded the rope tree as Hashirama.

"The first generation of Hokage is my grandfather! I am Rope Tree!"

Naruki stood in front of the team majestically and said.

"There are still people in the Senju Clan who can use Mudun, but I really want to remember that the grandson of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama died during the ninja war!"

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki also looked at Naoki in shock. He was the only one among the ninja allied forces on this battlefield who had seen Senju Hashirama. When he saw Nakoki for the first time, he also thought it was Senju Hashirama resurrected. up.

"It turned out to be the grandson of Senshou Zhujian! I didn't expect you to inherit your grandfather's Mudun. Konoha has gained a lot of power!"

Second Mizukage looked at Nawaki and said.

"My Wooden Dungeon was awakened by Master Logan for me, otherwise it would be impossible for me to do it by myself, and I was also resurrected by Master Logan!"

Sheng Shu told the whole situation without any concealment.

"Logan? Who is that? It can resurrect the dead and awaken the blood!"

Second Mizukage asked curiously.

"It is said that he is a stronger ninja than the first generation of Naruto Senjujuma. He is proficient in all ninjutsu including blood-stained boundary and blood-stained elimination. He is currently the most powerful person in the ninja world!"

Three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi said.

"Is there such a person? Where is he on the battlefield? I really want to meet this most powerful person!"

Second Mizukage said excitedly.

"It's just you? Get rid of this heart! Someone who is stronger than Senshou Zhujian, you can only be killed in seconds!"

The Second Dokage sarcastically said.

"Bastard! Don't forget, I was the one who killed you back then, and I was killed by a second, and you were killed by a second, you are not as good as me!"

Second Mizukage countered angrily.

"We are going to die together, there is no one who kills who! Don't take yourself too seriously!"

Second Tsuchikage said calmly.

"So who is this Logan? Where is he? If you can get in touch with him, tell him to stop us. It's very difficult for you to stop us!"

Third Raikage said.

"My lord will not participate in this war, he has stronger enemies to face!"

Rope Tree said.

"He won't participate in the war that concerns the life and death of the ninja world? What kind of enemy made him give up here!"

Second Tsuchikage asked in surprise.

"We don't know either, but we know that it came from outside the sky. My lord is now stopping the enemy from attacking the earth!"

Zhishu pointed to the sky and said.

"Aliens? Are there really aliens?"

Second Mizukage said with emotion.

"not good!"

The Second Tsuchikage suddenly moved and launched an attack on the Ninja United Army.

"Onoki, stop me!"

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

The third Tukage saw the action of the second Tukage and knew that the opponent was going to launch the dust escape, and immediately blocked it with the same dust escape.

"Hell Assault · Four Books Consistent!"

At the same time, Raikage also launched an attack. Hell Spike is the most powerful attack method of the three generations of Raikage, and almost no one can resist it.

"Wood escape, wooden dragon!"

Shengshu immediately activated the wood escape secret technique Wood Dragon, in order to entangle the third generation of Raikage and prevent him from causing casualties to the United Ninja Army.


The Hell Spike really deserves to be the strongest attack method of the third generation of Raikage. Even the extremely tough wooden dragon was destroyed by the third generation of Raikage, but Raikage's castration was also greatly reduced.

"Wood escape·entanglement!"

Shengshu then wrapped the limbs of the third Raikage with a wooden escape, restricting the movement of the third Raikage.


"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

The second generation of Tukage uncontrollably launched the dust tunnel again, destroying the wooden tunnel wrapped around the third generation of Raikage.

"Ninja Law: Steaming Dangerous Explosive Power!"

The second Mizukage, who has never acted, has also launched a very tricky ninjutsu at this moment - steaming danger blasting power, which is a ninjutsu that can explode infinitely.

It is the second generation Mizukage who uses the oil and water in his body to create a child-like clone.The right arm of the avatar can branch out a giant sword, which is extremely fast and agile, and can fly freely in the air.The shape of a child is made of oil, and the inside is just water. It is easy to heat and cold. Once it moves, the oil on the surface will be heated rapidly, causing the water inside to evaporate, causing a water vapor explosion, and then turning into hailstones. Cool to shrink in size.Get ready for the next explosion.

