The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 690 Beyond the Peak

Chapter 690 Beyond the Peak ([-]) ([-] in [-])

Logan looked around vigilantly. He didn't believe that Zero Otsutsuki was dealt with in this way. Although the move just now was powerful, it was far from enough to eliminate Zero Otsutsuki. He was seriously injured, and at this time he couldn't find the figure of Zero Otsutsuki, which meant that this guy must have been hidden, and he was going to give Logan a big move.

"Otsutsuki Zero, I know you're fine, come out quickly! Don't hide your head and show your tail like a mouse!"

Logan irritated.

Logan's knowledge and knowledge were maximized, but no trace of Otsutsuki Zero was found, as if he was really killed by Logan.

"This is troublesome, it seems that the Datongmu clan are not all arrogant people!"

Otsutsuki Rei's cautiousness disrupted Logan's plan. Logan was planning to face head-to-head with Otsuki Rei. After all, Logan was immortal, and Logan would definitely win in the end.

Judging from the few Datongmu clansmen that Logan has come into contact with and understood before, Datong Mutaoshi belongs to the arrogant and arrogant generation, who is too lazy to play tricks with you, while Datongmu Jinshi is completely reckless, and Datongmu Yishi It is also a head-to-head ruthless, only Datong Mokpo style is slightly different, but he is still very proud in his bones. He will not bully or disdain the weak, and he will not back down when facing the strong. It's a frontal collision.

But Otsutsuki Rei is different, he just appeared very arrogant, he looks like I am the best in the world, but judging from Logan's several fights with him, that is just Otsutsuki Rei's intentional expression Paralyzed Logan's.

In fact, Otsutsuki Zero is very difficult to deal with, powerful, thoughtful, and extremely cunning. All actions seem to be reckless, but in fact they hide their scheming in order to anger Logan, make Logan careless, and let Logan be careless. He has the opportunity to deal a fatal blow to Logan.

But what he didn't expect was that Logan was indeed angered, but because of his ignorance of Logan's abilities, Rei Otsutsuki fell into a predicament, and his plan was disrupted. Coincidentally, their strategies almost same.

But in the collision just now, Rei Otsuki saw Logan's difficulty, and Rei Otsuki chose to back down temporarily, which forced Logan to change his strategy.

"Do you think I can't do anything if you don't come out! You really know so little about me!"

Logan was about to use the ability to go back in time to check the traces of Reiji Otsutsuki, and Logan raised his hands to summon the long river of time.



Just as Logan was about to summon the River of Time, a terrifying cry suddenly interrupted Logan's movements.

A space crack appeared behind Logan, and the cry came from the space crack, and then a huge tailed beast jade appeared, and the target was Logan.

"Bastard! This guy is too insidious! I can't hide from him!"

Behind Logan is the earth. If he avoids it, the earth will be hit head-on by this huge tailed beast jade. Not to mention the casualties, a large part of the earth alone may be destroyed.

"Logan, I admit that you are very powerful! This Tailed Beast Jade is my apology for my contempt for you, you have to accept it well!"

Otsuki Rei's voice came from the space crack, and at the same time the space crack became a portal, and Otsutsuki Rei walked out from it.

At this time, Otsutsuki Zero's appearance has completely changed. He is wearing an energy robe, his eyes are golden white eyes, and the golden reincarnation eye is opened on his forehead. There is a huge swelling jade on the back, which is different from the Otsutsuki peach style and Pu style. Yes, there are no black lines on Zero Type's body, and his appearance has not undergone a huge change. People who have not changed are neither human nor ghost.

The aura on his body completely disappeared, but the feeling of terror hit Logan's heart. This Zero type is really different from other people. Maybe Otsuki Zero type is the perfect Otsutsuki tribe. Momo type and Pu type are still evolving On the way, it can be seen that Otsutsuki Zero has a higher status!
"Using the space ability to transfer such a large tailed beast jade is a bit difficult! And there is no time, so I can only take a risk!"

Logan ignored Otsutsuki Zero Type and concentrated on coping with the difficulties in front of him. When Logan was thinking about countermeasures, Tailed Beast Jade had already come to Logan.


Suddenly, Logan yelled, and Logan changed again. The black and white robe on his body turned into gold, and the seeking jade also turned into gold, but the golden Jiugouyu reincarnation eye in Logan's right eye turned purple, and the one in the left eye turned purple. Liugouyu has become Jiugouyu, which is Logan's current strongest state.

