Chapter 687 Peak (Two in One)

Everyone stared blankly at Madara absorbing Naruto's Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken, which greatly appealed to their imaginations. Naruto also looked into Madara's eyes in shock, filled with disbelief, and fear spread throughout the ninja union. In the hearts of the army, Uchiha Madara's power is far beyond their imagination.

Especially some Konoha ninjas, they seem to have returned to the day that they regarded as the end, the day when Payne destroyed the entire Konoha, what those eyes brought them was endless pain and torture, and became a part of their hearts. An indelible nightmare.

"This, this is why! Why did his eyes turn into reincarnation eyes!"

Naruto said with a gaping mouth.

"As I guessed, the acme of Sharingan is Samsarayan!"

Yakushito saw Madara's reincarnation eyes through the eyes of Nidai Tukage.

"I only opened my eyes before I died. Your name is Dou, right? What have you done to my body!"

Madara looked at Second Tsuchikage and said.

"Didn't you say it? Make your abilities even better than in your heyday!"

The pharmacist said.

" actually got the secret of my body! You, a rat who can't decipher the Uchiha stele, actually cracked my secret!"

Madara said very annoyed.

"I'm just trying to establish a hypothesis based on the experimental data of Mr. Orochimaru and me for many years! But now, you have proved my hypothesis, Sage of the Six Paths, I can finally use the power I created for you to get a glimpse of him. God's power!"

The pharmacist said proudly.

"Don't get me wrong! You didn't create this power!"

While talking, Madara resorted to the double-faced Susanoo, this is a magnified move!

"Attention! What is Madara going to do!"

Shisui who defeated Madara's clone reminded loudly.

"No matter what he did, defeat him first!"

Nawaki, who also defeated Madara's avatar, said.

In this battle, Shengshu's strength is very eye-catching. The reappearance of the wood escape secret technique has brought confidence to many people. Many people are looking forward to the wood escape to defeat Madara again, but this is what they want more Now, the current Madara is worse than the peak Hashirama, not to mention far inferior to Hashirama's Rope Tree.

"Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

The ninjas of the United Ninja Army looked at Madara vigilantly, and found that there was nothing unusual. Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly found that the sky had darkened. When people looked up, despair spread in everyone's hearts.


The sound of weapons being tuned to the ground.


"how is this possible!"

"What exactly is this!"

"Our strength is not in the same dimension!"

"God's power?"


Everyone looked up at the huge falling meteorite in the sky, and they had no idea of ​​resistance at all. The scope of the meteorite was huge, and no one could escape its shadow before it fell.

Only then did people realize how strong this legendary ninja is. In their opinion, he has surpassed the level of human beings. He can even summon meteorites from the sky. Who else can defeat him!

"Meteorite? How come!"

"Is this also ninjutsu?"

"I can't escape at all!"


As the meteorite got closer and closer, most people had almost given up, completely waiting to die.

"It's not over yet! What are you talking about? Are you planning to throw away your life in vain? Find a way to do what you can!"

As expected, Tsuchikage Onogi has experienced four ninja world wars, and his psychological quality is also extremely strong. Just when Onoki was about to act, a person appeared.


"That's... Lord Logan!"

"Great! We're saved!"

"Master Logan may not be able to block the meteorite!"


Logan's sudden appearance brought people hope for life, and Logan couldn't just watch so many people die. Although he already felt that Otsutsuki's enemies were coming, he still came to stop the impact of the meteorite on the Ninja United Army.

"Madara, this is a bit too much!"

Logan held the meteorite in one hand and looked at Madara and said.

"Logan, are you trying to stop me? I just want to test your strength! The last time we met I was still an old man with little fighting power. Now it's different, with an immortal body and infinite chakra. Plus my reincarnation eyes, Logan, what do you think you have a chance of winning!"

Madara stared at Logan and said.

When Madara was dying, the humiliation that Logan brought to him was something he had never experienced in his life. At that time, Madara swore that once he came back from the resurrection, he would find Logan to settle the score. Now Logan appeared in front of him , gave him an urge to wash away his shame, and wanted to defeat Logan here in front of the Ninja United Army.