The more the avatar moves, the greater the heat, and the water in the body will start to evaporate at a rapid rate. After the hailstorm stops, the water vapor will explode again, and it can circulate infinitely.The weakness is that the main body will be weaker for a period of time after each explosion.

"It's troublesome, this is a ninjutsu that the second generation of Tsuchikagemu has a headache, everyone be careful, this clone will explode at any time!"

Third Tsuchikage Onogi warned.

"Kazekage, the second Mizukage will be left to you to deal with! I will deal with the third Raikage!"

Rope Tree said.

"Can you do it? The third Raikage is very powerful!"

Gaara asked.

"Don't worry, I still have ways to use, so be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Nakoki rushed towards the third generation of Raikage.

Zhishu is also very powerful now, at least above the shadow level. Logan has specially trained Shengshu for a long time, and he has almost learned the wood escape secret technique, but there is no way to compare it to Qianshu in terms of immortality. It takes a little time to enter the fairy mode as quickly as the hand column.

"Little devil, you have to be careful. I have the strongest spear and the strongest shield. Ordinary attacks can't break through my defense. If you don't have any good solutions, I advise you not to be brave!"

Third Raikage warned.

"I know! Your hell thrust is indeed very powerful, almost unstoppable, but I also have the strongest blow taught by Mr. Logan, I believe it is enough to break your defense and seal you!"

Rope Tree said with full vigilance.


"Hell Spike·Three Hands!"

Before Lei Ying finished speaking, his body rushed towards the rope tree uncontrollably. The speed can be said to be as fast as lightning, and I can't defend against ordinary people.

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

Naoki directly used one trick of Huang Quannuma to limit the speed of the third generation of Raikage. It is not necessary to face head-to-head when fighting. The key is to use every ninjutsu to win the greatest victory with the smallest cost. The move was done very well.

"Little ghost, I can think of using this trick to limit my speed. It's a good job, but it's not enough!"

After the third Raikage praised him, the thunder-attribute chakra on his body immediately became violent. The raging thunder-attribute chakra even destroyed the Huangquan Swamp that besieged him. attack.

"Little ghost, find a way to stop me, or I will kill you!"

The speed of the third Raikage was even faster, turning into a blue lightning, and rushed to the front of Naoki with lightning speed.


With a soft sound, Sandai Raikage's fingers penetrated Nawaki's body.

"Little devil, don't blame me, I said, if there is no way to stop me, run away!"

The third generation of Raikage said with a bit of displeasure.

As one of the former Five Kages, he was used as a tool to kill people, and he was unable to resist. This made the third Raikage very upset, and he only hoped that someone could seal him quickly.

"Caught you!"

The rope tree that was thought to be hit hard turned out to be just a wooden clone, and the clone grabbed the third Raikage tightly.

"Armed Finger Explosion!"

When the avatar captured the third generation of Raikage, the main body of the rope tree used the armed color domineering that Logan taught him. This move is to destroy the enemy's body from the inside. Destroying the body of the reincarnation of the dirt is the most useful , the third generation of Raikage was destroyed by this move, and temporarily lost his mobility.


Seeing that Raikage III had temporarily lost his mobility, the people in the sealing team immediately went forward to seal Raikage III.

"Little devil, I saw the shadow of the first Hokage Senjujuma from you. You did a good job! I didn't expect that you would destroy me from within my body. No one has ever done this before! I hope you can protect this world well! "

The third generation of Raikage was sealed after saying this sentence.

"Master Naoki, that's amazing! You actually defeated the third generation of Raikage-sama by yourself. You must know that the third-generation Raikage-sama once fought fiercely with tens of thousands of ninjas for three days and three nights before dying of exhaustion. I didn't expect to be defeated by you!" Defeated!"

The ninja with Konoha said excitedly.

"It's not only my credit, it's all done together, and the third generation of Raikage-sama is not willing to fight with us. If he is here, I don't think it will be so easy to defeat him!"

Rope Tree said modestly.

"How about the other shadows?"