"Reincarnation Deprivation!"

Logan caught the huge Tailed Beast Jade with both hands, and his whole body was pushed by the Tailed Beast Jade to fall to the earth. The Jiugou Jade in Samsara's eyes began to turn rapidly, with a hazy light shining on his hands, and the twelve Taoist Jade behind him changed It became twelve giant hands to block the tailed beast jade together.

"It's useless! This tailed beast jade is completely different from other tailed beast jades, Logan, you can't resist it!"

Seeing Logan struggling to block Tailed Beast, Otsutsuki Zero said with a chuckle.


Logan didn't have time to pay attention to Otsuki Zero Type, and was concentrating on dealing with this huge tailed beast jade. Logan was pleasantly surprised to find that the deprivation ability of the reincarnation eye can actually deprive the energy of the tailed beast jade, which should be the evolution of the reincarnation eye As a result, it's just that the speed of deprivation is still not fast enough.

"I can't go on like this, I have to think of other ways!"

While thinking about it, Logan thought.

The Tailed Beast Jade pushed Logan into the Earth's atmosphere, and was rapidly falling towards the Earth. Although in the process, the Tailed Beast Jade was gradually getting smaller, it was far from enough.

"He can absorb the energy of the Tailed Beast Jade?! This guy's ability is really weird, but it's useless. Even if he can absorb the energy of the Tailed Beast Jade, he can't completely absorb it before the Tailed Beast Jade falls to the ground. Although it cannot completely destroy the earth, it is enough to cause huge damage!"

Seeing that Logan was able to absorb the energy of Tailed Beast Jade, Otsutsuki Zero-style's eyes shrank, but he was relieved immediately.

"By the way, there is still my mark of Flying Thunder God in that place! You can transfer this tailed beast jade there, so that not only can the crisis of the earth be resolved, but also potential threats can be eliminated!"

Logan suddenly thought of a planet he had been to before coming to Naruto World, but the planet was full of weird bugs, devouring everything, turning a planet into a death star, Logan still wanted to wait for his own reincarnation After fully evolving, look for an opportunity to eliminate those bugs. At this time, Otsutsuki Zero's Tailed Beast Jade just gave Logan this opportunity.

"But that planet is too far away, I don't know if I can feel that imprint!"

Logan was a little worried. Before escaping, Logan left the imprint on the nest of the female worm. The distance between the stars was too far, and Logan had never tried to teleport at such a long distance.

"By the way, I can combine the Flying Thunder God with the space ability. I roughly remember the location of the planet. I just need to open the space channel. It should be easier to feel the imprint. This should be fine!"

Logan thought.

At this time, Logan and the Tailed Beast Jade had already appeared in the sky above the Ninja United Army. Although there was still some distance, the Tailed Beast Jade would soon fall to the ground. They also found the huge tailed beast jade on their heads, and everyone stopped fighting, staring blankly at the tailed beast jade that was getting closer.

The huge tailed beast jade almost covered the entire battlefield. If it exploded, let alone a ninja, I am afraid that even the earth would not be spared, and people were completely stunned.

"Then, what is that!"

"Just kidding!"

"Where did such a big tailed beast jade come from?"

"Is this God trying to destroy us!"

"Is it the end of the world?"


The ninjas of the United Ninja Army almost collapsed. Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, and Ten Tails have almost tossed the entire ninja world. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tail beast jade that can destroy the world suddenly appeared. , and let people live.

"That's Logan?!"

Madara looked solemnly at the golden figure standing in front of Tailed Beast Jade and asked.

"It should be! Didn't you say that he went to stop a more powerful enemy?"

Obito stood beside Madara and said.

"Who is this enemy? He has such strength!"

Madara's heart was filled with shock. Once such a terrifying Tailed Beast Jade exploded on the earth, no one would be spared except for the few reincarnated people and Obito present. This is a blow to the world!


Obito didn't answer. He knew it was Heijue's fault. He had discussed with Logan before, and he felt that the enemy Heijue summoned should not be too strong, otherwise Heijue would not be able to deal with it at all, but he didn't expect that the enemy who came would be It is much stronger than the first style that Logan faced for the first time, so things are very troublesome.

"Who is that?"