"I don't need to do anything to stop you! It's just that these two meteorites are too intrusive! That's why I'm here, and I have stronger enemies to deal with!"


As Logan's voice fell, the two huge meteorites covering the sky disappeared in front of everyone, and the Ninja United Army felt like they were surviving after a catastrophe. At the same time, they worshiped Logan even more in their hearts. The meteorite that made them helpless was easily destroyed by Logan.

"And you! Yakushidou, now Itachi and Sasuke have found you! Then your failure is in sight, let the second-generation Tukage in front of you return to the world of the dead!"

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


Logan grabbed the neck of the Second Dokage with his left hand, and pressed the second Dokage's head with his right hand.

"Human Road!"

Everyone saw a soul floating from the head of the second generation of soil shadow, it was the soul of the second generation of soil shadow, a flash of light, the soul of the second generation of soil shadow disappeared, and his filthy reincarnation was given by Logan Lifted.

"Lord Logan! Please defeat Madara!"

"Yes, my lord! Help us!"

"Lord Logan, with you here, none of us are afraid!"

"Master Logan..."


The ninjas of the United Ninja Army shouted loudly that they pinned their hopes entirely on Logan.

"Although I also want to help you, it's a pity that an enemy stronger than Madara is coming! I have to stop him from the earth, otherwise no one knows how much damage it will cause to the earth, but you Don't worry, Madara will help you defeat it!"

"The history of ninjas has gone through thousands of years, during which various powerful enemies appeared, and finally the ninjas defeated them. This time I believe you can do the same! I will stop my enemies from the earth , As for the Madara and Akatsuki organization, I will leave it to you! I believe in you, just like you believe in me!"

Logan looked at the Ninja United Army and said.

"An enemy stronger than me? Logan, are you kidding me? But there is someone stronger than me! Even you will not be my opponent!"

Madara stared at Logan and said.

"Uchiha Madara, you think too highly of yourself, and look down on me too much! It has been almost 20 years since we first met, and a lot has happened in these 20 years, even my strength is still the same as when we first met Likewise, you are no match for me!"

"If you become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, you can bring me some threats, but now, although it is a bit troublesome, it is not difficult for me to defeat you!"

Logan shook his head and said contemptuously.

"Really? Then let me see how strong you are!"

Madara rushed directly to Logan without saying a word. Logan's contempt made Madara very upset. From childhood to adulthood until his own death, no one dared to speak to himself in this tone, let alone despise himself.


Madara's heavy punch was easily blocked by Logan.

"You are far behind me in physical skills! You have chosen the wrong opponent!"

Logan said while clutching Madara's fist.

"Really? I hope you will always be so relaxed!"

Although Madara was angry, she did not lose her mind. Madara has experienced countless battles, and in addition to constantly playing tricks in her later years, no one can surpass her in terms of mentality and reason.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Logan didn't want to waste time with Madara here, the enemy was already very close, so he wanted to use Shenluo Tianzheng to flick Madara away. Unexpectedly, Madara also wanted to use this move to flick Logan away. The two used Shenluo Tianzheng at the same time, but it was just Logan was still in place, and Madara was bounced away, and then Madara rushed over again. In his opinion, he was just one step slower than Logan, so he was bounced away.

"Since you insist on this, then I will play with you! Let you know that your strength is only relative!"

Logan looked at Madara who rushed up again and said.

"Logan, I was just careless before, I will let you understand how powerful Uchiha is!"

After speaking, Madara began to attack Logan continuously. It can be seen that Madara did not hold back his hands, and he was not in a teasing mentality like when he was fighting Shisui and Natoki.

After all, Logan also has the eyes of reincarnation, and Madara also discovered that Logan's eyes of reincarnation are different from the ones he had seen before. When he saw Logan, he had the same purple eyes of reincarnation, but now Logan The samsara eye turned golden, and changed from Liugouyu to Jiugouyu, which made Madara feel very dangerous, so Madara didn't dare to relax or slack off.

