The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 693 Beyond the Peak

Chapter 693 Beyond the Peak ([-]) ([-] in [-])


A violent fluctuation washed away the previous smoke and dust, and Obito, who had completely mastered his self-awareness, revealed the lineup at this time, holding a six-way scepter, eight Dao-seeking jades behind him, and a row of Go-yu runes in front of him. What Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails should look like was only a semi-finished product before, which is completely different.

"It's emotional trouble, it's a bit beyond the plan!"

Obito opened his eyes and thought about his state.

Obito and Logan's previous plan did not turn Obito into Ten Tails Jinchuriki, but the gear of fate still brought Obito back to this road, and Obito is now a little entangled in what he should do.

"The old guy doesn't know what he's doing? It was ruining the world before, but now it's completely quiet! What should I do next?"

Obito, who returned to his original consciousness, looked at the sky and thought tangled up.

"It seems that I have become the biggest BOSS, do you want to fight to the death with the United Ninja Army?"

Obito looked at the Ninja United Army waiting in full battle, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"I didn't expect you to become the Jinchuriki of the ten tails. It seems that you are still going to go the old way!"

Suddenly, Logan's voice sounded in Obito's mind.

"Old guy, what should I do? Are you going to kill me?"

Obito asked eagerly.

"No need, Naruto and Sasuke will find a way to stop you, hold on, Madara's resurrection can't be stopped! You may have to experience death once, but don't worry, it's fine with me, but I have to solve my problem The enemy can help you later, now you can only rely on yourself, and Naruto and Sasuke need your help to get the power of the old man of six paths, go on according to the plot! After the matter here is resolved, you can be with Lin !"

Logan's sound transmission was intermittent, and muffled hums could be heard in the middle, which showed that his battle outside the earth was not smooth, and the Otsutsuki Zero Type caused him a lot of trouble.

"I see, old guy, you have to hurry up, I have a bad feeling!"

Obito said.

"Okay, I'll try my best not to tell you, I'm in trouble here too!"

After speaking, Logan's voice disappeared, Obito took a deep breath, and could only continue.

And Logan did encounter a lot of trouble at this time. The strength of Otsuki Zero Type far exceeded Logan's expectations, mainly because the ten tails brought by Otsutsuki Zero Type were mature and complete, and they were different from Otsutsuki Zero Type. After the combination, the threat caused is far beyond what can be compared with one plus one. Logan feels that the space lock he arranged has put himself in danger instead.

"Logan, you are called being clever but being mistaken by cleverness! You thought you locked me here, but in fact you trapped yourself! You have already killed one of our clansmen, and you have also caused us to lose an important one. With what you have done, do you think I will come here to die without investigating you thoroughly?"

"You think you are plotting against us! In fact, you are being plotted by us! You will never understand the true background of the Otsutsuki clan. In order to completely eliminate you, we have used more than one background! The Otsutsuki clan who is proficient in prophecy In order to see everything about you clearly, the elder was severely injured by the backlash of heaven and earth!"

"And I also brought one of the only two remaining mature ten-tailed bodies in the clan, this time you are completely dead! Logan!"

Otsutsuki Zero Shiki's eyes shone with a blood-thirsty light, and his tone was full of excitement and excitement.

"You really think highly of me! It feels like I'm going to die!"

Logan said with a sigh.

That's what he said, but Logan's tone didn't show any sense of tension or fear. This discovery made Zero Tsutsuki immediately vigilant.

He remembered what the Great Elder of Otsutsuki had said to him before he left. At that time, after the Great Elder tried his best to investigate Logan's information at the risk of his life, he informed the Otsutsuki clan of all the information he had obtained, and in Datong Before the elder fell into a coma, he called Datongmu Zero Form to him and gave him several instructions.

"Zero type, this Logan is not simple. Although I tried my best, I still haven't detected all his information. I don't even know how much of the information I have found. He is tightly wrapped in a cloud of fog. It seems that there is a mysterious force protecting him!"

"But I know that this Logan is very difficult to deal with, and he is the biggest enemy of our clan! Even our Otsutsuki clan will be driven into desperation because of this person! He must not be allowed to live!"

"Cough cough cough..."

