The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 691 Beyond the Peak

Chapter 691 Beyond the Peak ([-]) ([-] in [-])

"It really is a difficult opponent! The trial process is over, it's time to get serious!"

Logan moved his aching body and whispered.


A space portal appeared in front of Logan with a wave of his hand, and then he stepped in without looking back, ignoring the relieved Ninja United Army behind him, and Logan disappeared under people's gaze.

"How powerful is the opponent of the adult!"

Zhishui looked at the place where Logan disappeared and murmured.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that it is much more dangerous than us here! We have many companions here who can support each other, but the lord has only himself on the other side, and from the enemy's blow just now, it can be seen that, The strength of the enemy is beyond imagination, if we are by your side, we should only drag you down!"

Kakashi said.

"Everyone has seen it! In order to protect us, Lord Logan is now facing an extremely powerful enemy from outside the territory alone. In order to let the Lord feel at ease against the enemy, we have to get rid of Uchiha Madara and Akatsuki here, and let their The Eye of the Moon project is shattered! This is the only thing we can do for Lord Logan now!"

Three generations of Naruto Sarutobi said loudly on the battlefield.

"Three generations of Hokage are right. We all have our own battlefields. Madara is indeed very powerful, but our Ninja United Army has wiped out almost all of their subordinates! There are only two bosses left. Let them see the Ninja United Army awareness!"

Three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi stood up and said.

"Yes, the United Ninja Army will win!"

"Down with Madara!"

"Destroy them!"


The momentum of the Ninja United Army was encouraged to rise again, but Madara's face was ugly. He didn't care much about the Ninja United Army. He was stimulated by Logan and wanted to play, but at the moment he just wanted to play. I want to resurrect as soon as possible, and then become Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails, and activate the infinite monthly reading.

"Damn Obito, it's a little out of control! If you want to implement the plan, you have to find the time!"

A dark light flashed across Madara's eyes, he thought.

"The plan needs to be accelerated! Whether Logan wins or his enemy wins, it will cause great obstacles to our plan! We must launch the Moon Eye plan before their battle is over!"

Madara and Obito said.

"I know! Don't worry, everything is under my control!"

Obito said in a neither salty nor light way.

Although Obito said so, he didn't see any action from him, which made Madara very upset, but now he can only suppress the unhappiness in his heart, because it is not convenient for him to do it.

Logan has also returned to his battlefield outside the earth, and Otsutsuki Zero has been waiting for Logan there.

"You are really special! I have lived for countless years, and I have never met an enemy as special as you! You will become a disaster for Otsutsuki! I can't let you live!"

Otsutsuki Zero Type looked at Logan who came out of the space portal and said.

"You can be regarded as a relatively high-status existence in the Datongmu clan, right? You actually sent out to deal with such an unknown person like me! You really think highly of me!"

Logan glanced at Otsutsuki Zero and said.

"You are not an unknown person, you are famous in the Datongmu clan! You will not forget what you did with the Serre royal family, right? We have been looking for you for a long time! I never thought you would be in such a primitive place. planet!"

Otsutsuki Zero Type looked at Logan and said.

"Is it the royal family of Serre? It happened a long time ago! I pulled out one of your chess pieces, which makes you very upset!"

Logan looked at Zero Tsutsuki with a half-smile and said.

"Heh, it's just a useless bastard, but even though it's a bum, it's not something you, an inferior race, can move! I shouldn't be the one who came here, but I'm curious about you, what kind of person is it? People are destroying the layout of the Otsutsuki clan one after another, after seeing you, I understand that things are far from that simple!"

"You attacked Otsutsuki's clansmen, and it has something to do with your eyes, right? You need Otsutsuki's power to make your eyes evolve to the highest level?"

Otsutsuki Zero Style looked at Logan's Jiugouyu reincarnation eyes and said.

Logan's eyes froze slightly. He didn't expect his intentions to be discovered by Otsutsuki Zero, but it didn't matter anymore. The evolution of Samsara Eyes had reached the final step. Otsutsuki Zero was his last supplier, but in Before capturing the power of Otsuki Zero, Logan still needs to learn some information about the Otsutsuki family from Otsuki Zero.