Because for Madara, if he can't defeat Logan, even if his Moon Eyes plan succeeds, it won't be a real victory. He wants to stand at the highest point of the ninja world as before, but with the past The difference is that he doesn't want to have another existence that is evenly matched with him, like the former Qianshouzhujian.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

A huge fire dragon with a length of [-] meters appeared and roared towards Logan. The scorching temperature seemed to ignite the air.

"Hungry Ghost Road!"

The huge fire dragon was absorbed by Logan, and did not pose any threat to Logan, and if it wasn't for the combined ninja army behind him, Logan would have ignored Madara's fire escape at all.

"Don't do useless work! We all have the eyes of reincarnation, and ninjutsu is useless to us. If you want to defeat me, use physical skills! Although you have no chance!"

Logan looked at Madara calmly and said.

"Yeah! Ninjutsu is useless!"

Madara also understood what Logan said, but Madara had never seen the ability of Logan's Samsara Eye, and it was different from his Samsara Eye. The fire escape just now was just a temptation.


Madara used the full body of Susano this time. In front of that huge body, the Ninja United Army seemed like ants.

"Is it the perfect Susanoo? That's right, even if you don't have the eyes of reincarnation, you can use it with your familiarity with the eternal kaleidoscope!"

Logan looked at the huge Susanoo and said.

"In that case, Susano!"

Logan also used Susano, but Madara's Susano is blue, and Logan's Susano was blue before, but now it has become golden yellow, and Uchiha Madara's is completely blue. The body Susanoo's weapon is a sword in the wings, while the weapon of Logan's full body Susanoo is a long sword in the right hand, and a round shield with a short sword embedded in the weapon in the left hand.

"Everyone withdraw from this battlefield!"

Logan ordered the Ninja United Army.

The battle between two full-body Susanoos is no joke. The aftermath of the battle can kill a large number of ninjas. Ordinary ninjas simply cannot survive the aftermath of the battle between the two.

"Everyone retreat to the rear!"

Gaara, who is the commander of the Fourth United Army, immediately ordered.

After receiving the order, the ninjas of the United Ninja Army immediately evacuated to the rear, trying to stay away from the battlefield of the two people. The current battle is no longer the time for them to intervene.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


When the United Ninja Army was retreating, Logan shot Madara's Susano in a direction away from the United Ninja Army.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Logan controlled Susano to keep up with Madara, and the battle between the two started again. The intensity of the battle at this time was far beyond people's cognition. Any obstacles in front of the two would be destroyed and turned into powder. The huge momentum shook the sky.

Even though the Fourth United Army moved away from the two at the fastest speed, it was still affected by the aftermath of the battle. The ground was cracked, the mountains were broken, and the terrain of the battlefield here was also completely changed during the battle between the two. , even the other coalition forces who are far away from the battlefield here can feel the horror of the battle between the two.

At this time, Madara can be said to be at his peak state. Coupled with his immortal body and infinite chakra, Madara can be said to be fighting without any scruples, and every attack contains all of Madara's strength.

On the other hand, Logan is able to fight with ease. Although Madara is very strong now, even showing strength beyond his own, it is just a little troublesome for Logan. If he wants to really bring a threat to Logan, only This is still far from enough.

Although the physical strength and chakra of the reincarnated Madara will not decrease, the mental exhaustion cannot be relieved. Now Madara already feels tired. After all, it is an all-out battle. Although the time is not long, the height of the spirit Tension and concentration will also be fed back to the body, and at this time Logan has already felt that Otsutsuki's enemies are approaching soon, and he cannot continue this battle.

"The enemy has arrived! I also have an understanding of your strength, so come here!"

Logan put away Susano and looked at Madara and said.

"But before I leave, I will show you what it means to be strong!"

"Armed Boundary Breaker!"


"Crack clap..."

Logan's right fist was armed with color, a flickering Susanoo approaching Madara, and then blasted Madara's Susanoo with one punch!

(End of this chapter)

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