The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 688 The Strong Enemy Appears

Chapter 688 The Strong Enemy Appears
"what happened?"

"Did Lord Logan win?"

"The Susanoo is broken!"

"So powerful!"


The United Ninja Army looked at the broken Susanoo and the devastated battlefield in shock, and their hearts were full of shock. In their hearts, Logan was already a god-like existence, so powerful that they could not resist the complete Susanoo. They were blown away by Logan's punch. The scene at this moment made them unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

"Only by experiencing it personally can you feel the power of Lord Logan!"

Mizukage Terumimei sighed.

"Punching out that kind of desperately powerful Susanoo in the state of an ordinary person is no longer something that humans can resist!"

Lei Ying said.

"It's easy to destroy two huge meteorites, plus blow up Susanoo with one punch, only Lord Logan can do it!"

I love Luo said.

"Lord Logan is stronger than the original Hokage Hashima-sama!"

Tsuchikage Ohnoki said.

"Look, the battle seems to have stopped!"

Tsunade said, pointing to the distance in surprise.

"what happened?"

The other shadows also paid attention to the situation on the battlefield and asked.

"Madara, although I still want to continue, but time is no longer allowed!"

Logan looked at Madara standing up from the ruins and said.


Madara's mood at this time is extremely complicated. He thinks he is already very strong now, but Logan's punch just now almost shattered his confidence. The perfect Susanoo was almost blown away by that punch. Unexpectedly, this is also the first real confrontation between Madara and Logan, and it also makes Madara feel eager to become Ten Tails Jinchuriki.

"In the final analysis, you are not what I want to defeat! As a ninja, you forget the meaning of ninja, and you will find that your dreams are nothing but fantasy!"

Logan shook his head and said.

In fact, Madara is also a tragic character. He has been used by the hackers since the beginning. He was originally Konoha's hero like Hashirama, but he became Konoha's enemy. Thinking about it, Madara is just trying to let everyone live an ideal peaceful life.

"Logan, you are indeed powerful, but I am not at my strongest right now! After I become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, you will see my true strength!"

Madara, who was silent for a long time, looked at Logan and said.

"Really? Ten-tailed Jinchuriki is indeed powerful, but you who became Ten-tailed Jinchuriki are still you?"

Logan said with some regret.

"After I become Ten-tailed Jinchuriki, the power of the Sage of the Six Paths will be used by me! Then you will never be my opponent!"

Madara said firmly, as if to increase his confidence, after all, he could feel that Logan hadn't tried his best before.


"Huh? Is it already here!"

Just as Logan was about to speak, he suddenly looked up at the sky, and a huge fireball whizzed down, much bigger than the meteorite that Madara had summoned before.

"My God! What the hell happened!"

"It was a meteorite before, but this time it's a bigger fireball!"

"Did Madara do it?"

"Can Lord Logan still stop it?"


The unusually large fireball illuminated the world even brighter, and the United Ninja Army also discovered the existence of the fireball, and they could feel the unusual scorching sensation even more. The successive appearances of such powerful spells completely overturned their Three Views.

"Did Madara do it again?"

Tsuchikage Ohnoki asked in shock as he looked at the approaching fireball.

"Probably not, you see, Madara is also shocked!"

Tsunade said.

"Who did that?"

Lei Ying asked.

"It should be the enemy that Lord Logan said before!"

Gaara said uncertainly.

"Whoever it is, we're in big trouble!"

Mizukage Terumimei said.

Madara was also in a state of aphasia at this time, and the inexplicably huge fireball made him believe what Logan said. Madara and Logan, who were closer, could feel that it was not a simple fireball, but a fire wrapped in flames. Huge rocks fell from the sky like the sun, and the temperature was far higher than ordinary flames, and Madara could feel a strong burning sensation.

"The space is shattered!"

At this moment, Logan made a move, and there was a serious spatial dislocation in the position of the fireball, and then the entire fire meteorite began to shatter, and then slowly turned into ashes, without a trace of flame falling on the ground.


Suddenly Logan entered the Six Paths mode, with twelve black Taoist jades floating behind him, holding a magic scepter in his hand, and neither the Ninja United Army nor Madara could feel the existence of Logan.

"You, you can do it! How did you do it without ten tails!"

Madara looked at Logan in shock and asked.

"There are still many things you don't know! But now is not the time to explain it to you. My real battle is coming, so do it yourself!"

After Logan glanced at Madara, he ignored it. The Otsutsuki tribe who came this time was terrifyingly powerful. Logan could clearly feel that he was much stronger than Otsutsuki Ichishiki. It could be said that he was the most powerful person he had ever met. the enemy.

"Extreme Speed ​​Splitting the Sky!"

People saw from a distance that the still Logan suddenly moved at a speed that human naked eyes could not detect. The speed beyond the limit crossed the air and left a terrifying black crack. It was a space crack formed by the space being cut. , Logan is using extreme speed to increase his own impact. In the blink of an eye, Logan rushed out of the earth. Before the enemy reacted, he hit the enemy with a punch, and the enemy was knocked out in an instant. Logan followed closely .

"Nice punch!"

The enemy forcibly stopped the retreat, looked at Logan in surprise and said.

"who are you?"

Looking at the unscathed enemy, Logan asked, although he had expected that he would not cause too much damage to the enemy, but the enemy with any injuries still surprised Logan, the enemy is stronger than imagined .

"I am Zero Otsutsuki! I accidentally got a message that there is a person named Logan on Earth who will pose a threat to the Otsutsuki family. In order to get rid of this threat, I have come. I can feel that you are on Earth. The most powerful existence, you should be that Logan!"

The man who claimed to be Otsutsuki Zero looked at Logan and asked.

"Yes, I am Logan! You Otsutsuki clan are like parasites. They are too dangerous for this universe and must be eliminated!"

Logan looked at Otsutsuki Zero and said.

"Parasite? How dare you say it! It's an honor for you to be able to provide Chakra nutrients for Otsutsuki! The existence of a lowly ethnic group like you, if it is not for Otsutsuki's gift, you are nothing!"

Otsutsuki Zero said proudly.

"Gift? Who said that to your face! Stealing the life force of other planets to provide you with Chakra, you call it a gift, you can imagine how shameless your Otsuki clan is!"

Logan said without giving in.

Otsutsuki's arrogance is really innate. In their eyes, except for Otsutsuki's clansmen, other races are inferior existences. This is indeed very irritating!

(End of this chapter)

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