The first Hokage Senju Hashima, who was reincarnated and revived by Orochimaru, looked at the golden figure and asked.

"Grandpa, that's Lord Logan! He's blocking enemies outside the territory!"

Nawaki next to Hashirama said.

"Brother, this Logan is stronger than you!"

The Second Hokage Senju said, looking up at the Tailed Beast Jade who was getting closer.

"Master First Generation, Master Second Generation, let's help Lord Logan together! If the Tailed Beast Jade falls to the ground, no one in the United Ninja Army will be spared!"

Said Hiruza Sarutobi, the third Hokage who is still alive and well.

"We can't do anything at all, Lord Three Generations, and you see, the speed of Tailed Beast Jade is getting slower and slower, we can only trust Lord Logan!"

The fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is also in the state of reincarnation in the dirt.

"The fourth generation is right. To be honest, I can't do anything about such a huge tailed beast jade. I can only look at Logan's!"

Qianju Zhujian nodded and said.

"Minato, can't you take this opportunity to transfer the Tailed Beast Jade?"

The Third Hokage asked.

"No, such a huge tailed beast jade, no matter where it falls on the earth, the earth will almost be destroyed, unless it is transferred outside the earth, but I can't do it at all!"

Namikaze Minato said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Look, Logan has taken action!"

Qianshou Feijian said suddenly.

I saw that the Taoist jade that turned into twelve giant hands behind Logan changed again at this moment, and turned into a huge golden shield. Of course, this is not a shield to prevent the tailed beast jade from exploding, but to prevent people from being killed by the black hole. The shield was sucked away, and after continuous efforts, Logan finally found the planet where the mark was located.

However, it is difficult for such a large tailed beast jade to be transported by flying thunder god alone, so Logan is going to use the method of adding flying thunder god to the black hole in space. The existence of the black hole can shorten the distance of flying thunder god's imprint, so that Logan's consumption would be greatly reduced, otherwise the consumption of transferring such a huge tailed beast jade would be astonishing.

"Flying Thunder God Exile!"

As soon as Logan's voice fell, a black pattern symbol appeared in the air behind the tailed beast jade, and then a black hole began to appear, the falling speed of the tailed beast jade was slowly stopped, and then it began to approach the black hole continuously.

"I'll give you some food!"

Logan exerted strength with both hands at the same time, injecting the energy of the previously deprived tailed beast jade into the tailed beast jade again, and the tailed beast jade became much larger. This is because Logan was worried that the energy of the tailed beast jade would not be enough to kill the beast. A female worm, the strength of that female worm is also extremely powerful, if it is not unable to escape from the air environment, I do not know how many planets will be destroyed by it.


The huge Tailed Beast Jade disappeared, leaving a space where the black hole was still in place.


The huge suction force of the black hole pulled everything on the ground, as if it was going to swallow everything.


With Logan's order, the black hole disappeared, and the danger brought by the Tailed Beast Jade was relieved by Logan, but Otsutsuki Zero Type was still outside the earth.


Logan in the air did not fall, but directly cast a psychic spell in the sky.



A resounding phoenix cry sounded, Xiao Shi's huge figure appeared above the battlefield, ten beautiful feathers danced in the air, Xiao Shi, who had regained his full body, showed his moving posture in front of the world for the first time, Noble, elegant, gorgeous, all attract people's attention.

"That's it, Xiao Ten?"

Tsunade looked at Ten in the sky in shock and asked uncertainly.

"Isn't it? Isn't Xiao Shi always the little one?"

Nasuki opened his mouth wide and said.

Xiao Ten appeared in the early stage, and then left with Itachi. After Itachi's fake death, Xiao Ten returned to Logan's house and never appeared again, so only a few people knew about Xiao Ten.

"That's Logan's Ten Tails?"

Spotted with an ugly face whispered.

"I didn't expect that the bird that has been following the weasel turned out to be a ten-tailed beast!"

Obito also looked at Xiao Shi's figure in shock. Before, he wondered why Itachi had been carrying such a beautiful bird, but now it seems that Logan left it to Itachi to protect him.


Logan gave a soft drink, and Xiao Ten's figure immediately turned into a dazzling mass of light, and then wrapped Logan up. After the dazzling light disappeared, Logan changed again, and the gouyu on the golden robe on his body disappeared. No, it turned into a vivid little ten. At this time, Logan has entered the real peak state!
(End of this chapter)

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