The Great Elder's injury is very serious, he has already injured his source, and there is no possibility of recovery, even the possibility of resurrecting with a "wedge".

"Elder, don't worry, I will definitely kill Logan completely! No matter what method I use!"

Otsuki Zero type said firmly.

"No, you don't understand! Logan can't be killed! He has a more terrifying ability than our Otsutsuki clan. We need to rely on the 'wedge' to live forever. Logan relies on himself! His vitality is what we have never seen in our lives. I’ve seen it! You can’t kill him at all! What you have to do is to seal him and bring him back to the clan!”

"Use his power to cultivate the strongest sacred tree for us! As long as his secret is deciphered, our Otsutsuki clan can also achieve true immortality! There is no need for a 'wedge' anymore, no matter how important it is. All injuries will heal, and there is no need to worry about being killed!"

"Cough cough cough..."

"Also, if you can't seal him back to the clan, you must take his eyes back! A large part of his ability comes from his reincarnation eyes! His reincarnation eyes are 'God's eyes', the real 'God's Eye'!"

"Don't let him take your eyes, otherwise, once his reincarnation eyes evolve to the final form, no one will be able to defeat him! And by then, the secrets of our Otsutsuki clan will be known to him completely, so Otsutsuki The family is not far from being destroyed! Do you know that!"

The Great Elder of Otsutsuki firmly grasped Otsutsuki Zero Type's hand and said.

"Great elder, I swear in the name of the ancestor of Otsutsuki! I will definitely bring back the Logan seal! Even if something happens to me, the elder doesn't have to worry. Vicious curse, even if Logan gets my eyes, he will also become weak because of this curse, and then the clan can send someone to easily capture him back!"

Otsutsuki Zero has a very high status in the Otsutsuki clan, and his strength is also among the strongest. He and the perfect mature Jubi are dispatched to be foolproof, which shows how much the Otsutsuki clan attaches importance to Logan.

"Logan, I'll give you one last chance! Join the Otsutsuki clan and become a part of Otsutsuki. Then you will be able to stand at the highest point in the universe and look down on the world! Otherwise, you will only die!"

Otsutsuki Zero Type recovered from the memories and looked at Logan and said seriously.

Recruiting Logan Otsuki Zero Type is serious. He found that even if he uses all means, he may not be able to subdue Logan successfully, and he may even be in danger of capsizing. Therefore, Otsutsuki Zero Type wants to recruit Logan. Root brought to Datongmu's family land, then Logan will be at the disposal of Datongmu's clan.

"I'm afraid of heights, I dare not stand that high, and I feel safe standing on the ground, I don't want to go to such a high place, I can't afford to climb high for you Datongmu clan, no, it should be said that I won't be with you These parasites are in the same boat!"

"I said that as long as you Datongmu clan exist, this world will not be safe. I will feel at ease only if you are all dead, so you should die!"

Logan refused without hesitation.

Luo Gen doesn't belong to this world at all, and now he is one step away from returning to the three-dimensional world, how could Logan give up and return to his own world!What's more, Logan feels that his own world needs his own return, and there are people who are important to him waiting for him to go back. This feeling has recently become stronger and stronger.

"In that case, you will die!"

They are all top-level powerhouses, and they will not change their minds easily. Before trying to recruit Logan, it was just a try. Since Logan resolutely refused, there is nothing to say, let's continue to fight!

"The next thing is the battle of life and death! Logan, no matter whether I win or you win today, you will not get what you want!"

Otsutsuki Zero type touched his eyes lightly and said.

"You will never know my real means! Don't think that I don't know what you have done! No one can destroy what I want!"

"Reincarnation Split!"

Logan's reincarnation eyes are in the strongest half-step form at this time, which is barely able to be achieved after absorbing the Otsuki Mokura style, but there is a time limit, only two hours, and after two hours, Logan It will fall into a period of weakness, and this period is when Logan is the weakest.

"Samsara Split" is the latest ability of Logan's Samsara Eye. It is a branch of deprivation ability. It can split everything and destroy it from the atomic level.


Otsutsuki Zero made a painful roar, and his skin began to ooze blood in a large area, which was extremely terrifying, and the pain could not be described in words.