"I have come into contact with many races, but there has never been any race that is as evil as the Otsutsuki family! Taking the life force of other planets for your use, this kind of racial destruction poses a great threat to the entire universe, and there are countless races Was it completely destroyed by you?"

"Your longevity is based on the destruction of other races. No matter who encounters this kind of disaster of racial destruction, they will not sit idly by! As long as I am on the earth, I will not let you turn the earth into a planet. Death Star!"

Logan looked at Otsutsuki Zero and said.

"You lower-class people should feel honored to contribute to our longevity! Otsuki is a family loved by the heavens, and has talents and strengths that you can't imagine!"

"The Otsutsuki clan has existed since the beginning of the world. Even the newborn children of the Otsutsuki clan are stronger than your so-called jounin. We don't need to practice. As we grow older, our strength will automatically increase. This is something that cannot be done by any race. Made it!"

Otsutsuki Zero Type said proudly.

"I know this, and I also know that you Otsutsuki Zero can be resurrected by leaving a 'wedge'! This is one of the reasons why your disgusting race can last for so many years!"

Logan said deliberately.

"You know so much!"

Otsutsuki Zero Style changed his expression and said.

"I know more about you than you can imagine. I also know where your clan is! It's just that I'm not sure to destroy your race now, otherwise we would have met long ago!"

Logan continued to stimulate.

"It seems that I really can't keep you! Your existence has seriously threatened the Datongmu clan. Even if you die together, I can't let you live!"

Otsutsuki's good mood was completely broken, especially after Logan revealed the existence of "Wedge", which made Otsutsuki Zero-style afraid. "Wedge" is Otsutsugi's biggest secret. If this secret is cracked, The continuation of so many Otsutsuki clans will pose a great threat. Judging from what Logan said, he probably knows the "Wedge" very well, and may even know how to restrain the "Wedge".

"Otsutsuki Zero Style, you are right about one thing, I really need your power to evolve my reincarnation eyes, so no matter who comes, it will end in a dead end, I also deliberately lured you here,' I have almost understood the existence of 'Wedge', and I also roughly know how to deal with 'Wedge'!"

"I've been looking for you for decades! I'm finally going to fulfill my long-cherished wish today! Otsutsuki Zero Type, it's your misfortune to meet me, and your longevity is coming to an end! I don't know how many planets are Destruction is in your hands, but today, you will fall in my hands!"

"Besides, the reason why I have been nagging you for so long is to lock you here! Your family has a strong ability in space, but this space has been completely stripped and locked by me! Today, either you die or you die!"

Logan came to the outside of the earth in advance to wait for the arrival of Otsuki Zero, not only to prevent damage to the earth, but also to lock Otsuki Zero here. Otsuki's space ability is very strong, and they cannot be allowed to have any The opportunity to escape, otherwise it will be difficult to evolve the reincarnation eye.

And it is very likely that many Datongmu's clansmen will come to besiege him at that time. Don't even think about the evolution of the reincarnation eye, and Logan will be folded in their hands. This time, Logan must fight to determine the world.

"Have you chosen a grave for yourself? As long as you like it!"

To Logan's surprise, after hearing what Logan said, Otsutsuki Zero Type did not have any mood swings, but instead looked like he was sure of winning. This made Logan full of doubts and vigilance, and Logan felt that things It's not that simple, he doesn't have any slack, the prey is in front of him, and he must not make any mistakes. This is related to whether he can leave the two-dimensional world and return to the three-dimensional world. Logan is ready to fight, and the battle is quick. .


Logan didn't speak anymore, and he changed his mind when he was late, and he started directly. Even if he was sure, it would be more reassuring to hold it in his hands.


The long black sword in Logan's hand slashed at Otsuki Zero Style. The sword contained palpitating power. Now it was not a trial, but a real battle to the death. Whoever had reservations would be courting death.


