The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 694 Beyond the Peak

Chapter 694 Beyond the Peak ([-]) ([-] in [-])

"Oh? Has it finally come out?"

Logan looked at the behemoth that resisted the fist of Da Ri Tathagata with great interest and said.

The huge scarlet Jiugouyu Samsara Sharingan, the ten tails swaying behind Otsutsuki Zero, and the tailed beast jade gradually formed in the mouth of the beast, all tell the identity of the giant beast, and the ten tails of the perfect mature body appeared in the world .


A huge tailed beast jade shot out from the mouth of Ten Tails, and went straight to Logan.

"Reincarnation Deprivation!"

Waves of energy waves emanated from Logan's eyes of reincarnation, quickly enveloping the ten-tailed tailed beast jade, and the tailed beast jade was fixed in the void like this, and then Otsutsuki Zero was surprised to find that the tailed beast jade actually slowly dissipated on its own.

"Is this the ability of Logan's reincarnation eyes? It is indeed not to be underestimated!"

Otsuki Rei stared closely at Logan's eyes of reincarnation, thinking in his heart how he could capture Logan's eyes. Otsuki Rei believed that as long as he could capture Logan's eyes, he would be able to defeat Logan at that time. It will be much easier.

Although Logan also used the reincarnation eye in the previous battle, but more of the ability of the ordinary reincarnation eye, Jiugou Yu's reincarnation writing reincarnation ability is rarely used, this time the use of the deprivation ability made Otsuki Zero a lot more vigilant , He felt that when the Tailed Beast Jade was deprived and decomposed, part of his own abilities were out of control. This discovery shocked Otsuki Rei very much.

It has already had a lot of influence on him without using his ability. If this ability falls on him, Otsutsuki Zero doesn't know what will happen. At this time, he can't think of any way to counteract this force. He can only deal with it carefully. He has memorized the fluctuations when the deprivation ability is activated, and once he finds a sign, he will avoid it as soon as possible. After having this idea, there are many loopholes in Otsutsuki Zero's attack.

"The evolution of the eyes will take some time. We must find a way to force Logan to use too much pupil power! Only in this way can Tenseigan absorb enough pupil power to evolve!"

"Don't be too hasty! It will be troublesome to arouse Logan's suspicion! As long as my white eyes evolve into Tenseiken, Logan will die! Don't rush, don't rush, take your time!"

Rei Otsuki felt that his white eyes were slowly changing, and he had a more accurate grasp of Logan's dynamics. This discovery made Rei Otsutsuki very excited. Reincarnation Eye and Reincarnation Eye, two top-level pupil techniques , Logan wants to fight, it will be a lot of trouble.

The change in the white eyes made Otsutsuki Reishi excited, but at the same time he couldn't restrain his emotions. Although the expression on his face did not change, the look in his eyes made Logan find something abnormal.

"This guy seems to be very concerned about my eyes! Since the deprivation was launched, he has been paying attention to my eyes. Could it be that the Otsutsuki clan is interested in my eyes?"

During the battle, Logan also noticed the abnormality of Otsutsuki Zero. When he looked into his eyes, besides fear, there was excitement and greed, obviously with ulterior motives.

"It seems that we must be careful! Don't let him detain your eyes! You need to add insurance!"

The more Logan observes, the more he confirms his guess. It can be said that most of Logan's special abilities are brought by these eyes. If the eyes are taken away, Logan's strength will definitely drop significantly, because In this way, Logan's protection of his own eyes is quite strict, and he has set up heavy restrictions on his own eyes after several years. It is not much easier to capture Logan's eyes than to seal him, but Logan has never been an arrogant person. Will be so arrogant that I believe no one can do it.

As long as there is a slight possibility, Logan will not let it go, and will definitely shoot 100% with all his strength. Now that he has discovered Otsutsuki Zero's ulterior purpose, Logan is ready to take the first step.

"Want to grab my eye? Then I'll grab your Nine Gouyu Samsara Sharingan first! Let my Samsara Sharingan evolve to its final form! This way I can have a greater chance of winning!"

Logan quickly thought of a solution in his mind.

After Otsuki became Kyuubi Jinchuriki, in addition to the changes in the white eyes, a Jiugouyu Samsara Sharingan was opened on the forehead, which is similar to Otsuki Kaguya's shape, the difference is that Otsutsuki Zero's white eyes are slightly flooded , there are signs of turning on reincarnation eye.