Otsuki Zero-style endured the severe pain and yelled, his arms were broken in response, and the injuries on his body were also healed visible to the naked eye. Otsutsuki Zero-style should have transferred Logan's attack to his arms and cut it off.


There was a huge explosion on the two severed arms, Otsutsuki Zero type stared at Logan with a livid face, and the hatred in his eyes seemed to tear Logan into pieces.

"Tsk tsk, really go for it!"

Logan didn't realize the culprit at all, and was still mocking there.

"Sky Shock!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind Logan.

The explosion of Otsutsuki Zero's arms just now was also Otsuki Zero's plan, and he took the opportunity to teleport behind Logan and launched an attack.


The hair on Logan's body stood up, and a huge sense of threat enveloped his heart. The attack and the sound came at the same time, and Logan didn't have any chance to evade.

"Puff puff!……"

Logan sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood, and Otsutsuki's zero-type attack was specifically aimed at Logan's body. Fortunately, Logan attached the internal organs with armed colors and did not suffer too much damage, but Logan was not injured for a while. Some have limited mobility.

"Arrogant soldiers must be defeated is the famous saying of you humans! It seems that your sister is studying hard!"

Otsutsuki Zero Type's arms have grown back at this time, returning Logan's previous taunt.

"Don't use this kind of sneak attack! It's useless to me!"

Logan said expressionlessly.


Otsutsuki Zero-style looked at Logan speechlessly, and was almost laughed angrily by Logan. He even sneaked up on him in a sneak attack. It was clear that Logan attacked him first, and now he made it look like he sneaked up on him. People are shameless. Invincible, Logan's thick skin is inferior to Otsutsuki Zero Type.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!..."

Otsutsuki Zero-style was too lazy to talk to Logan, he was so mad at him, he just did it, raised the giant knife in his hand and slashed at Logan vigorously, the one who got a giant knife by Otsutsuki Zero-style dance was Hu Husheng Wind, the knife exudes terrifying energy fluctuations, and that posture is that you die and I die.

"If the tiger doesn't show off its power, you treat me as Hello Kitty!"

"Time and Space Boundary Breaker!"

Logan was annoyed by Otsutsuki Zero-style's successive suppressions, he used his strength to separate Otsutsuki Zero-style's huge sword, and his backhand was a sword slash that shattered everything.


The space was cut open by Logan's blow, and the meteorite swept by the aftermath was easily turned into powder. Otsutsuki Zero's face changed, and he could see that this move had the power of time and space.

"Reincarnation Coercion!"


Otsuki Zero-style is not to be outdone, and the same move of reincarnation and coercion is far from what Otsutsuki Momoshi can match. Logan also found that this move of Otsutsuki Zero-style also contains the chakra of ten tails, otherwise It can't be enough to offset your own boundary breaking.

"Thousand layer cut!"

The giant knife in Otsutsuki Zeshiki's hand turned into a phantom, shooting out countless powerful chopping waves.

"Reincarnation Guardian!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A layer of transparent light shield enveloped Logan, the seemingly weak guardian light, but no matter how many chopping waves Otsutsuki Zero Type fired, it was all blocked.

"The Great Sun Tathagata Fist!"

Behind Logan appeared a huge Dainichi Tathagata made of energy. This move was inspired by Li Feng's Fudo Mingou Fist. When Li Feng used Fudo Mingou Fist, Logan still It was jokingly called Da Ri Tathagata Fist, but I didn't expect it to come true today.

Dainichi Tathagata's huge fist seemed slow but in fact it surpassed the limitation of time and space, while Otsutsuki Zero Style was completely suppressed by one move, and he could only watch helplessly as his fist, which was much bigger than him, smashed hard When he got to his body, Otsutsuki Zero Type felt that his bones were making noise.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Huge energy fists hit Zero one after another, and each one is heavier than the next. Every time Otsuki Zero-style boxing deeply feels that it is twice as powerful as the previous blow. If it continues, Otsutsuki Zero-style will feel himself Will be hammered into meatloaf.



With a loud roar, a huge animal body appeared from Otsutsuki Zero Type, and a giant hand resisted Daiinichi Tathagata's fist.

(End of this chapter)

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