Nasuki took a deep breath and asked.

Although the battle with Raikage was not long, it was extremely dangerous. Raikage's speed, attack and defense are all top-notch, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger of death. In addition, Naoki participated in the battle for the first time after being resurrected. It was such a large-scale battle, so I felt a little out of strength for a while.

"The second generation of Tsuchikage and the second generation of Mizukage have been sealed by the third generation of Tukage-sama and the fourth generation of Kazekage-sama! At present, our enemies here have been defeated!"

Said the ninja beside the rope tree.

"That's okay! The third Tsuchikage and the fourth Kazekage are not injured, are they?"

rope tree asked.

"No, the two adults are fine, just take a short rest!"

The dragon ninja replied.

And Yakushidou, who was "heart-to-heart" with Sasuke and Itachi, also discovered the situation on the battlefield. It's time to release Madara, but it will take a little time to psychic Madara, and Sasuke and Itachi are still eyeing here, although They haven't fought yet, but it's coming soon. The two also want to get some information from themselves, otherwise they would have fought long ago. Pharmacist Dou is also happy to accompany the two to delay the time. Then you can deal with Sasuke and Itachi with all your strength.

"It still takes a little time, as long as this time is passed, Sasuke will be mine!"

A greedy gleam flashed in Yaoshidou's eyes.

However, in order to delay the speed of the Ninja United Army, Yakushidou took advantage of Sasuke and Itachi's inattention, and dispatched a large number of dirty soil reincarnation troops to the Fourth Alliance Army.

However, due to the large number of ninjas, many of them are weak chickens, but it also caused some troubles for the United Ninja Army. After all, many of them are relatives and friends of the ninjas of the United Ninja Army. Their behavior is out of control, and they are also close to themselves People brought harm, and also caused some losses to the United Ninja Army.

But as a tool to delay time, the Dirty Soil Reincarnation Troop did play its due role, buying the time that Medicine Master should have.

"Spirituality: The Art of Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the reincarnated troops of the dirty soil, the second generation of Tukage psychically brought Madara out.

"I didn't expect it to be you!"

The second generation of Tukage looked at the people inside the coffin in shock.

"That kid Nagato has grown up! Has he already been able to do this?"

Madara came out of the coffin and said.

"You are... the Second Dokage!"

Madara looked at the person in front of him and said.

"This magician who uses dirt reincarnation understands war very well, and even used you!"

The Second Dokage said.

"Reincarnation from dirty soil? Isn't it a natural technique of reincarnation?"

Madara asked in surprise.

"Ninja character protects the forehead, but the ninja costumes are different from the five major countries. Is it a new legion of the coalition?"

Madara and Second Tsuchikage came to the front of the Ninja United Army, and Madara looked at the Ninja United Army below and asked.

"Because this is war!"

The Second Dokage said.

"After all, that guy did it, so there must be his considerations! It is estimated that his plan did not go well! He actually resurrected me in this way! Who is the magician who reincarnated from the dirt?"

Madara was very upset at this time, and he was resurrected by the reincarnation of the dirty soil, instead of using the reincarnation technique to resurrect him as planned before.

"I am Dou, his assistant!"

Yao Shidou controlled the second generation of Tsuchikage and said.

"Talk to me through the reincarnation of the dirt, it's really dark!"

Ban said.

"Your reincarnation in the dirt is specially prepared for you! Your power now is even greater than in your prime!"

The pharmacist said.

"You, have you seen my victory period?"

Madara looked at Nidai Tsuchikage and asked unhappily.

"No, so now, please let me see and see! The power of the Uchiha legend!"

The pharmacist said.


When Yakushidou was talking to Madara, Gaara wanted to grab the two of them with sand, but they easily dodged them.


Madara jumped off the rock and said domineeringly.

Unexpected enemies of the Ninja United Army appeared, and the legendary characters were resurrected. This is quite dangerous. Even if tens of thousands of Ninja United Army faced a Uchiha Madara, these people did not have any sense of security. The real battle begins now for a strong man who is as strong as the first generation of the God of Ninja Hokage Senjujuma!

(End of this chapter)

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