However, according to Logan's judgment, Otsutsuki Zero has not yet opened Tenseigan, but he should also have some abilities of Tenseigan. If Tenseigan is opened by Zero, it would be terrifying. Just thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle, and no one can imagine what will happen.

"Did Otsutsuki Zero himself evolve the white eyes to the verge of Tenseikan, or did he do so thanks to the power of the ten tails? I didn't notice it before, but now I carefully observe that the blue in his eyes is darker than before. !Could it be that he is forcing evolution into Tenseikan through combat?"

"No! He must not let his white eyes evolve into Tenseiken! Otherwise, my plan will go bankrupt! I must act first! I can't wait any longer!"

Logan also observed and affirmed that Zero Otsutsuki was using the help of fighting with himself to force Blindfold to evolve into Tenseiken. Once he was succeeded by Zero Otsutsuki, Logan's situation would be very critical.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

When the two opponents with their own ulterior motives were thinking about the countermeasures, the movements of their hands continued and became more intense. There were bursts of roaring sounds in this space, and the slightest space cracks appeared, and then quickly healed All of them showed that every move and style of the two of them contained extremely terrifying energy.

"This bastard seems to be absorbing the energy emitted by my pupil power!"

Logan found a trace of abnormality after using the color of knowledge and the eyes of Samsara Sharingan to the extreme. Every time he used the ability of Samsara Sharingan, he would feel that a trace of pupil energy suddenly disappeared. After carefully feeling It was later discovered that it was absorbed by Otsutsuki Zero's white eyes.

"The ability of this family is really weird! They can absorb the energy emitted by other people's pupils to evolve their own eyes! I can't wait any longer! Once he evolves into the Tenseigan state, it is very possible for me to deal with Tenseiyan and Reincarnation Eye at the same time. It will fall, and we must capture the reincarnation writing sharingan before Baiyan evolves into Tenseikan!"

A trace of determination flashed in Logan's eyes.

Through observation of Logan, it was found that when Otsutsuki Zero's white eyes absorb the energy emitted by his Samsara Sharingan, there will be an extremely short and almost undetectable stiffness in his actions. The time is very short, at most only one-tenth of a breath. time.

This stiffness may not be discovered if it faces other people, but for Logan, it is a very good opportunity to attack. Logan is going to use this one-tenth of his breath to launch a surprise attack.

"Reincarnation Deprivation!"

Logan suddenly launched his strongest pupil technique. According to Logan's calculations, the deprivation will create more time for himself. Although the results of the deprivation without contact with Otsutsuki Zero will be greatly reduced, Logan does not Care, and more importantly, create opportunities for your next move.

"not good!"

Otsutsuki Rei's complexion changed drastically, and he tried his best to avoid Logan's pupil technique, but he was still swept to half of his body by this force, and then Otsutsuki Rei felt that his ability was violently disordered, and his body He also trembled uncontrollably, and a huge sense of crisis enveloped Otsutsuki Rei's heart.


Otsutsuki Rei tried his best to resist Logan's pupil technique. At this moment, Otsutsuki Rei's full potential burst out, and at the same time he no longer concealed it. Baiyan began to absorb the energy emitted by Logan's pupil technique with all his strength, and Baiyan also quickly Evolving to Tenseikan, and seeing that Baiyan can evolve into Tenseikan in a few breaths of time.



Logan didn't give Otsuki Zero time to react at all, and appeared in front of Otsuki Zero instantly when the deprivation was activated, and directly stretched out his hand to cover the Samsara Sharingan on Otsutsu Zero's forehead.

"Reincarnation Deprivation!"

Logan desperately launched the deprivation ability with all his strength, vowing to capture the reincarnation writing sharing eyes of Otsutsuki Zero before Shibakan evolved into Tenseiken.


Rei Otsutsuki let out a scream of pain, his head seemed to be cracked, and the severe pain of reincarnation writing sharing eyes on his forehead stimulated Rei Otsutsuki's nerves, the kind of body part that was dug away by life The pain was unbearable for Otsuki Rei.