Two long sticks appeared on Otsutsuki Zero Style's hands, and they held Logan's sword at once, and the violent collision caused waves of ripples in the surrounding space.

"It's strong enough, but not enough!"

Otsutsuki Zero said with a smug smile.

"Really? Are you sure?"

Logan asked with a wicked smile.

"not good!"

Otsutsuki Zero Style's expression changed drastically. He felt a strange force seep into his body along his long stick, and began to destroy the inside of his body. At first, the force poured in slowly. In Otsuki Zero Type's body, Otsuki Zero Type hadn't felt it yet. After Logan broke out, that force also exploded. Logan had already spread this strange power around Otsutsuki Zero Type before. , slowly penetrated into his body.

When Logan attacked, this force also exploded, and Otsutsuki Zero was caught off guard.

"Eight rounds!"

A hole suddenly appeared in Otsutsuki Zero's chest, and the blood mixed with tyrannical force rushed towards Logan.

"Shenwei · Void!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Logan urgently used his divine power to avoid Otsutsuki Zero's self-destruct attack.

"Careless! You've been deliberately trying to get me to talk, that's why!"

Otsutsuki Zero-style stared at Logan with an ugly face and said, the injury on his chest healed in an instant, Logan's blow did not cause any major injuries to him, and Logan also understood that it was just for revenge on Otsutsu Wood zero type.

"I've never been one to talk nonsense to my enemies in battle!"

Logan said succinctly.

"Reincarnation Explosive Kill!"

Datongmu Zero threw several runners at Logan with a gloomy expression. The blades of the runners were very sharp and the speed was extremely fast, easily cutting the space and causing waves of ripples. Logan was reinforced and locked, and had already been cut open by Otsuki Zero.

"It's to me..."

Logan just wanted to say it was useless, but found that the several wheels were locked on him tightly, and unless they were destroyed, he couldn't avoid it at all.

"Hide! Keep hiding! This move will never stop unless it hits the enemy!"

Otsuki Zero type said bitterly.


Several runners in flight were suddenly trapped by transparent space covers, and then the power of time and space played a role, and several runners were reduced to pieces.

"The power of time and space! You have perfectly mastered the power of time and space!"

Otsuki Zero Type was shocked. He didn't expect Logan to have mastered the power of time and space. This is tricky. Few of the Otsutsuki clan can master the power of time and space. Many people in the Otsutsuki clan have mastered time and space. ability, but no one can use time and space in combination, it's not that no one has tried, but it's not successful at all, and some people even lost their lives because of this, and they didn't even have a chance to leave a "wedge".

"There are so many things I have mastered!"

Logan said disdainfully.

Logan is bragging. How can the power of time and space be so easy to grasp? He is just bluffing. Regarding the power of time and space, Logan can only use a few tricks, but it is enough for the enemy.

"Tides of time and space!"

A long river gushed out from the void, roaring towards Otsutsuki Zero Type.

"A move with such a slow attack speed, you and he underestimated me!"

When he heard that it was a time-space move, Otsuki Zero-style felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, but after seeing the speed of the time-space river, Otsutsuki Zero-style was no longer worried.

"Is it?"

Logan smiled wickedly.


"No, why can't I escape!"

Otsutsuki Zero knew why Logan laughed. This move was the same as his own reincarnation explosion, but it was much more terrifying. At that time, the countless waves rolling on the long river of space and time turned out to be terrifying time and space blades. Involved in it, even if you don't die, you will lose half your life.

"Bastard! Fight!"


Otsuki Zero Type had no choice but to resist this move, and saw Otsutsuki Zero Type put his hands together and shouted. Suddenly, Otsuki Zero Type emitted a dazzling light, and the whole space began to vibrate slightly. Space cracks appeared in the space that was reinforced and locked by Logan.

"Shen Kong Feather Split!"


Otsuki Zero roared loudly, and the space-time tide collided violently with Otsuki Zero, and the big explosion that shattered the void almost destroyed this space!

(End of this chapter)

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