Otsutsuki Zero tried his best to resist, and tried to raise his fist to hit Logan, but Logan caught him with his left hand. At the same time, Logan used all his strength to suppress Otsutsuki Zero's movements.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!  …"

The screams in Otsutsuki Rei's mouth became louder, and blood flowed from Otsutsuki Rei's forehead and eyes, which was caused by the deprivation of Samsara Sharingan and the extreme evolution of Baiyan.

"I must be faster than Logan! As long as I succeed one step ahead of him, it is possible to keep the reincarnation Sharingan!"

Rei-shi Otsuki endured the bursts of pain from his forehead, and competed with Logan for time. Now it's up to whoever succeeds first. Hitomi power, because the two have been in direct contact, and Otsutsuki Zero's full force, the evolution of Baiyan is faster.

And because both of them had exerted their full strength at this time, the energy collision made this space extremely unstable, and even the space lock set by Logan was completely destroyed, and even the earth was slightly shaken by the collision between the two. Trembling, the people on the ground were also suppressed by the two terrifying forces and couldn't move.

"Fa, what happened?"

"Okay, okay, a lot of pressure!"

"Is the world going to end?"

"I feel like I'm suffocating!"


Countless ninjas tried their best to look up at the sky, and what caught their eyes was the collision of two terrifying forces that had never been seen in their lives, one blue and one red. It was clearly night, but it was like day. There was no cloud in the sky, but there was a terrifying blackness everywhere. Cracks, the shadow of death hangs over everyone's hearts. They feel that if the two forces in the sky do not win, they may be the first to be oppressed to death.

"One of the powers belongs to the old guy! The other power is his enemy! What kind of enemy is it? It made the old guy fall into this situation! But it also temporarily delayed Madara's resurrection!"

Kami Obito lying on the ground had been successfully defeated by Naruto and Sasuke at this time, and was about to activate the natural technique of reincarnation to revive those ninjas who died because of him, when he was controlled by Heijue and wanted to resurrect Madara. At this time, a change occurred on the battlefield, and Obito could clearly feel that one of the forces belonged to Logan.

"What's the matter with this pressure? Damn Logan! You always make trouble for me at critical moments! After I become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, I will liquidate it with you!"

At this time, Madara was about to launch the technique of reincarnation, and this accident made Madara very angry.

"You won't get it!"

Otsutsuki Zero said vigorously.

"Then it depends on whether you are fast or I am fast!"

Logan said without giving in.

Logan could feel that the evolution of the left eye was coming to an end, and the sense of stagnation when using the pupil technique was gradually disappearing. Because of the strengthening of the pupil power, the use of deprivation became more convenient. At this time, the evolution of the two eyes It's all at the final stage, it depends on who can finish first.

"Madara's resurrection has been temporarily prevented! Before this pressure passes, we must find a way to stop Madara! Otherwise, once Madara is resurrected, the Moon Eye Project cannot be stopped!"

The first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama stared at Madara who was forced to give up the seal, and kept thinking about countermeasures, trying to prevent Madara from resurrecting, but the time was too short. Before Hashirama thought of a way, the pressure suddenly became stronger. suddenly disappeared.


Immediately afterwards, there was a huge explosion sound from the sky, and the red and blue light group disappeared.


There was a terrifying wave of energy from both of them, and they were bounced away at once. Logan's reincarnation writing wheel flashed red, and Otsutsuki Zero's Tenseiyan burst into blue light. The two completed it at the same time. The evolution of the eyes, but the reincarnation Sharingan on the forehead of Otsutsuki Zero gradually lost its light, and then closed forever.


Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After opening them again, he saw that Logan's Samsara Sharingan was constantly changing from the normal state to the highest Jiugouyu Samsara Sharingan state, and the colors were also in gold, purple and purple. The red color only changed, and after a while, it gradually stabilized and completely turned into the purple Jiugouyu Samsara Sharingan.

Logan didn't choose gold, mainly because it was too coquettish. The reason why he chose purple was for no other reason than to distinguish it from the Jiugouyu Samsara Sharingan of the Datongmu clan.

"Ah! This feeling is so wonderful!"

Logan made a sound comfortably, and Otsutsuki Zero stared at Logan with a livid face. Although his white eyes had also evolved into Tenseikan, it would be good news if it was another time, but Logan's eyes had evolved to the ultimate level. The strong form made Reiji Otsutsuki unhappy, and even the newly promoted Tensei's eyes were full of hatred and rage.

(End of this chapter)

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